Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Tiller Murder & the American Holocaust: Stop the Violence!

“Abortionist George Tiller got shot to death today. His beating heart and measurable brainwaves are stopped.

“Every single day in America, about 4,000 children get murdered by surgical "abortion." Their beating hearts and measurable brainwaves are stopped.

"Speaking for Personhood USA, we oppose both methods. Stop the violence.”

Cal Zastrow, Pro-Life Advocate & Leader

Unfortunately, and more likely than not the alleged President, Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Obama and the Democratic Party leadership will try to use the murder of the notorious Dr. George Tiller to their political advantage. Immediately in the confirmation hearings of Judge Sonia Sotomayor, as well as in furthering the advance their pro-death agenda wherever they have opportunity. Like any crisis, they will not let 'a tragedy' go to waste.

Abortionist George “Killer” Tiller, Killed

I have followed the various legal actions trying to nail Dr. George “Killer” Tiller the past several years posting numerous articles. reported today that the infamous and murderous late-term abortionist, who was up to his eyeballs in legal battles over his unethical, possibly illegal abortion practices, was gunned down this morning, ironically, as he walked into his church in Wichita, Kansas. We condemn this horrible act, just as we condemn the horrors committed by this so-called licensed ‘healer.”

But the question lingers in my mind. How can any true Christian church accept and retain, as a member of their congregation, someone who was so heinous in his behavior as Tiller? For that matter, how can any Christ-follower have voted for Barry Soetoro, alias Barack Obama, last November?

In an online story, the Wichita (Kansas) Eagle newspaper quoted Operation Rescue, a pro-life advocacy organization, in a statement found on its website. “We are shocked at this morning's disturbing news that Mr. Tiller was gunned down." "Operation Rescue has worked for years through peaceful, legal means, and through the proper channels to see him brought to justice. We denounce vigilantism and the cowardly act that took place this morning. We pray for Mr. Tiller's family that they will find comfort and healing that can only be found in Jesus Christ."

“Killer” Tiller was very close to alleged President Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Obama’s recently approved Secretary of Health and Human Services appointee, Kathleen Sebelius. She received significant contributions from Tiller’s blood-stained money. In turn, she did all she could to influence laws and decisions related to protecting her friend and his loathsome abortion practice.

Again, I condemn the violence against Tiller, however, I also condemn the violence he perpetrated against all the babies and women that he murdered and wounded.
A TV station reports that the perpetrator of the murder of Tiller may have been found.

Shining God’s Light on the Koran – Muhammad’s Foes

Sam continues his on-going series, which contrasts the Judeo-Christian Bible with the Islamic Koran on a variety of topics. He aims the beam of the Biblical laser on the Koran to expose, to reveal what it really says. See his previous articles here.

Muhammad and his adversaries

Muhammad writes of his adversaries, not just for his contemporaries, but for all time. It seems that he had, and identifies three adversaries that he and his followers had to deal with. In the Koran Muhammad gives clear instructions on dealing with his enemies. These enemies fall into three major groups: Jews, Idolaters, and Christians.

Luke 12:4,5 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him. Jesus.


You will find the most outspoken of men in their dislike against believers are the Jews and the Idolaters. The closest in friendliness toward the believers are those who call themselves Christians. That is because there are priests and monks scattered in with them. They are also free from pride (Surah 5:82).

The retribution for those who make war against Allah and his Prophet and disseminate mischief in the land shall be killed or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides or be banished from the land. They shall be dishonored in this world and severely chastised after their life on earth is done. With the exception of those who repent before you punish them. You must know that Allah is forgiving and merciful (Surah 5:33,34).

Those who do not believe are those who claim: “Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary” (Surah 5:72).

Those who do not believe are those who claim: “Allah is one of three.” There is only one Allah. If they do not refrain from such speech those who do not believe shall be severely punished (Surah 5:73).

The only true religion in Allah’s eyes is Islam (Surah 3:19).

Those who do not believe shall be severely punished while those who accept the true Faith and perform good works shall be forgiven and richly rewarded (Surah 35:7).

Prophet, war against those who do not believe and the hypocrites, and treat them severely. Hell shall be their home and evil their fate (Surah 66:9).

Battle with them until idolatry ceases to exist and the religion of Allah rules unchallenged (Surah 2:193).

He, Who is sovereign over the heavens and the earth, Who has begotten no children, and Who has no partner in his sovereignty. He has created everything, and established it all in its proper place (Surah 25:2).

Declare: Allah, He is One: Eternal. On Him all depend. He begets no one, nor is He begotten. There is none like unto Him (Surah 112:1-4).

People say: “Allah has begotten a son.” Nonsense, He is self-sufficient. All that is in heaven and earth belongs to Him. You have no right to make such a statement. Do you speak against Allah what you know nothing about (Surah 10:68)?


The ones Muhammad considered his enemies are those who did not believe his theology. Basic in the teaching of Islam is that God, Allah the Arabic word for God, is one person and definitely not a trinity of persons. Those that believe in the trinity and that believe Jesus is God are called unbelievers, infidels, polytheists, idolaters, and disbelievers. Christians and Jews are referred to in many derogatory ways and are considered worthy of death. They are counted as enemies of Allah, Islam, and the blessed Prophet.

Because Allah is allegedly merciful, people are given a chance to renounce whatever they believe and become Muslims. If they choose not to convert to Islam, most often they are murdered. You can expect this to happen wherever they control the power.

According to the Koran, Allah has no children and most surely has not begotten any. There is no one else of equal stature.

