America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Palin Pick Makes GOP Ticket More Palatable
Palin Offers Real Hope, Refreshing Change & Contrast
A few weeks ago I predicted that Governor Sarah Palin would be the GOP VP candidate. But I also said that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton would be the Democratic Party VP candidate. So I guess a .500 batting percentage ain't too bad . . .
Senator John McCain, I think more out of political expediency than principle, selected a REAL conservative for his Vice Presidential running mate. Regardless of that fact, Palin does make the GOP ticket slightly more palatable for Christian, conservative and values voters.
However, I am still not convinced that I will vote for McCain this fall. He is that bad. Obama and McCain, as I said before are socialist and socialist-lite, respectively. I think McCain is more liberal and moderate than he is conservative. He is the epitome of RINO (Republican- or conservative In Name Only). I still have my reservations.
Without question, though, the Obama-Biden ticket is absolutely unacceptable no matter how you look at it. We are talking about two of the most liberal politicians in America (#1 and #3 most liberal of all 100 senators.) We are talking about two people who unequivocally and unabashedly support unfettered abortion and actively aiding and abetting the advancement of the whole homosexual agenda and may other America-destroying positions.
I heard that the Obama campaign was quick today to denounce Governor Sarah Palin as being inexperienced. Quite frankly she has more experience than the headliner on the Democratic Party ticket. She has actual executive experience. She has accomplished a great deal in her short time as Governor. Obama has done nothing. His selection of Biden is an admission of his total ineptness and his lack of foreign relations experience as well as another demonstration of an absence of leadership.
I just received this email and thought it complimented what I just wrote in my article.
ReplyDeleteRichard Viguerie: She’s perfect
With VP pick, McCain “unites the GOP, gives conservatives a stake in the election, and puts a real reformer on the ticket”
(Minneapolis, MN) The selection of Governor Sarah Palin as John McCain’s vice presidential running mate unites the Republican Party and energizes its conservative base, Richard A. Viguerie said.
"“McCain has chosen to balance his ticket with a principled conservative. Governor Palin’s life story is one of sticking to principle. She is living proof that a person can take on the corrupt political establishment – including corrupt leaders in her own party – and achieve great things,” he said.
"Viguerie, the Chairman of, added: “There’s an old expression in politics: Go along to get along. Not this time. The selection of Sarah Palin is one big kick-in-the-pants to the corrupt establishment in both parties.
"“Congratulations to John McCain for hearing and responding to conservatives. Conservatives, the base of the party, have been listless. But, now, nearly all will work enthusiastically for the McCain-Palin ticket. In fact, this is the most enthusiastic conservatives have been since the era for Ronald Reagan.”
"He concluded: “This is a grand-slam home run. Conservatives’ feet haven’t touched the ground since this announcement.”"
I could not agree more, Richard!
Earlier this afternoon I received a press release in an email from Senator Fred Thompson
ReplyDeleteFred Thomopson Praises Senator McCain’s Vice Presidential Pick
(Nashville) – U.S. Senator Fred Thompson issued the following statement
""I am absolutely delighted by this selection. Once again, John McCain has shown that he is an independent thinker who paints in bold strokes. Sarah Palin is a conservative reformer with executive experience who will bring a breath of fresh air to Washington. She will be an ideal running mate for John McCain, and will make a major contribution to our country's future.""
I agree with Fred on the part about Palin.
Dick Morris in a NewsMax interview moments after Sarah Palin's pick as John McCain's running mate this afternoon: "She was a great choice. She's a brilliant person, a reform-oriented governor . . ."
ReplyDeleteIn another update I received today:
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin: McCain's Co-Maverick
Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council: “Governor Palin is now the only one of the four nominees of the major parties to be a Washington outsider. She defeated an incumbent governor in the Republican primary, and is willing to buck her own party when she sees it drifting from its beliefs or sagging in its integrity.”
The comment that I made on your last article about this was based on misconception I had about the election process. You cannot vote for Palin without also voting for McCain. There is not a separate set of electors for the president and vice president. Each elector has a choice as to which presidential candidate and which vice presidential candidate to vote for. But the general electorate does not have this choice, unfortunately. See Amendment XII, U.S. Constitution.
