If you are thinking of voting for McCain, Hillary, or Obama, stop and think first. Do any of these candidates really represent your values? Have you looked at their voting records? For example, Hillary voted for the war in Iraq in the beginning and only changed her position when war became unpopular. McCain personally sued the Wisconsin Right to Life for communicating with their members directly during an election.
This is the second of a series of posts in which I will examine third party and independent candidates who I might possibly vote for. Last week, I wrote a piece on Chuck Baldwin, who is vying for the nomination to the Constitution Party. This week I will write about the positions of Michael Jingozian, who is trying for the top spot on the Libertarian Party ticket. I decided that I can’t vote for Mr. Jingozian because I later discovered his apparent position on a particular issue indicated below. I was only going to write about candidates who I might vote for in this series, but since I had already wrote most of this article, I decided to go ahead and post it.
Jingozian spouts some of the usual LP rhetoric. Get the government out of our private lives. Legalize marijuana and prostitution. Stop prosecuting victimless crimes. Get rid of the Patriot Act. Balance the budget by getting rid of corporate subsides, the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Education, and the Energy Department. End censorship and dishonesty in the media. (Good luck on that one.)
The LP opposes the sanctity of life for the unborn and I would assume the Mr. Jingozian does not deviate from the party because he says he would, “Ensure Reproductive Rights of Women.” (What a polite way of saying that you are bigoted against the unborn!) This is why I definitely cannot support him if he becomes the LP nominee. I am not going to vote for a candidate just because he is a novel candidate. Like most of the other LPs, Jingozian invites Ron Paul supporters to join him, but he just doesn’t have the same moral fiber or intelligence as RP.
Jingozian claims that there are already plans in the works for inserting microchips into Driver’s Licenses which would allow the government to track your location and would be susceptible to hackers. If this is so, I agree that it should be stopped.
This is the usual kind of LP stuff. What might surprise you about Michael is that, though he has been a member of the LP since 1980, his name has also appeared on lists of 2008 Green Party candidates and even mentions the GP on his campaign leaflet. Another reason why I would be reluctant to vote for him is that this is a probable indication that he has overbearing environmentalist leanings.
Jingozian is calling on Congress to prosecute the Bush Administration for War Crimes. If you think that President Bush and Dick Cheney should be impeached for these crimes and also for violating our civil liberties, consider signing a petition. You can find several on the internet. I found this one put out by the “Aggressive Progressives” (they have nothing to do with Jingozian). This is interesting because their objections to Bush are that he is being too aggressive and his policies are in violation of longstanding law (which is progressivism). I wrote some additional reasons for impeachment here, and you can write them into the petition to be included in the letter that will be sent to your congressman and senators.
Here is a link to a page that has Jingozian’s videos on it. Here is his official website.
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