Form the Koran’s point of view a believer is one who believes that Jesus is not the Son of God, nor is He divine. The unbeliever, idolater, and infidel or whatever description is used is the one who believes Jesus is the Son of God. This belief Islam wants to eliminate from the earth. No appeasement is possible.


Matthew 10:32,33 - Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 16:13-16 - When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Matthew 16:17,18 - And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Matthew 16:19 - And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.


Jesus wants people to confess Him before other men and women. The confession is that Jesus is the Son of God and that we as believers have a personal relationship with Him. This was the confession of Peter when he said Jesus is: “The Son of the living God.”

This was revealed to Peter by God the Father and He will reveal it to you as well if you so desire. You can pray and ask Him and read and study the scripture.

Jesus said that upon this confession He would build his body of believers (the church) who are often called Christians. He said that the gates of hell would not succeed in defeating it. “Gates of hell” are the various systems of thought that bring a person into hell.

People, who do not believe in Jesus, think of Him only as a good man or a prophet and not as the Son of God and therefore divine. People who do not believe also do not believe in the trinity. That is, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit yet one God. One way to think about it is that a husband and wife are two people yet one flesh.

Jesus gave to his followers the keys of the kingdom of heaven. What Jesus said to Peter comes down through the years to each believer today. Jesus said what you bind on earth is bound in heaven and what you lose on earth is loosed in heaven. We as Christians have authority in the name of Jesus to bind Satan and his demons today. God will back up our word with His power. This makes what we say very important.


The theology of Islam as found in the Koran for the most part is opposite that of the Holy Bible yet they use some of the same terminology.

An example is the word ‘believer.’ It is the same word in both Islam as in Christianity but the meaning of the word is changed. One believes that Jesus is God the other does not. [ The modern day liberal was not the first to bastardize the meaning of words. – gregjaye ]

The term monotheism is different. In Islam there is one person called God yet there are at least two angels that are raised to a God-like status in the use of the term ‘We.’ The term, ‘We,’ is capitalized. thus indicating deity. Yet angels are created beings. From the Holy Bible one learns that monotheism refers to one God existing as three persons. each one of Whom is referred to as God.

The confession of Islam is that Jesus is not the Son of God, while the confession of the Holy Bible and Christians is that Jesus is the Son of God. In fact, it is upon this confession and Jesus, Himself, said, that He will build His church. Moreover the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Islam is but one of the many gates of hell attacking the church of Jesus Christ.

They will not prevail because the greatest adversary to Muhammad, his god, and Islam is the God of the Holy Bible. The Christian is given authority to bind the activities of Islam on earth and all the other gates of hell as well.


Apparently Islam is on the attack against anyone who does not agree with their concept of God and follow their customs as outlined in the Koran. The adversaries of Muhammad are people of any diverse or different theology through the ages. Anyone not acting or thinking within the parameters of the Koran is considered the enemy of Muhammad and of Allah, and therefore subject to severe punishment by the followers of Muhammad.

Jesus said that His followers are to confess Him before men which would include Muslims. They are not to be afraid for their lives for they have eternal life.

If you desire or seek eternal life, you must believe that Jesus is God in flesh, that He received the wrath of God for your sins, and that He rose from the dead. You can repent of your sins right now and invite Jesus into your heart and life. A sample prayer is, “Lord Jesus Christ forgive me of my sins and come into my heart.”


The Koran passages are a paraphrase of several English translations.
The Koran, translated by N.J. Dawood: A Penguin Classic
The Qur’an, translated by M.H. Shakir: Tahrike Tarsile Qur’an, Inc.
The Holy Qur’an, translated by Maulana Muhammad Ali: Ahmadiyya Anjumann Isha’at Lahore Inc. U.S.A.
The Koran, translated by Marmaduke Pickethall: Everyman’s Library
The Holy Bible is the King James translation of 1611 from the WORD program by Tom Hills with the New Creations Ministries

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mansfield, Ohio Tea Party, May 30, 2009

I was late for the party, Tea Party, that is. It started at noon, but I didn't get there until just before 1:00 PM. No problem, the party lasted another 90 minutes. There was a series of speakers ending with Diane Greenwood reading the speech of Rush Limbaugh's father or grandfather, which Rush reads annually on his radio show. The Battle Hymn of the Republic was sung. And the benediction was given by Rev. Phillips. What a glorious day for a (tea) party. Between 100 and 200 people populated the park on the public square to hear the various speakers. One Soetoro/Obama supporter yelled out something inappropriate. The crowd was generally very subdued, intently listening for truth, upset with the current government in control in America today.

The next major Tea Party in Mansfield, Columbus and in many, many cities nationwide will be Independence Day, July 4th. Hopefully the momentum will continue unabated and crowds will be even greater than the Tax Day Tea Parties held on April 15th!

Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayor: Identity Poltics at Play

Cartoon by Lisa Benson as found on on 5/29/09

Froma Harrop writes in this morning's Columbus Dispatch, Saturday, May 30, 2009 page A8, "Dispense with identity politics, please," the following regarding the alleged president's nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“Identity politics is not good for the country or for the groups they purport to advance . . .

“But turning such appointments into political payback for an ethnic group or gender makes an unseemly spectacle. It undermines real achievements and infantilizes the candidate . . .

“And so identity politics can be misinformed as well as patronizing . . . its treating of high achievement in only some groups with awe is offensive. Let’s examine Sotomayor’s record with a straight gaze, and leave identity politics at home. Won’t happen, but lets try.”

