I received this survey in the mail, retyped it (somewhat abbreviated) here with my responses (I put my answers here in green. The blue text is mine, but I did not actually write it on the survey as I did not have room):
1. Rate the following in terms of relative importance to you (1 = most important and 4 = least important):
1 The harmful effect of PORNOGRAPHY on individuals, families, and communities.
1 The harmful effect of SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES on individuals, families, and communities.
1 PROGRAMS HARMFUL TO CHILDREN, including age-inappropriate materials in libraries, indecent outdoor advertising, indecent broadcasting, etc.
1 Programs that undermine or distort TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY, including the agenda of activists to normalize and promote homosexual and other harmful behaviors.
2. Are you aware of CCV’s Web site, CleanHotels.com, through which you can book hotels that do not offer hardcore, sexually-explicit pay-per-view movies? yes
Have you used the site? no
3. Rate the following in terms of the degree to which you feel that your family and community are threatened. (1 = Serious Threat; 2 = Mild Threat; 3 = No Threat)
1 Public school “diversity” programs
1 Hate crimes legislation
2 Corporate domestic benefits programs*
1 Public school sex education programs that equate homosexual households with traditional families
1 Special rights laws
*The reason why I only put “2” for corporate domestic benefits programs is that all the rest are harmful government legislation, whereas corporations should be allowed to (even through it is very wrong) have such programs. It is their money—they should be allowed to do with it what they want, but we should boycott them if the programs include same-sex sexual partnerships or unmarried domestic sexual partnerships.
4. In which of the following issues affecting family values would you like to see CCV more active?
√ Sanctity of life/Abortion - This is the most important political issue.
√ Human trafficking - No one else is talking about except CCV.
__Expansion of legalized gambling - Getting rid of government-sponsored gambling, such as lotteries is more important than criminalizing it.
__Evolution/Intelligent Design/Creationism - I am a creationist, but none of these ideas should be promoted by government, but this should be left up to parents to decide.
__Abstinence Education – I am in favor of CCV helping parents to educate their children about abstinence. I am against teaching children how to “safely” fornicate themselves, but government does not have the right to coerce parents into abstinence education either. This should be left up to parents to decide.
√ School Choice – Should be absolute.
√ Candidate Information - CCV does a great job of this—especially on abortion.
__Voter Registration
__Cable Choice (unbundling the cable channels that come into your home) - This should be left up to the free market. Local communities should have the right to block offensive programs in their area. Christians should boycott any cable carriers which willingly broadcast filth whether it’s unbundled or not. CCV could play a role in informing the public about which carriers are anti-family.
√ Other Eminent Domain – I am against it.
5. Do you currently receive CCV Perspective e-mails? no – I elected not to because most of the information I would hear from someone else anyway.
6. A. Do you receive the Citizens’ Courier? yes
B. Do you read the Courier? yes, thoroughly
C. Do you respond to Action Steps? sometimes
D. Are there issues or other types of articles that you would like to see covered in the Courier? Citizens should be protected against illegal searches and seizures (without a warrant), and arrests and detentions without being charged with a crime.
7. In this presidential election year, rate each of the qualities, characteristics or issues below in terms of their relative importance in choosing our president. (1 = Essential; 2 = Important; 3 = Not Important).
1 Pro-life - without exceptions is essential.
3 Will work for passage of a Federal Marriage Protection Amendment – The President should, rather, appoint judges who would uphold the Defense of Marriage Act, giving each state the right to not recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.
1 Embraces his Christian faith
3 Has a plan for achieving energy independence – This should left up to free market forces.
1 Believes in school choice
1 Has a record of reducing taxes
3 Dedicated to continuing the global war on terror – I am against a general “war on terror”. Wars should be officially declared on specific nations and only the nations who are responsible for violating the sovereignty of the U.S. The war in Iraq is wrong and we should focus on taking military action against Osama Bin Laden and the other top leaders of Al Qaeda. We should not try to police the world of all terrorists.
1 Believes reducing illegal immigration should be a priority
3 Will work to save Social Security and Medicare - I would rather support a candidate who would get rid of these!
1 Opposes government-run health care system – Medicare is a government-run health care system!
2 Will direct the Attorney General to enforce obscenity laws – There should be no national obscenity laws—this is beyond the scope of federal government. However, the states should pass laws regulating filth on the internet and if these laws are violated across state lines, then the Attorney General should take steps to see that they are enforced.
3 Insuring health care for children – This should be left up to free market forces and charities.
3 Increasing the minimum wage – This should be left up to free market forces.
8. Based on the information that you have at this time, which candidate seems to best meet your criteria? Ron Paul
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