America desperately needs a much more substantial meal. It needs a real breakfast of champions. It needs a champion. It needs a strong conservative who is not afraid of staying true to principle, virtue and traditional American values.
B-rated (for his inexperience) and Muslim-breed and Afro-centric church member Barack Obama, acidic John "Amnesty" McCain and hyphenated Hillary Rodham-Clinton definitely do not fill the bill. Of the current field of flakes maybe only moderately conservative Mike Huckabee or the obstinate obstetrician and libertarian Ron Paul even come close to being that needed leader.
Our best hope is to keep McCain from reaching his needed delegate count and that the GOP convention will be open for the possibility of nominating a strong conservative who will offer a real and distinct contrast to whoever the Democrats nominate.
In November, if we are faced with the choice of the closet liberal McCain or the openly liberal Democrat, then I will not in good conscience and based on conservative principles vote for either candidate. I do this knowing that we will have to endure a tortuous (yes, McCain would be administering torture to America by his election and Presidency) four years similar to 2007 where the radical liberal Congressional leadership had to be challenged many times in pushing forth their destructive anti-American agenda. Furthermore, a McCain nomination will effectively destroy the Republican Party.
As conservatives we must then focus all of our resources and energies on electing true, strong, principled conservatives to Congress. This will at least begin to offset some of the horrible things we can expect that the new President will try to foist on America.
America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Presidential politics is like a box of corn flakes
T.D. sent me this pictorial depiction of the political scene in America today. "A bowl of soggy corn flakes soaking in 100% rhetoric enriched drivel" may be a better characterization.
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