For the Sake of the Constitution, Mr. Prez, Release Your Birth Certificate

Here is a video of the one question that finally got asked of the alleged President’s White House spokesman.

Mr. Gibbs, the question is a serious one, it is no joke!

Friday, May 29, 2009

The new GM or Government Motors, Limiting Free Enterprise

Demise of America
This is an outstanding bumper snicker/sticker that says it all. It is a product that can be obtained from the Patriot Depot.
The new GM – “The Mark of Decadence

Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Obama rose from community organizer to auto company usurper. Only in America! When the government starts making cars, they may get 42 MPG. But they will be tiny, ugly, less safe, more expensive, and nobody will buy them! Just think—Washington bureaucrats are doing all of this with our hard-earned tax money.

Top Ten Reasons to Reject Sotomayor's Bid for Supreme Court Job

Demise of America
Cartoon by Gary McCoy found on 5/27/09

I recently posted articles indicating that U.S. Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor is unfit and a racist. Today, I received an email from former military Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, who offers ten reasons why Judge Sophia Sotomayor should not be confirmed as the next U.S. Supreme Court Justice.


“In a 2005 panel discussion at Duke University, Sotomayor told students that the federal Court of Appeals is where "policy is made." She said the "Court of Appeals is where policy is made. And I know, and I know, that this is on tape, and I should never say that. Because we don't 'make law,' I know. [audience laughter] Okay, I know. I know. I'm not promoting it, and I'm not advocating it. I'm, you know. [audience laughter] Having said that, the Court of Appeals is where, before the Supreme Court makes the final decision, the law is percolating. Its interpretation, its application." As a judicial activist, she jokingly admits "making policy" from the bench, based on feelings or empathy or judicial precedent, not laws passed by Congress, and so she assumes the power of legislature, to make policy, legislating from the bench.”


“Although she ruled to uphold the longstanding "Mexico City Policy" which had limited funds for abortions performed overseas (until President Obama struck down that policy, now fully funding abortions overseas with our taxes), Sotomayor stands squarely in the camp of supporting and upholding the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized child killing across America and cost 50,000,000 children their lives.

“Furthermore, Rev. Rob Schenck of The National Clergy Council now reports that Sotomayor was or is an active board member of a group called the "Childbirth Connection" that advocates for "reproductive rights of women," which is generally a code word for abortion on demand, including partial birth abortion, which Sotomayor has never publicly opposed. . .”


“In her ruling to allow government to ban privately owned weapons belonging to New York citizens, Sonia Sotomayor wrote in Maloney v. Cuomo: "The Second Amendment applies only to limitations the federal government seeks to impose on this right . . . not upon that of the state." Since her crazy reading of the 2nd Amendment only forbids Congress from seizing your guns, the New York State Assembly was fully authorized to ban nunchuks, or seize ANY AND ALL of your weapons, according to Sotomayor's anti-liberty reasoning. . .”


“ACLJ Attorney Jay Sekulow said of Sotomayor: "She is left in judicial philosophy, ranges much further left than Justice Ginsburg or Justice Souter . . . I just had a case where the Court was unanimous, it was involving the 10 commandments issue, and the court was unanimous 9 to 0, but I would not expect that if Judge Sotomayor was confirmed, that it would probably have been 8 to 1. She has a very, very strict view of church-state separation, and she was aggressive on this idea of a 'living constitution.'" Meanwhile she ruled one Muslim prisoner had a right to receive the Eid ul Fitr feast (a Muslim holiday meal) in his prison cell, and another Muslim prisoner had a right to access a Muslim chaplain, which is fine if she treats other faiths equally. But I personally suspect Sotomayor would rule to disallow public prayers offered "in Jesus name" but allow prayers to Allah, just like Obama's other judicial nominee David Hamilton.”


“NOW President Kim Gandy quickly endorsed Sotomayor, saying: "This morning we will celebrate, and this afternoon NOW will launch our 'Confirm Her' campaign to ensure the swift confirmation of the next Supreme Court Justice." There's no way this liberal group would endorse Sotomayor unless she were pro-lesbian and pro-abortion, as Gandy openly advocates on the NOW web-site.”


“Sotomayor has had 5 decisions reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court, 3 of which have been reversed. One of these was her aggressive pro-environmental anti-energy decision; another was her aggressive pro-litigation anti-business decision, which was overturned unanimously. She has carried only 11 of 44 possible votes during those cases. Chief Justice Roberts once stated that her method of reading the statute in question "flies in the face of the statutory language." Dean Mat Staver of Liberty Law School cites these reasons to oppose Sotomayor, saying, "No one ever expected President Barack Obama to nominate someone who respects the original intent of the Constitution."”


Sotomayor told the Berkeley Law School: "Our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging . . .I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." It is no surprise, therefore, she ruled against white Firefighters of New Haven, throwing out the results of a promotion exam because almost no minorities qualified. She denied promotion for the white firefighters who performed well on the exam, and gave minorities who failed the exam favorable consideration toward promotion. Sotomayor promotes aggressive affirmative action, promoting race or gender, not merit. The U.S. Supreme Court reviewed this case in April 2009, and is expected to overturn her again.”


“Opposing a U.S. Congressional bill that would forbid activist judges from citing international law (instead of applying American law) in their decisions, Sotomayor wrote the controversial introduction for The International Judge, a book that promotes, in her words, "developing an international rule of law and institution-building" and idealizes the "pioneers who work tirelessly to bring these institutions from their incipience to their maturity." No doubt she will vote with Justice Ginsberg, who believes American judges should sometimes look toward international law rather than the U.S. Constitution.”


