I received the following comment from Muslims Against Sharia in response to my article, “Shining God’s Light on the Koran – Personally Accountable, which I wrote Sunday.” My response is extensive so I wanted to post it as an article and not merely as a comment.
Here is their original comment to my Sunday article:
Muslims Against Sharia said...
"The STOP HONORCIDE! Campaign was launched on Mother's Day 2008. The goal of the campaign is to prosecute honorcides to the fullest extent of the law. We want honorcide to be classified as a hate crime and we advocate for every existing hate crime legislation to be amended to include honorcide.
First of all, hate-crime legislation is, in reality, thought-crime legislation or speech-crime legislation. It is not Biblical. If someone hates someone else and subsequently kills them that is considered first degree murder. However, if he does not harm the person hated, then no crime has been committed. With hate crime legislation once a position is stated the person is guilty of a hate-crime. Read Deuteronomy 10:11-13.
Second, Sharia Law is NOT God’s Law. The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob is the true God (Exodus 3:15). When I write the “god of Islam”, I deliberately use a lower case “g”, unless beginning a sentence. Have you ever noticed that the emblem referring to the god of Islam is the crescent moon and a star? The moon god is actually the god of Islam. I do no know what the star refers to, but if I were to guess I would say Satan. This would mean that he is over the moon god, the god of Islam. Thus, the god of Islam is an idol – a mental idol. Lucifer is Satan’s name. The word “Lucifer” means “day star”. (The Liberty Annotated Study Bible, pages 1-38) (Isaiah 14:12).
Third, if you want to be Muslim you have that right. However, never expect that you will ever get to heaven based on your belief system. Muslims – if they do not accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior - never go to heaven, only to hell. Specifically, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man goes to the Father, but by Me (The Bible, John 14:6).” Jesus is God the Son (The Bible, John 1:1-12). He was born of a virgin. Jesus existed as God before birth and was never created. Jesus was perfect; He had no sin in Himself and lived a sinless life. He tasted death for every human. Yes, even you, because He loves you (The Bible, John 3:16). When God the Father was satisfied, Jesus said, “It is finished,” and gave up His spirit, died and was buried. Then He arose from the dead. Today He sits at the right hand of God the Father in heaven.
There is physical evidence of Jesus’ death and resurrection. It is called the Shroud of Turin. It is the burial shroud or clothe of Jesus. I know this because the blood on it has never decayed. This is proof of His deity.
Fourth, God offers you as a free gift, eternal life (The Bible, John 5:11-13) this life is in Jesus. Whoever has Jesus living in them has this life in them. You can invite Jesus into your heart and life today, right now. A simple prayer is, “Lord Jesus Christ, please forgive me of my sin and come into my heart and life.”
Do this then you are no longer a Muslim, but a Christian, who can be confidently heaven-bound.
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