Last night the 90 minute debate was the third mano-a-mano confrontation between Senators Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton. The radical social activist versus the radical socialist and feminist, both who are representatives of the most left wing faction of the Democrat Party.
Senator Hillary Rodham-Clinton was handicapped by the Clinton legacy, her own unimpressive record and herself, her character and her lack of same.
Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton reminded me of a smart but extremely spoiled-rotten little elementary school girl, who when called on by her teacher (the debate moderator in this case) who just happened to give her the first substantial question. She responded by saying that it wasn’t FAIR that “I am ALWAYS given the question first in these debates.” In the words of the immortal Charlie Brown, “Why is everybody always pickin’ on me?” “Waaah, Waaah, Waaah.”
Well, Senator Rodham-Clinton, suck it up. As president life it will definitely not be fair. Get a grip. Islamic terrorists may cause a 9/11 event to happen minutes or months after you take office. That wouldn’t be “fair” now would it? Your nation may be struck with a 100 year devastating natural disaster. That wouldn’t be “fair,” either, would it? Grow up Senator. Your pompous pampered princess prance to the presidency is now over.
Barack Hussein Obama smashed Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton with his cool reserve and his subtlety cutting comebacks. He was on the offensive. She was on the defensive. She was beating a dead horse, universal socialist healthcare. He convincingly pretended to be that dashing prince charming riding in the white universal healthcare hearse. Universal healthcare was a bad idea in 1993 when hyphenated Hillary stealthily tried to usher it into the country, it is still a bad idea when it is openly proclaimed as dogma by these to extremely liberal socialists. Neither has said how they will pay for it, nor do they realize how negatively it would impact quality of medical care across the board.
On another issue I think they both are now opposed to NAFTA. Hyphenated Hillary was originally in favor of it when she was “co-President” with husband Bill, but now opposes it now that she was in Ohio, where it has negatively Ohio and its economy. B-rated Barack said he was universally opposed to NAFTA.
Hyphenated Hillary says she would be tough on terrorists. But she would immediately within 60 days begin to pull one battalion out a month of of Iraq until we are completely out of Iraq. B-rated BaRockStar would bomb Al Qaeda in Parkistan if he discovered their hideouts with or without Pakistani assistance. According to Hyphenated Hillary she says B-rated BaRockStar would sit down and talk to our enemies without any preconditions. She essentially said B-rated BaRockStar lacked foreign experience. She, on the other hand, had traveled and visited 80 countries and is a much more experienced world traveler. Wow.
What both of these candidates proved is that neither one is qualified nor ready to serve as president. They both really scare me with the extremism of their liberal ideas and their vast collective inexperience and the fact that they are so out of touch with reality.
America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
In Hillary's commercials, she says he would (and has fought to) "change" NAFTA (the North American Fraud and Theft Agreement), not totally get rid of it as Ron Paul would.