“Her own former clerk, liberal Jeffrey Rosen, now legal affairs editor for The New Republic, said she has "has an inflated opinion of herself" and is "kind of a bully on the bench." Another clerk who worked on the 2nd Circuit said she's: "not that smart and kind of a bully on the bench . . .She has an inflated opinion of herself, and is domineering during oral arguments, but her questions aren't penetrating and don't get to the heart of the issue."”


As a native of South Bronx, Sotomayor's hidden home-town bias became manifest in her love for the New York Yankees, judicially favoring her "Bronx Bombers" over teams from all other cities. No kidding! When ruling to end the 1995 baseball strike, she sided with the player's union against team owners (who sought parity among all teams with an talent-sharing salary cap). Instead Sotomayor created bias in favor of rich teams who can afford to buy up all the good free agents. So when the New York Yankees hogged 4 titles and 6 pennants in the 8 years after her ruling, with payrolls averaging three times most other team salaries, you can blame Sotomayor for creating that competitive imbalance. I understand why Yankees fans might celebrate her promotion to the Supreme Court, but baseball fans from all other cities should complain loudly against her confirmation!”

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Barack Obama is Not for Civil Liberties, part 2

One of the things United States has been historically known for throughout its history is its longstanding record of going the extra mile to ensure that innocent parties are not wrongfully convicted or forced to undergo a long and drawn out trial (which can be just as bad as a conviction). In the bill of Rights, five out of the first ten Amendments (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th) are for the purpose of placing limitations on the prosecution of the accused. I guess now our good reputation may be gone forever.

The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution reads:

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

The Sixth Amendment to the Constitution reads:

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution reads:

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Notice in the 5th, it says “No person”, not “No citizen”. So there is not an exception to this amendment in the case that someone is from a different country. The exception “except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service" obviously applies to treason cases, not “enemy combatants”. It is understood that a person can be held temporarily until the indictment is served—“to answer for” means to be given a sentence, but the trial must take place "speedily".

These guys like Obama and Bush think that they are above the Constitution and that they fool people with their silver tongues. The constitutional manner of bringing defendants through the usual justice system has worked throughout the history of America. Why change it now? Is it because of the fear of terrorism? It is because whenever a corrupt politician has an opportunity to grab more power, he always does so. And as I pointed out in part 1 and in this piece on Janet Napolitano’s “Rightwing Extremism” Policy, the chickens have now come home to roost. Obama is using extra-constitutional executive powers to persecute ordinary American citizens, not just these terrorists. And has anyone ever thought it odd that Gitmo is in a COMMUNIST COUNTRY?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Gibbs Gets Question on Prez’s Citizenship

An article on (WND), “Obama mouthpiece laughs off birth certificate request,” contained a transcript of a question that one of their reporters, Lester Kinsolving, asked the at the alleged President’s Press Secretary's, Robert Gibb, briefing to the media today. It happened to be the last question of the 44 minute briefing, and apparently everyone in the room had a good laugh over it. However, it really is not a laughing matter.

The subject of the question was the alleged President’s, Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Obama, official birth certificate, which could prove that he meets the constitutional requirement of being a natural born citizen. There is doubt now because the published certificate on the Internet, referred to by Gibbs below, is not an official long-form birth certificate. It (the posted version) is only a certificate of live birth, which in Hawaii could be obtained even by persons born outside of that state, even in a foreign country.

Here is an excerpt from the WND article:

“At today's White House briefing, Gibbs was contentious with Kinsolving before he ever asked his question. Calling on WND's longtime correspondent, he said: "Lester, I'm a glutton for punishment."

Kinsolving said: "Thank you, thank you, very much. Just one question concerning what the president said in his speech on Thursday, and I quote, 'I ran for president promising transparency, and I meant what I said. This is why, whenever possible, we will make information available to the American people so they can make informed judgments and hold us accountable.' End of quote. Do you remember that statement?"

Gibbs: "I can confirm that he said that."

Kinsolving: "Good. In consideration of this very good promise of transparency, why can't the president respond to the petition to requests of 400,000 American citizens by releasing a certified copy of his long-form birth certificate listing hospital – (laughter) – 400,000. …"
Gibbs: "Are you looking for the President's birth certificate?"

Kinsolving: "Yes."

Gibbs: "It's on the Internet, Lester."

Kinsolving: "No, no, no -- the long form listing his hospital and physician." (Laughter.)

Gibbs: "Lester, this question in many ways continues to astound me. The state of Hawaii provided a copy with the seal of the President's birth. I know there are apparently at least 400,000 people – (laughter) – that continue to doubt the existence of and the certification by the state of Hawaii of the president's birth there, but it's on the Internet because we put it on the Internet for each of those 400,000 to download. I certainly hope by the fourth year of our administration that we'll have dealt with this burgeoning birth controversy."

And with that, Gibbs ended the briefing.

"This is what the White House thinks of American citizens who take the Constitution seriously," said (Joseph) Farah in response to Gibbs' response. "I think I speak for the 400,000 petitioners when I say disregard for the Constitution is no laughing matter."

Farah was pleased, however, that the question was finally asked of a member of the administration – in public and on the record . . .”

Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayer: Racist

What Constitution?

Is Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Obama choosing nominees for the bench for the right reasons?

