The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch newspaper posed today’s Hot Issue: Do you think society has been too accepting of teenage pregnancy?
Comment: Yes. However we should really ask, “Why are there so many teenage pregnancies?” Why is virtue and abstinence-based sex education such a bane to the education elite?
I call it the Planned Parenthood Federation of America mentality. The secular humanists, which control our educational system, have seen fit to remove all moral absolutes, so long held in this nation, and replaced them for moral relativism and situational ethics. If it feels good do it. We are reaping the consequences what we have foolishly allowed to be sown in our grossly inept and inferior (when compared to other industrialized nations) government indoctrination centers.
But the alternative to teenage pregnancy, abortion, is much more abhorrent. Not in the eyes of Planned Parenthood which feeds on a culture of death, but in the eyes of moral persons everywhere.
Abstinence, virtue and morality are much more palatable, much more reasonable, much more beneficial to a free and God-honoring society, but they are apparently totally unacceptable under the secular humanist worldview.
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