You sure had me fooled. I thought you were a Christian. Your politics, as expressed in your article Third Party Candidates Unite,” appears to be expressing something other than a Biblical worldview. Which is it: Biblical or unbiblical?
You lump Obama/Biden with McCain/Palin. There is a difference. Be assured I am not a fan of McCain.
Regarding John McCain, are you aware that he was a prisoner of war 5.5 years in North Vietnam. He was beaten and tortured and refused to take early release when offered for being an Admirals son. He gave the President the impetus for winning the war in Iraq. I was impressed with how he chose his V.P. running mate. He had everyone thinking it was anyone but Sarah. He outfoxed Obama. He will make a good Commander and Chief. He is pro-life. He understands the need to contain Russia.
Sarah Palin is a godly woman. She is a Bible believing, faith filled, born-again Christian. She is pro-life, budget cutting, and doesn’t believe in this global warming stupidity. She has more executive experience that all the other three candidates put together.
Barack Hussein Obama is for abortion at any time and if the child survives the abortion attempt: kill it. Hussein is for homosexuality and will use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to promote homosexuality. He would leave the people in Iraq to the mercy of the terrorists by pulling out American forces before the Iraqi people would be able to adequately defend themselves. He wants to cut the armed forces to one tenth its current size and have a civilian military the size of our current armed forces. Who do you think the civilian militants would be used against? He wants a block by block change in the United States. What do you think he will do block by block? He is a thug who would intimidate the citizens of this country and brainwash the youth to believe in communism. He made a slip of the tongue saying he was a Moslem. Actually he is a Communist Moslem.
Joe Biden is consistently in error on any foreign policy. He favors abortion and homosexuality.
The Independent Candidates
I do not see where their foreign policy is any different than B. Hussein Obama’s foreign policy. They all have a policy which if followed will lead to the hostile take over of the United States by its enemies. Jesus gave the parable where a King with 10,000 troops has another King marching on him with 20,000 troops. So he takes counsel whether he with 10,000 can defeat the King with 20,000. If he believes he cannot win an armed conflict then he sends a delegation to find the terms of peace. In other words: talking is for losers. Armed conflict is for victors. These Independent Candidates and B.H.O. & J.B. are all a bunch of losers attempting to lead America into defeat as Commander-In-Chief.
These candidates are against Jesus Christ, free speech, freedom of religion, and in favor of abortion and homosexuality along with confiscating our earnings and property and rights to self-defense.
Matt, do you approve of them, the third party candidates who are mostly worse than McCain? Are you double minded? One of the two will be elected, either Obama or McCain, even Teddy Roosevelt couldn’t win running as a third party candidate.
I encourage you to You need to spend more time in God’s Word getting your thinking straight.
Love, Samuel
P.S. Matt:
The freedoms you now enjoy are those left after many have been taken away. You have not done anything to obtain them. They were paid for by the blood of people in years gone by. By the work and sacrifice of many who have lived before either one of us. Is it right to deny these same rights to those who do not have them? Should not those in Iraq be a free people as well as us? Is it wrong to free people under tyranny? Jesus said, “Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his friend”. In this case we are not laying down our lives for our friends but our neighbors. If you are not willing to help others to be free then how can you deserve to be free yourself? If everyone thinks like you think, your freedoms will soon be taken away.
P.P.S., Matt:
Don’t you realize that to whom much is given much is required? Being a Super-Power does not come from the ability of the people of this nation but it comes from blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Therefore, we have a duty to uphold righteousness in this world.
Amen. Third party candidates are ALWAYS a waste of time. They can NEVER win. They are always a dead-end. Not even ex-president Teddy Roosevelt could win as a third party candidate in 1912.
ReplyDeleteAll they can do is take votes from McCain and put Obama in the White House, potentially costing millions of unborn children their lives. Why is a 0% pro-life candidate like Obama preferable to a 99% pro-life (except rape and incest)candidate like McCain?
The abortionists are desperate to defeat McCain because if he wins we will likely overturn Roe vs. Wade, as a start, and begin the process of saving hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lives. If third party candidates (Barr, Baldwin, Keyes) put Obama in the White House, they will cost millions of lives of the very children they so desperately want to save. This is sheer insanity.
The best available real world thing that pro-life people can do this year is to elect a pro-life Republican Congress and John McCain as President.
First of all, I said nothing about Palin.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I strongly disagree with you're assertion that McCain is pro-life. Just because he says that he is, that does not make it so. Look at his voting record, HB 3010 (109th Congress) in particular. McCain’s service to the country is commendable, but that does not necessarily make him an acceptable choice for public office.
I agree with what you say about Obama, except I don't buy into this idea that he is a Muslim. (But given that he is so anti-God in so many other ways, what difference does it make?) McCain is basically the same only the tactics are different.
The Third Party and independent candidates are different than Obama on foreign policy. Obama wants to keep the war going in Iraq for 16 more months, can't guarantee that we won't still be there by the end of his term, said we should threaten Pakistan with bombing, and has laid out an anti-sovereignty ultimatum against Iran. The parable of the kings which you spoke of does not command that a nation have an aggressive foreign policy. It rather demonstrates that we should take a defensive posture. (You can have a strong national defense without being a “hawk”. i.e. Reagan avoided war in the “arms race” against the Soviet Union.) Actually, Bob Barr is not as much of a non-interventionalist as Ron Paul. If you would actually look at something from another person’s point of view, instead of being so closed-minded about it, you might learn something. The Founding Fathers put something into the Constitution that allows us to legally take military action against groups which violate our sovereignty without overturning whole governments. It’s called the Letters of Marque and Reprisal.
As far as the idea of freeing people around the world from tyranny, this is an issue that I must disagree with you. You said, “Is it right to deny these same rights to those who do not have them?” People who want welfare will say to those who are against it, “How can you DENY food to the poor?” Of course I want people in other countries to be free, and in the same way I want the poor to be fed. But neither of these things is the proper role of the government of the United States. You said, “Being a Super-Power does not come from the ability of the people of this nation but it comes from blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.” This is precisely the point. The United States is a (relatively) free country not because some other nation came to our rescue, and not even because of our own strength as a nation, but because God willed it.
I can understand that there are reasons why you believe what you believe. They are valid reasons, but I just think that you have reached the wrong conclusions. No two people are going to agree on everything in this life. But I can’t understand why you would say, “You sure had me fooled. I thought you were a Christian.” I have been writing articles on this blog for about two years and I have said from the beginning that I oppose the war in Iraq. Why question my salvation now? I am not questioning your salvation. I specifically said in the original post that I do not endorse any of the third party candidates or independent candidates. I simply indicated that I agree with SOME of their views and that it is worthwhile to take a look at what they have to say rather than only listening those who have control over the TV networks.
If you no longer want me to contribute to this blog, then I will stop posting on it.