Americans for Limited Government (ALG) Editor's Note:
William Warren's award-winning cartoons published at
are a free service of ALG News Bureau.

The following is a portion of an editorial published at

Editorial: Back to the Drawing Board, Mr. Obama

Barack Obama needs to go back to the drawing board and see if he can come up with a Supreme Court nominee who is something other than a self-declared racist termagant.

And while he is at it, maybe he can find one who respects the Constitution, honors the rule of law, and doesn't consider denigrating the Separation of Powers the height of sophisticated wit.

Sonia Sotomayor's rags-to-riches persona—as we have now been told ad infinitum by the mainstream media—is indeed inspiring. Born into relative poverty to Puerto Rican parents, she raised herself up to a preeminent position in mainstream American society. As have tens of millions of other impoverished children born to Italian parents, African parents, Polish parents, Japanese parents, and, in fact, Puerto Rican parents in this land of equal opportunity.

Unfortunately, Ms. Sotomayor seems to have forgotten that the emphasis there is on equal. Which is why it is entirely inappropriate to for someone aspiring to be one of just nine final
adjudicators of the Constitution of the United States to unburden herself of such a racist, sexist obloquy as, "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." . . .

Will Califorina be the next big bailout?

Hat tip to K.C. who sent a link to this great cartoon.

Cartoon by Glenn Foden as found on on 5/25/09

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayor: Unfit

The following is a news release by a Pro-Life advocacy group in response today to the Pro-Death President’s nomination of another “far left ideologue” to a key position and lifetime appointment. Again, the opposition media (ABC, AP, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc.) will try to paint her as some type of moderate. There was no hesitation on the part of leftist media, to call Judge Alito, an “ultra conservative.” But then when did the opposition media ever play fair?

Operation Rescue vows to oppose Sotomayor who wrongly believes, “Courts create social policy.”

Washington, DC – President Barack Obama has nominated Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U. S. Supreme Court as a replacement for retiring Justice David Souter. Operation Rescue will oppose Sotomayor’s nomination as being unfit for the nation’s highest court.

“Just as Obama has attempted to abuse the process of law in reshaping America to the far left, so too Sonia Sotomayor believes in the abuse of judicial authority having stated that courts can create social policy,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “This philosophy dangerously overreaches the duties of the judicial branch and flies in the face of the separation of powers doctrine.”

“Sonia Sotomayor is far left ideologue that blurs the lines between the legislature and judiciary and will surely be a rubber stamp for Obama’s radical abortion agenda, which is opposed by the majority of Americans.”

Below is a brief video clip showing Judge Sotomayor’s comments relating to judicial social activism.

I also agree with Attorney Jay Sekulow regarding Sotomayor’s nomination, he stated, “We're hopeful that the Members of the Senate will ask the tough questions about her judicial philosophy (judicial social activism) and temperament when the confirmation hearings get underway this summer.”

Republican and conservative Senators should contest this nomination with as much vigor as the leftists contested Bork, Thomas, Alito and Roberts.

Comments to NIH on Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Today ended the public comment period for the draft federally funded National Institutes of Health (NIH) Human Stem Cell Guidelines. The following was my emailed comments to the government regarding this important topic.

Adult stem cells are non-controversial, ethical, and most importantly, and have been proven to be effective in treating patients.

We should not fund controversial research that destroys human life when we have other options that do not destroy human life. Embryonic stem cell research (ESCR) is ineffective, causes tumors and rejection. Nothing productive or helpful has resulted, to date, from ESCR.

Private organizations have not funded this useless research. Why should the taxpayers fund such research, when the economy is already is disarray? All the successes have come through Adult Stem Cell Research.

It is foolish, wasteful and immoral to permit any killing or cloning of humans for any purpose. Therefore I am opposed to your proposed guidelines involving any embryonic stem cell research.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

I came across this video on and encourage every American to see and hear it!

Memorial Day 2009


M e m o r i a l
D a y
2 0 0 9
Honoring America's Military Veterans
Passed & Present

Displaying Patriotic Bumper Sticker Now Makes You a Terrorist Suspect?

I received an email from the Patriot Depot, which sells patriotic bumper stickers. i have posted a pictures of a few of their bumper stickers previously. The story below comes from the Patriot Depot and may be emblematic of what is happening under the current regime in Washington, D.C. and their Department of Homeland Security (DHS). What is happening is the stealing of average American's liberties.

Man Detained by Police for Displaying Patriotic Bumper Sticker

Order your bumper sticker at Patriot Depot

The Department of Homeland Security Strikes Again
A Special Report by Archie Jones

"A customer service representative at The Patriot Depot just received a call from Rosemary in Ball, Louisiana alerting him that her brother-in-law was stopped by small town Louisiana police and detained by the roadside for half an hour. A background check was conducted to determine whether he was a member of an “extremist” group. Why? Her brother-in-law (name not disclosed for privacy) had purchased a conservative “Don’t Tread on Me” bumper sticker from The Patriot Depot and displayed it on his car.

"The bumper sticker is based on the famous flag designed by American Revolution era general and statesman Christopher Gadsden. The yellow flag featured a coiled diamondback rattlesnake ready to strike, with the slogan “Don’t Tread on Me!” underneath it. Benjamin Franklin helped make the rattlesnake a symbol of Americans’ reluctance to quarrel but vigilance and resolve in defense of their rights. By 1775 when Gadsden presented his flag to the commander-in-chief of the Navy, the rattlesnake was a symbol of the colonies and of their need to unite in defense of threats to their God-given and inherited rights.

