WallBuilders.com has just published a two-page voter guide just in time for the South Carolina and the Nevada primaries. I used the WallBuilder Voter Guide as the basis for the following comparison. Unfortunately WallBuilders like nearly everyone else ignores the candidacy of Duncan Hunter, who is the best candidate by far of all GOP and Democrat candidate in the race with the possible exception of Ambassador Alan Keyes. Keyes, himself, like Hunter is merely a blip, if that, on the political and main stream media radar screen.
I target the following three issues that are probably near and dear to South Carolinian/Nevada voters:
· The Iraq War – does this candidate oppose immediate removal of troops from Iraq?
· Gun Rights – does this candidate oppose an assault weapons ban?
· Limit Taxes – has this candidate signed the Americans for Tax Reform (AFTR) Pledge to not raise taxes?
Here is how the candidates line up on these three issues:
GOP Candidates---Iraq War---Gun Rights---Limit Taxes
Rudy Giuliani----------Yes------------No---------No-----1
Mike Huckabee--------Yes-----------Yes--------Yes-----3
[Duncan Hunter-------Yes-----------Yes--------Yes-----3]
Ron Paul----------------No----------Yes--------Yes-----2
John McCain-----------Yes----------Yes---------No-----2
Fred Thompson--------Yes-----------Yes---------No-----2
Mitt Romney----------Yes------------No---------No-----1
Only Duncan Hunter and Mike Huckabee get a 3 indicating that they oppose immediate withdrawal from Iraq, oppose control of assault weapons and have signed the No New Taxes Pledge.
Here is how I see the best candidates in the presidential race in South Carolina and anywhere:
Unequivocally Acceptable:
· Duncan Hunter
Marginally Acceptable:
· Mike Huckabee
· Fred Thompson
· Ron Paul
Totally Unacceptable:
· John McCain
· Mitt Romney
· Rudy Giuliani
· Hillary Rodham-Clinton
· Barack H. Obama
· John Edwards
America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
The media wants Alan Keyes to be only a blip because they know he can win if he gets a fair shake. They are doing their best to give him NO coverage and present an image that he is doomed. Not so. The people are finding out anyway because his campaign is building via compounding interest.
ReplyDeleteThe media won't tell you, so here, I'll provide it for you:
Alan Keyes------Yes---------Yes------Yes-----3
Go to www.alankeyes.com for details.