Here are my predictions as to who the two major partis will choose to complete their tickets. As I have consistently stated, I do not like either candidate and if the election were today the only thing I know is that I would not vote for either Obama or McCain.
Republican Party Ticket:
John Sidney McCain (R-AZ), President
Sarah Louise Palin (R-AK) (Pronounced PALE-in), Vice-President
Don’t know who Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin is? See a video of her below. Palin is a better choice than Romney, Ridge or Lieberman. She is pro-life and apparently pro-traditional marriage. She is not as strong as I would like to see any candidate be regarding so-called homosexual “rights” and special advantages and privileges which that group constantly seeks. Palin is a conservative. Her selection would tend to energize social conservatives to some extent and would balance the GOP ticket, since McCain is more moderate and liberal than anything else. So far McCain has has done nothing to ingratiate himself to social conservatives in this campaign.
Democratic Party Ticket:
Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL), President
Hillary Rodham-Clinton (D-NY), Vice President
Obama will be pressed to select the Clintons to be his co-Vice Presidents. When he does he will surely not last the full term, because one way or another the Clintons will assume the presidency. By selecting Clinton, Obama will confirm all suspicions that he cannot make tough decisions, nor stand against strong opposition. The Clintons may help Obama win the election, but then watch your back Barack!
Palin may be against same sex-marriage, but if so, won't always stand up for what she believes in.