"Today, the Gadsden flag is recognized as a national symbol of liberty and freedom from an oppressive government. The flag and the bumper sticker symbolize

· American patriotism,
· the need to defend Americans’ rights, and
· resistance to tyranny’s threats to American liberty.

"Those threats included—and include—

· illegal taxation,
· profanation of Americans’ rights, and
· violation of the fundamental principles of American law.

"The notorious Department of Homeland Security memo, which was apparently based on the infamous Missouri State Police Report that described supporters of presidential candidates Bob Barr, Ron Paul, and Chuck Baldwin as “militia”-type potential extremists and potential terrorists, is not the first effort of leftist radicals to slander their political opponents as “extremists.” Some observers have noted that similar “reports” emerged during the Clinton administration. But “liberals” and other leftists have been calling defenders of

· traditional American
· constitutional government,
· free enterprise, and
· individual liberty

“extremists” since at least the 1964 election.

"The political left’s attempts to establish a false equivalence between genuine left wing extremists and those who oppose the left’s assault on our culture, law, and liberty is more than propaganda to fool the ignorant and manipulate public opinion. Combined with the power of government, it is an attempt to harass, intimidate, and silence all political opposition—and probably an attempt to demonize them as a prelude to governmental oppression and persecution. Keep in mind that the First Amendment states,

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

"Small town police misled by phony left wing “reports” are bad enough. Federal government agencies and their armed agents under the direction of leftist radicals are exponentially worse. They will tread on us. The time has come to let our voices be heard!"

The current party and people in control of the government seek centralization and power. They want to control every aspect of our lives. They think that they have the exclusive wisdom and plan to make the world a beater place. They are desperately wrong. As President Ronald Reagan said, the government is not the solution to our problems, it is the problem. That has not only been exemplified but exaggerated under the Soetoro a/k/a Obama administration. Unfortunately, it will only get worse as long as this man 'serves' the people the lie that bigger government is better government, that the government knows best . . .

The Masqueraded Muslim

T.D. sends us this provocative item in an email today. Apparently this item has been floating in cyberspace ever since the Soetoros'/Obamas' trip to Europe earlier this year.

“I was at Blockbusters on Saturday renting videos, and I was going along the wall and there was a video called "Obama". I told the men next to me that I wouldn't waste my time. We started talking about Obama.

“These guys were Arabs, and I asked them why they thought Michele Obama headed home following her visit in France instead of traveling on to Saudi Arabia and Turkey with her husband. They said that she couldn't go to Saudi Arabia, Turkey or Iraq .

“I said "Laura Bush went to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Dubai."

“They answered, "Obama is a Muslim, and by Muslim law, he would not be allowed to bring his wife into the countries that accept Sharia Law."

“Just thought it was interesting that the Arabs at Blockbuster's accept the idea that we're being led by a Muslim, who follows the Islamic creed. They also said that's the reason he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia.

“Just thought that you would like to know. Odd, I thought HE SAID he was a Christian. Now he wouldn't lie to us would he?”

Although many Americans would think that this was not true. I think that there may be some validity to it. If the alleged President Barry Soetoro, alias Barack Obama, would try to hide the circumstances surrounding his birthplace, skirting the Constitutional requirement of natural-born citizenship, it is not much of a step to doubt his assertion that he is a ‘Christian’ and may, in fact, be a closeted secular-Muslim. If you observe his policies and actions this man is no more of follower of Christ, than the Pope is a follower of the Mormon Joseph Smith.

The ‘Bible’ According to Democrats

T.D. sends us this Democratic version of the famous Shepherd's Psalm adapted to their 'messiah,' the alleged President Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Obama. This interpretation has been floating in cyberspace since well before the November '08 Presidential Election. Thanks, T.D.!

First Book of Democrat, Psalms 2008-2012

Obama is my shepherd, I better not want
He leadeth me beside still factories,
He restoreth my faith in a third party,
He guideth me in the path of unemployment.

Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the breadline,
I shall not go hungry,
For Obama has anointed my income with taxes,
My expenses runneth over my income.

Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of his term.

From hence forth we will live all the days of our lives in a rented home with an overseas landlord.

But I am glad I am an American,
I am glad that I am free,
But I wish I was a dog and Obama a tree.

This article is copyright © 2008, by Gary Shumway. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and distribute it electronically and in print, other than as part of a book and provided that mention of the author’s web site is included.

"Americans grew tired of being thought to be dumb by the rest of the world, so they went to the polls and removed all doubt."

Sunday, May 24, 2009

2010, The Year of the Bible

The following article is based on a news story found on Yahoo News, “The Bible Bill?
Representative Paul Broun (R-Ga.) has proposed a bill in Congress making 2010 the Year of the Bible in recognition of the contributions that the Bible has made to America throughout its history as a nation. As of May 22, 2009, only 15 fellow House members have signed on to co-sponsor the bill. Congressmen and congresswomen do not seem to be very quick in supporting this bill. Obviously, they do not think the Holy Bible is important in American life today. Whoever does not co-sponsor this bill should be voted out of office.

In the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America from Great Britain, an appeal was made to the Judge of the Whole Earth for gaining its independence and maintaining its sovereignty. This Judge, who presides over the affairs of men judging nations, and who will judge each one of us individually, is not some mythical creature who does not exist. This Judge is a real person. The Holy Bible clearly identifies Him as the Lord Jesus Christ, who is also known as the Lord of Hosts and the Redeemer of Israel. He is the second Person of the trinity, the Only Begotten Son of God, who is God in the flesh.

With faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, America must recognize, honor, and obey Him or we will face increasing difficulty which may lead to extinction. The difficulties we are having in the nation today are symptoms of having turned away from obeying the Holy Bible and living according to its statutes.

America shall reckon with the God of the Holy Bible one way or another. He has made this solemn promise, “The nation which forgets God, will be turned into hell.” Can you see it happening? Congress is helping. What are you doing about it?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Teleprompted One

Photo Found at on 05.23.09
The Teleprompted Kid-Killer on campus of University of Notre Dame
Sunday, May 17, 2009.
(AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

“The epitome of abortion evil in the world . . . ”

“(H)e is really the high priest of the cult of child-murder . . . ”

“Whose conscience is seared.”

--- Dr. Alan Keyes in referring to Barry Soetoro alias
Barack Obama

In a radio interview today with Dave Daubenmire (Pass the Salt Radio), Dr. Alan Keyes comments on why he allowed himself to be arrested in the protest last Sunday on the Notre Dame campus. First he said it was the arrest of Pro-Life advocate and founder of Operation Rescue, Randall Terry, earlier this month at Notre Dame. That arrest impacted Keyes, because he saw a person who had dedicated himself to the cause of Life and now was being treated so badly, and because of it Dr. Keyes felt he need to get more involved. Dr. Keyes indicated that another reason was:

“. . . The very integrity of the faith in Jesus Christ that we profess. And the notion that somehow, consistent with that faith, we can honor one, who has become the epitome of abortion evil in the world, it makes no sense and I felt that we need to rise up as one heart and say ‘no’ to the slanderous lie against truth and our faith.

Daubenmire asked Dr. Keyes to elaborate as to exactly what Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama’s position really is on abortion, infanticide, etc.

“One of the things I have definitely concluded, especially where Soetoro/Obama is concerned, we should stop referring to abortion, because he is really the high priest of the cult of child-murder.


“He believes in murdering children in the womb. He believes that if a mother has decided to abort the child, even if that child survives the abortion attempt, and is born viable with no means except to be cared for in the usual way, that child should be left to die in the name of the so-called ‘abortion rights.”


“He (Soetoro/Obama) has also declared - that many people know – that the one vote he was ashamed of in the U.S. Senate was the one he cast just to look into the Terri Schiavo situation.

“This is a conscience so seared, so dead-set against respect for life, that even to investigate the facts about that situation struck him as shameful.


“So we are dealing with someone whose conscience is seared and who is standing in a position that turns his back on the fundamental law of love of God, which begins with respect to His first gift to us, which is breathing into us the breath of life, which signifies His love for us in the very act of creating what we are. To reject this seems to me, is to reject God’s loving will for us – at the most fundamental level, to tear up the plant as it were, of our respect for God’s law at it root. This is why it was particularly incongruous that he should be given a doctor of laws degree.

“How can you tell me that someone is learned in the law when is they are ripping up from the root the respect that we should have for the laws of God?”

To hear the entire radio interview, visit the Pass the Salt website.

Pelosi Promises Massive Healthcare Spending

Nancy Pelosi announced they would have a sweeping healthcare bill on the floor by the end of July.

“That way Congress could totally bankrupt the nation before they go off on summer recess.”

- - NewsBusted,
Episode 5/22/09

NewsBusted is a conservative comedy webcast about the news of the day, uploaded every Tuesday and every Friday. Their newest NewBusted episode includes the excerpt above.

See right panel of this blog and click on the picture to watch this 2-3 minute comedy YouTube video.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Where's the birth certificate?

Who's birth certificate is the billboard referring? This provocative question deals with the legitimacy of the alleged President Barry Soetoro's aka Barack Obama's qualifications. He meets one of the two basic requirements to qualify for the office of President, that is, that he is more than 35 years old, at least chronologically. However, there is a serious doubt raised when his paternal grandmother made the statement that she saw him being born in Kenya in Africa. That raises questions. Well, ( is raising the level of awareness by asking that question in their new campaign to bring this question before the American people directly. They are doing this because it seems that our courts have blown off any challenge brought through the judicial system.

See the article, "Obama said what? No way!," that describes this brand new campaign.

Notrte Dame Loses to the Teleprompter President

I have posted extensively this past week on the scandalous invitation to speak at graduation last Sunday and the honorary degree that Notre Dame awarded to he current radically Pro-Death occupier of the White House in Washington, D.C. The video below was taken from a previous video embedded in a previous article, which was produced for Pass the Salt Ministries.

What Notre Dame did was inexcusable and alumni should withhold donations until such time the school purges their Pro-Death President and Pro-Obama Board of Trustees that are responsible for this travesty of justice. Abortion stops a human life . . .

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Take Back This Nation, part 1

Another bill which has had so much added to it is H.R. 627. This is actually a bill which supposedly protects consumers from unscrupulous credit card. But Senator Tom Coburn has added an amendment to it which would actually protect hunters from being prosecuted for hunting in Federal Parks. The bill has passed with the amendment and Obama is expected to sign it! But this will be of little consequence if the Obama administration gets its way. (There shouldn’t even be any such thing as a “Federal Park” because this is unconstitutional.)

Two bills have been introduced into the Congress which are both an affront to our liberties. H.R. 45 is a bill that is designed to give government more of an ability to harass people for purchasing guns. H.R. 2159 is a bill which would ban the sale of firearms to people who fit certain profiles which makes them “potential terrorists”. Both of these bills are so long that most congressman will not even read them if they come up for a vote.

