It is six months until the November elections. As we near the climax of the primary season, with two more highly publicized primary elections tomorrow, I sit back and scratch my balding head and ask,” What’s all the fuss about?” After all, there is not a dime’s worth of difference between the two radical leftist Democratic candidates save maybe race and gender.
Actually, the Democratic primary elections in Indiana and North Carolina in essence come down to choosing between two great evils. It is not even a choice between picking the lesser of two evils. It is a choice between the greater of two great evils. These two leftists are socialists and Marxists. Their philosophies, policies and principles (or lack thereof) are indistinguishable.
They both try to outdo each on which of them is a greater advocate for the rights of a woman to kill her baby and who is the greater champion of the homosexual-lesbian-transvestite-transgendered crowd. You can see them elbowing each other pandering for a more favored position among the advocates of these two serious societal ills. Both candidates have extreme views and are on the wrong side of these two most important of all issues – life and morality. Abortion and the continued encroachment and acceptance of homosexuality into mainstream of American society and life are great blemishes and scourges on this once great nation.
In November I continue to predict that the choice will be the Marxist team of Rodham-Clinton-Obama on the leftist Democratic ticket versus a mealy-mouthed moderate team of McCain-Romney lukewarm stand-for-nothing RINOs for the(formerly) Grand Old Party.
That’s some choice now and then, huh?
What are you going to say if McCain picks Huckabee as a running mate?