ReplyDeleteI still will not vote for McCain.
Dr. James Dobson: McCain's Choice of Palin 'Outstanding'
ReplyDeleteFocus Action founder cites 'bravery and integrity' of Alaska governor
[Colorado Springs, Colo.] Focus on the Family Action founder and chairman James C. Dobson, Ph.D., issued the following statement today after learning that Sen. John McCain, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, had selected Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential running mate . . .
"Sen. McCain’s selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is an outstanding choice that should be extremely reassuring to the conservative base of his party. She is a strong executive who hates corruption and puts principle above politics. After floating the names of Tom Ridge and Sen. Joe Lieberman in recent weeks selections that would have created consternation among pro-family Republicans Sen. McCain has chosen a solid conservative who has a reputation for espousing common sense.
"Gov. Palin's commitment to the sanctity of life is not just a political position. She was advised to abort her fifth and youngest child when it was learned he had Down syndrome. She refused. That’s bravery and integrity in action.
"Gov. Palin's views align with Sen. McCain's own stated position that human life is precious and must be protected, and that gives us confidence he will keep his pledges to voters regarding the kinds of justices he would nominate to the Supreme Court and the way he would conduct our nation's domestic and international affairs. This selection by Sen. McCain is a very encouraging sign for his campaign."
Matt -
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment.
As I stated in the posted article, at this point I am not ready to vote for McCain either. He remains a terrible choice. Palin, however, does increase his chances of winning the election in November.
Today I received an email from rom the desk of Rev. Clenard H. Childress, Jr., President, Christians for Social Justice Founder,
ReplyDeletePalin Pick Perfect for McCain
Dayton, OH – August 29, 2008 - Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain picked Gov. Sarah Palin from Alaska . In one person McCain apparently has satisfied conservative, Christian, and women voters.
Here is what we know about Palin:
Pro-Life – Palin is a mother of five, one of whom she refused to abort despite accurate prenatal diagnosis of Down's Syndrome.
Ethical – Palin resigned from ethics commission because of corruption within it, then successfully obtained removal of corrupt commissioner; reformed her own party despite enormous resistance, and took on oil industry in state and won major reforms.
Pro-family- Palin is a married, mother of 5 children, and defends traditional marriage.
Fiscal Conservative – Palin made unprecedented cuts in state budget, while maintaining unprecedented popularity --- over 90% approval rating per one source.
Very Smart – Palin is down-to-earth (won miss congeniality title), Attractive (won beauty queen title), Athletic (won state championship in basketball as point guard) person, whose blue collar background and 'maverick' political persona would seem to complement McCain's own.
Experience - Palin is a one term governor (elected in 2006, despite nationwide tidal wave of Democratic Party wins elsewhere) and previously was mayor of Alaka's second largest city. This gives her far less experience than would be expected of a VP pick ordinarily, but Sen. Obama is not in a position to belittle her major, if short-lived, executive experience.
Chris Long, President of the Ohio Christian Alliance said in an email, "... I think the argument can be made that social conservatives and their pro-life, pro-family issues are very much alive in the political process, and are going to play a large role in this year's election outcome."
ReplyDeletePhil Burress, President, Citizens for Community Values (CCV Action): “VP pick secures Ohio for McCain!”
ReplyDelete“The choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as vice-presidential running mate has just converted thousands of McCain voters in Ohio to McCain/Palin volunteers and workers,” according to Burress.
Why is it that you're basically the only one who comments here?
ReplyDeleteAre there any more comments that are still waiting to be moderated? I'm just surprised by the fact that no one else has chosen to weigh in on the things you've said, as there are clearly some other aspects of Palin which you've not touched on.
Pete -
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment.
I included in the comments statements from various leaders who had sent me emails the last few days regarding the Palin pick - I just incorporated them here to give a flavor of what is being said by those who are primarily conservative.
However, we do welcome comments from all here.