America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Obama would B O so Bad for America
Where OBAMANIA leads
Barack Hussein Obama (AKA Da BaRockStar) as well as his millions of groupies say that he represents change . . . There definitely will be change!
However, the CHANGE that will occur is what is scary. If Obama gets to team with a continuing left-leaning Democrat majority in Congress, it will be a horror-flick-come-alive, the “Village of the Damned,” if you will.
In the worst case scenario possible, an Obama (or Rodham-Clinton) presidency along with a continued Reid-Pelosi led Congress would insure among other things the following:
(1) A rapid, ratcheted lurch forward in implementing the vision of an American socialist state and a move away from the democratic republic form of government designed for and provided to us by the Founders of America.
(2) Dramatic increase in tax burden on the rich, the middle class and the poor
(3) Spending at a level to make George W. Bush look like a spendthrift
(4) Same sex marriage and the establishment of special protections, special deemed status, government and judicial sanction of all sort of perverse and deviant behaviors
(5) Assurance of continued erosion and even destruction of the Constitution through appointment of many more radical activist judges throughout the entire judicial system
(6) Furtherance of the culture of death through increased friendly legislation and funding for abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research
(7) Silencing the Conservative and Christian voice in the media through passage of the “Fairness” Doctrine insuring one political correct voice that is government approved
(8) Loss of national sovereignty through the signing of treaties such as the Kyoto Agreement, the Law of the Sea Treaty and submission to global government under auspices of the United Nations
(9) Assurance of a military loss in Iraq
(10) Granting of amnesty for illegal aliens
(11) Guaranteed weakening of the national defense and the military
(12) Jimmy Carter-like appeasement of our communist, Islamic and fascist dictatorial enemies
(13) Continued indoctrination of our children in the secular humanist religion and worldview and continued marginalization of Christians and Christianity
(14) Nationalization of various industries starting with healthcare for the best interests of the “people”
In a word, the change that Obama would bring about would mean DOOM. If you want to kiss America, as you know it, goodbye, then by all means vote for either of the two virulent socialists, Senators Barack Hussein Obama or Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton as your next President. The damage either of these two would do in four or eight years will undo the combined work of patriots of the past 250 years.
John McCain is becoming a figure of ridicule before our eyes. As gaffe prone as Romney. This whole thing is a joke. A man who is 'tongue-tied' and can't think on the spot. I wonder who that remind me of???