Like the 'legalization" of the unethical, immoral, and atrocious practice of abortion, two more states, Iowa and Vermont, made the unconscionable decision to ‘legalize’ the misnomer, same-sex ‘marriage.’ In one case it was the legislature that overrode the Governor's veto, in the other it was another activist judicial renegade who declared wrong to be right.
Hat tip goes to Secular Heretic for posting the video embedded below on his blog, News. It was there where I first saw the video. The video is a campaign ad advocating traditional and exclusive one-man, one-woman marriage. All other sexual relationships are offensive and are aberrations.
Some of the biggest supporters of this abhorrence - so-called same-sex 'marriage' - are the current President and the Democratic leaders in the 111th Congress and many black robed tyrants. They must be stopped. This education of the general public is a good step . . .