He left the GOP for the reform party in 2000. Now he is running as a Democrat against liberal Lindsey Graham for his senate seat in South Carolina.
The Candidate
Bob Conley opposes abortion, same-sex marriage, gun control, and amnesty for illegal immigrants. He supports dumping the IRS in favor of the Fair Tax plan. He supports allowing drilling in ANWAR. He opposes the war in Iraq. He opposes the recent bailout bill.
Regarding repealing big brother legislation and restoring the Constitution, he says:
Bob Conley will fight to repeal the Big Brother legislation passed by rubber-stamp Republican Congresses. We cannot afford to give up essential liberties under the false pretense of security. Measures that infringe on our individual liberties protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be repealed! We must restore the Constitution and respect the principles on which our Republic was founded.
Regarding overseas occupations, he says:
Overseas deployments of occupation are breaking our military. Deployments in recent years have left 80% of our National Guard units without the necessary equipment for training--and the missions they should be prepared to serve here at home. Our National Guard needs to be rebuilt.
Conley references both the British and collapsed Roman empires as he explains the need for American troops to come home from all over the globe, citing South Korea as the first place for withdrawal. "Why in the world are we paying to protect South Korea? We've been over there over 50 years. The South Koreans need to stand up and pay for their own defense," he said. "We have gotten mixed up in all this globalism and this empire-building abroad. It's time that we take care of the republic."
The Opposition
Lindsey Graham believes that abortion should legal in cases of rape and incest, voted for a bill which increased the amount of taxpayer’s money that is available to pay for abortions, voted for the use of force in Iraq in 2002, supports amnesty for illegal aliens, and voted for the recent bailout bill.
We need “Flat-top” Bob Conley in the Senate! Polls show Graham’s large lead over Conley has dwindled to only 9% (50-41%). Click here to contribute.
What's not to like? He believes in the U.S. Constitution and is against the idiocy of Lindsey Graham's empire building and Lindsey's sucking up to foreigners whenever he can.
ReplyDeleteI'm a lifelong Republican voter and this is the VERY FIRST Democrat for Senator I've voted for in my ENTIRE LIFE!
I've made a donation and hope others will as well!