America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Redress of Grievances
Upset about having to pay income taxes which are being wasted in a never ending fleecing of America? Sign the petitions using the link above. This is not just another petition campaign, but it is an official redress of grievances which is a right given to us by the 1st amendment.
Taxing labor forces you to work for the government for a portion of year. The use of involuntary servitude is forbidden by the 13th amendment, as well as several other portions of the Constitution.
As the federal government spends so much of your hard earned dollars protecting the border between Iraq and Syria, protecting the border between Iran and Iraq, protecting the border between North and South Korea, isn’t time we started protecting our own borders? Do we need to pass another immigration bill? No! Sufficient legislation has already been passed many times over! The implementation of these bills is being blocked by the President, and you need to sign this petition to demand that Congress take action (i.e. impeachment) or else!
The North American Union will do away with the Constitution altogether, making it subordinate to a North American Constitution and an NAU governing body. If this comes about, there won’t be any borders left to protect. Signing the petition will voice your demand that you want the United States to remain a sovereign nation.
The petition also contains a grievance pertaining to the infringement of our right to bear arms.
Think that the government will never use the Patriot Act to violate your rights to be secure in your person and possessions against unreasonable search and seizures? Think again! What the government is using against Muslim terrorists today will used against abortion protestors tomorrow as is the pattern of government abuse of power. Sign the petition to protect your rights!
The petition also contains grievances relating to the Federal Reserve System. A privileged group of bankers (members of the Central Bank) get filthy rich collecting interest on loans of money which they do not have. This money, which is created out of thin air by the Fed, is not only loaned to private citizens and corporations but also to the Federal Government itself. This causes the value of the dollar to drop and prices to go up, which is effectively the same as a tax. The Fed is not a government institution, but it is a private organization, controlled by the Central Bank, and it has never been audited by the government.
Its time for Conservative America to face it, the war in Iraq was not only a mistake and a humanitarian disaster, but a violation of the Constitution as well. If you are willing to support this expensive (1 or 2 trillion dollar) incursion of our rights that the neocons have foisted on us, you don’t really have the right to complain about income taxes or the Fed, because the money to pay for it has to come from somewhere.
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