Al Gore on 60 Minutes
Below is a preview of Lesley Stahl’s interview of Algore this Sunday, March 30, at 7 p.m. ET/PT. (
Al Gore says that thinking climate change isn't manmade is like believing the moon landing was staged and that the earth is flat. Leslie Stahl asks some hard hitting questions. For more information and the rest of the 19,000 scientists who say global warming is a hoax, visit this website:
Noel Sheppard on NewsBusters wrote, regarding the above video preview, “From the snippet in the preview provided by CBS, we're given the impression that Stahl is actually going to ask Gore some tough questions. Think she'll ask him:
Why he refuses to debate folks on the other side of this issue?
How much money he's already made selling this issue?
How much money he stands to make if G-8 nations including the U.S. adopt carbon cap-and-trade policies?
How tied he is directly to the primary carbon trading exchanges around the world?
How much his presentation in "An Inconvenient Truth" is nullified by the fact that Mann's Hockey Stick, a central component to manmade global warming theory, has been proven totally erroneous?
That a British judge found nine factual errors in Gore's movie?”
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