A Culture Corrupted
The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch regularly asks its online readers questions, or some timely topic of the day. Usually the questions are inane. However, yesterday they had a serious and very poignant and critical question. Here is their question and my reply.
The Hot Issue: Do you think the country is moving in the right direction?
gregjaye: No. Absolutely not.
Ever since the 60s the country has taken an ominous turn leftward. Liberalism, secular humanism and Marxism now permeate our schools, churches, political parties, main stream media, and entertainment. Our country is regressing back to a time when pagan, savage Native Americans were worshipping nature, their ancestors, etc.
Environmentalist extremists, feminists and radical same-sex advocates along with their liberal elite brothers and sisters in academia, politics, business, government and religion have teamed up to push such leftist causes as the homosexual agenda, abortion (the right of women to murder their babies for any reason any time), protection of pornographers and moral relativism.
The radical left, with the aid of organizations like the contemptible and un-American American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) adamantly seeks to protect the free speech rights of child pornographers, but simultaneously and aggressively stifle anyone who tries to honor, or even acknowledge the person, Jesus, in public.
Surely this leftward turn, which is really a downward spiral or path or self-destruction, is not progress. The further we stray from the nation our founders built, the closer we are to extinction.
You can see the affect the leftward drift or shift of our culture on our schools and children most dramatically.
Our schools have borne the brunt, or have been the “beneficiaries” of this leftward slide or attack. Look at our failing schools, which have become virtual indoctrination centers for all of the vilest influences that could be foisted on a culture or on children. Here are some of the leftward trends or influences: the substitution of accepting all forms of immorality and condoms (Planned Parenthood philosophy) for virtue and abstinence in sex education (traditional family values); substituting moral relativism or situational ethics for absolute right and wrong; substituting worship of the creature and creation rather than the Creator; substituting a politically correct “tolerance” instead of respect for authority, discipline and standards; and substituting social engineering and experimentation for basic education needed to prepare our children for the high tech 21st century world.
Is there any wonder why some are calling for a mass exodus of students from government schools? Why some urge parents to find alternative ways to educate their children at home or in private schools? What true Chrsitian concerned parent, for instance, would want their child to attend a public school in California today?
"I think that a lot of the things that are necessary in order to produce individuals who can appreciate their role as part of the sovereign body of the people are, in fact, systematically de-emphasized now, in our educational curriculum. That partly explains the awesome lack of any real exposure to the founding period, in a serious way, in terms of the ideas that it represents.
ReplyDeleteNow, that also has been affected by the fact that this bureaucratic approach has taken place under the rubric of Separation of Church and State, so that when you have an educational system that is dominated by these bureaucratic considerations, the bureaucracy defined as an element of government, necessarily must, therefore, produce an educational system that somehow cleanses the education of all references to and serious appreciation for God and His authority. Right?
How can you have an educational system for a people whose liberty is based upon the premise that their rights come from God, but then you are going to have an education in which God’s existence and authority can’t be acknowledged?
In so many ways, allowing this bureaucratic domination, this government domination of the educational processes, especially in an environment where this phony doctrine of Separation leaves you to scour education of any appreciation for the premise of God’s existence and authority – that results, then, in the education that we see.
How do we fight that? We fight that by breaking this bureaucratic and government domination and that is why I’ve been such a champion of school choice and respect for
parental responsibility and so forth, because I think that this is the way in which we deal with the root of the problem, not just going at it one little thing at a time, but understanding that until we have restored proper control in the hands of parents, ‘cause remember – it is still by and large the case in this country that though these people tell us the government is not allowed to believe in God, most parents and responsible heads of households in this country, when they are polled and asked, still do. Right? And therefore, they also, by the way, I think is one of those appreciations that often comes with parenting – people tend, I think more and more, to appreciate the salutary effects of religion, when they’re trying to raise children, and they deeply appreciate God’s help when they’re faced with those responsibilities.
So, the more emphasis you place on accepting that proper role of parents, emphasizing it, encouraging that responsibility the more you are likely to see restored the environment that reestablishes the proper moral foundation of education by respecting the premise of our acknowledgment of the existence and authority of God, and the role that plays in our personal development and decision making, our standards of right and wrong, and conduct and justice, and so forth and so on, having reestablished that moral environment, you are then dealing with the problems of discipline and other things, but you are also dealing with the problem of motivation.
Again, it’s interesting, isn’t it, that in the world the deep [inaudible] to the motivation of an individual is when you have placed that individual in a world in which they and their actions have no meaning. And a world without God is, by definition, such a world."
Alan Keyes
Independent Candidate for President 2008
Transcribed from "Ask Alan" Conference Call, 5/29/08
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