Jim Brown on OneNewsNow.com reported today that the very liberal teachers’ union the National Education Association (NEA) allowed a conference to take place at its headquarters that featured the notorious abortionist, Doctor George Tiller. According to Brown’s article “Tiller the Baby Killer” is currently facing 19 criminal charges for performing illegal late-term abortions."
Jim Brown further reported that Dr. Tiller even “received a standing ovation at the Feminist Majority Foundation's annual Women's Leadership Conference held recently at the NEA's headquarters in Washington, DC. During his talk, Tiller attempted to justify his work by showing the approving audience pictures of babies he had aborted who had fetal abnormalities. The Feminist Majority Foundation then announced it was launching a new campaign designed to keep Tiller's Wichita, Kansas, abortion mill open."
Brown’s wrote, “Two employees with the group Students for Life of America secretly videotaped a conversation they had with Tiller after the event. . ."
Here is the Students for Life of America video.
The following is from a statement found on the Students for Life of America (SFLA) website, “… Dr. Tiller stated “If the baby is born alive, that is sloppy medicine” after addressing the crowd of about 100 feminists during a plenary session titled “Standing with our Sisters” on March 9, 2008.
The SFLA statement continued, “…Dr. Tiller … also admitted to performing abortions on children the day before the mother’s due date. Yet when questioned in a personal interview, Dr. Tiller failed to recognize the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, a federal bill signed into law in 2002 that protects born children from murder and illegalizes infanticide.
“When asked about the Act, Dr. Tiller also admitted, “Let’s say you have 15 or 16, you had one slip out with a heartbeat; that is not a viable fetus, but that is born alive or has a heartbeat. Then you have to take that non-viable fetus and rush it directly to the hospital against the woman’s wishes.” . . .
““What is most disturbing about this video is the point when Dr. Tiller shows footage of children he has aborted,” stated Kristan Hawkins, the Executive Director of Students for Life of America. “One had an extra arm: could not that child had survived and received corrective surgery? Was violently killing the child the only way to go? Pro-lifers are regularly condemned for displaying pictures of aborted babies, but here the pro-abortion crowd and the NEA are more than happy to showcase these graphic images...””
Is it no wonder more and more Christian teachers are leaving the NEA? Anyone who believes in Pro-Life should vehemently object to the NEA for hosting such a blantantly immoral and likely criminal such as Dr. "Tiller the Baby Killer."
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