One day last week I came across two independent commentaries by men named Scarborough on the two current media-favored GOP front runners. The first Scarborough is a Pastor, who runs an organization called Vision America and the other a TV political talk show, Morning Joe on MSNBC.
The flipper often quotes the gipper. However, Ronald Wilson Reagan and Willard Mitt Romney have only six letter last names in common; they are poles apart in what they did, their actions. In addition, (Pastor Rick) Scarborough says in a recent email I received from him, “Governor Romney’s personal wealth and early start (in the presidential race) have benefited him but his attempts to base his campaign on being the true conservative in the race is being challenged by many conservatives due to his recent stances supporting homosexuals and abortion. He seems to have radio commentators Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity's support but as one article pointed out this week, Romney's Bain Capital owns Clear Channel that produces and carries both of their popular radio shows.”
Could those two talk show rating leaders be biased just as the main stream media against which they justifiable rail unendingly? Are ratings, manna, and fame more important than true conservative principles, which they swear they uphold?
As Massachusetts Governor, Romney compromised his suspect beliefs on abortion and the value of traditional, one-man, one-woman marriage. On the road to DesMoines (Iowa) he wants us to believe that he had a “conversion.” I for one do not believe no matter how often he, Rush, Hannity, or the GOP adamantly say otherwise.
(Joe) Scarborough on his MSNBC TV show “Morning Joe” described at length to his co-host what a conservative is not. He was talking primarily about Senator Amnesty, John McCain.
He said, “Let me tell you what a conservative is not:
** “A conservative is not a man that calls tax cuts that George Bush passed that revived the economy "tax cuts for the rich." That is not a conservative.
** “A conservative is not a man who is one of two Republicans standing alone in Washington, DC voting against those tax cuts that every other Republican supported in Washington, DC. That is not a conservative.
** “A conservative is not a man that teams up with Teddy Kennedy to produce a bill that is nothing short of amnesty that would allow 12 million illegal immigrants to attain legal status the day after John McCain's bill and Ted Kennedy's bill becomes law. That is not a conservative.
** “A conservative is not somebody that goes on Tim Russert's show a couple of weeks ago and says if that amnesty bill that would allow 12 million illegal immigrants to become citizens [legal residents] the next day, he does not go on that show and say "yes, I would sign that bill, but don't worry, it's not going to come to my desk." That is not a conservative.
** “A conservative is not a man who says he wants to increase taxes maybe 50 cents per gallon on the American people, trying to push through a bill that the rest of the world won't sign onto. That is not a conservative.”
What Romney and McCain share is their willingness to compromise any conservative beliefs, which they might have, especially social issues such as abortion and same sex marriage. They do this particularly for political expediency or political power.
Why credit idiot preacher Rick Scarborough with anything. He is just that -- a hypocrite preacher of hate.
ReplyDeleteEverything he touches, pushes, or supports goes sour lately. Why? Because those of us who are truly "conservative" have no appreciation for the right wing extremist who think they still control the GOP. If they do, it will not be for long.
We need Mike Huckabee and his fellow SBC evicted megachurch preacher Rick Scarborough about as much as we need more George Bush.