America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Why Ford Motor Company is terminally ill
Its decline & doom is due to PC
The Ford Motor Company has chosen its path. It has chosen the broad path of political correctness. In their desire to appease and please the tiny moneyed minority of homosexual activists and organizations they have snubbed their nose to a great many people who potentially would buy their products. So firmly do they decide to stick to their perverse principles that they do it at their own peril. I will not buy a Ford vehicle, nor would many other Americans participating in an unpublicized boycott of the now 3rd largest automobile manufacturer in the U.S.
Tom Blumer, writer on the article, Old Media Continues to Hide Major Reason for Ford's Free-Fall, writes, “… The (automobile) industry's overall decline in unit sales was 2.5%. Considering Ford's drop and its 14.8% market share in 2007, that means the other car companies collectively sold less than 1% fewer vehicles than they did the previous year.
“What's going on? In 2007, Ford decided that it's slavish devotion to politically correct causes was more important than trying to stay Number Two overall and maintaining the Number One brand. Toyota didn't just pass Ford, it left the Dearborn-based company in the dust, selling an astonishing 234,000 more vehicles.
“Old Media continues to look the other way and make excuses for Ford . . . , as the American Family Association's boycott of the company (what I call "The Biggest Boycott Never Reported," now up to over 775,000 signers) over its open support of homosexual rights, events, publications, and causes enters its 23rd month. In that time, I estimate that Ford's sales have fallen about 16%.
“I have previously estimated that the AFA boycott is impacting the buying decisions of 15-20 million adults making up at least 10% of the potential market (Cliff's Notes: The AFA has 3 million members who influence 3-5 other adults; the dozens of other pro-family organizations that have signed on to the boycott are also influencing millions).
“The idea, in the face of the hard sales numbers, that the AFA boycott is not a factor that continues to merit no mention in Old Media reporting has gone well beyond absurd.”
Frankly the boycott is working and will hopefully continue to draw new boycotters. What Ford has done has necessitated this line in the sand stand. On its current path the Ford Motor Company will continue to decline and will be out of business in less than a decade. To save the company and all those high paying American jobs, Ford Motor must shed its silly allegiances and alliances to the perverse political correct crowd, reject its current managements’ policies and purge itself of its present leadership. If it does this it will once again regain its sense and sensibilities, rejecting political correctness because it is wrong. Doing so will be one key step toward its turnaround and its return to being a great American enterprise again.
Please add your name to the Ford boycott petition by clicking here.
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