Get ready for the Proclamation March! This event will take place Sunday 2 p.m. July 26th in Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky. The organizers of this event are trying to make this into a nationwide event and are calling for organizers from other cities to schedule a Proclamation Marches around the country. Click here if you are interested. The organizers of this event are not going to stop with the 2nd Amendment, but plan on organizing similar marches for other the amendments in the Bill of Rights which have been repeatedly violated by government in recent years. Get on board now! Let’s show the Establishment that we are not just upset at high taxes! Let’s get this think going!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Prez's god-complex on display at Notre Dame

On Monday Bill Wilson wrote a piece on his The Daily Jot, “Notre Dame Grads Get Dark Study in Hypocrisy and Double Speak.” In that article he discusses the commencement speech that was given at Notre Dame University last Sunday. Here is an excerpt from that insightful article. My comments follow the excerpt.

WASH—May 18—DJNS-- The man who occupies the Oval Office (Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Obama) used reasonable sounding phrases that tickle the ears as he gave Notre Dame Graduates a dark study of hypocrisy and double speak. .

. . “Those who speak out against stem cell research may be rooted in admirable conviction about the sacredness of life, but so are the parents of a child with juvenile diabetes who are convinced that their son’s or daughter’s hardships can be relieved.” In over a decade of embryonic stem cell research, not one disease has been cured, while adult stem cells have yielded tremendous results.

"The messiah complex was in full gear as (Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama) spoke about reducing the number of abortions. He said, “Maybe we won’t agree on abortion, but we can still agree that this is a heart-wrenching decision for any woman to make (QUESTION: what about the baby?), with both moral and spiritual dimensions. So let’s work together to reduce the number of women seeking abortions by reducing unintended pregnancies (TRANSLATION: condom-based comprehensive sex education)
and making adoption more available, and providing care and support for women who do carry their child to term.” Here (Soetoro a/k/a Obama) is admitting that abortion is bad. Yet he has allocated taxpayer money to fund abortions, minimized abstinence education, supported adoption by homosexuals, and has asked for record amounts of tax money for the world’s largest abortion provider—Planned Parenthood. . . ."


I absolutely concur with Mr. Wilson’s assessment of the alleged President’s scandalous appearance and speech at a supposedly Catholic, pro-life university last Sunday. Soetoro/Obama’s comments on embryonic stem cells and abortion are crystal clear examples of deliberate deceitful language used and meant to couch his real Pro-Death policies, plans, core convictions and heart desire. He tries to hide his true radical stand by sounding moderate. This is his typical approach on many issues.

This man is bigoted against the pre-born, especially against black babies. He is this country’s civil rights violator-in-chief. He actually walks in lock step with Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger and other of history’s eugenicists including the likes of Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot. He only cares about gaining and expanding power to implement fully his evil socialist agenda. He is Pro-Death.

What Notre Dame did by inviting this man to their campus, and worse, what they are teaching or allowing to be taught to their students is despicable and utterly shameful. Instead of a handful of protesting students on the outside of the center where the graduation ceremonies were held, there really should have only been handful of students who accepted their diplomas inside. Something is terribly wrong with this picture.

Interestingly and appropriately, to date the cost of allowing this godless infidel to speak at the Catholic campus commencement exercise is $20 million. That is the number of dollars of alumni donations that have been stopped, because of the university’s action in inviting this man and bestowing him an honorary degree as well. I sincerely hope that that total multiplies ten fold or even one-hundred fold.

The Cold-blooded Teleprompter

Cartoon by Scott Stantis as found on 5/19/09

“President (Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack) Obama was heckled during his speech at the Notre Dame graduation ceremony last Sunday.

Fortunately, (Soetoro alias) Obama, I mean his teleprompter, kept a cool head.”

- - NewsBusted,
Episode 5/18/09

NewsBusted is a conservative comedy webcast about the news of the day, uploaded every Tuesday and every Friday. Their newest NewBusted episode includes the excerpt above.

See right panel of this blog and click on the picture to watch this 2-3 minute comedy YouTube video.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The $50 Question

From time to time T.D. sends a story that has been circulating in cyberspace and forwards to us. This is one such story. Fact or fiction it makes some excellent points to make. It could be said to be a modern day parable of sorts.

"I recently asked my friends' little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, 'If you were President what would be the first thing you would do? '

"She replied, 'I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people..'

Her parents beamed with pride.

"'Wow...what a worthy goal…' I told her, 'But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house. '

"She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, ' Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?

"I said, 'Welcome to the Republican Party.'

"Her parents still aren't speaking to me."

Note: The Republican Party referred to here is not the Olympia Snow-John McCain Republican Party but the Ronald Reagan-Jack Kemp Republican Party.

Targeting Taxpayers

T.D. sent us this photo of two of the terrible triumvirate (along with Senator Reid) as they apparently spot another unsuspecting middle class American taxpayer.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The President’s Abortion Bailout

Hear Their Cry

A Pro-Death politician invited to speak at a Catholic university? A radically Pro-Death politician being awarded a honorary doctorate of laws degree at the same university? This is an outrage, even if that politician was the president of the United States? Why? Just look at what this alleged President did on only his second day in office:

This certainly does not bode well for the future, especially for the futures of babies now in their mother’s wombs, here and abroad.

No wonder there was a significant protest yesterday in South Bend, Indiana on and near the campus of Notre Dame.

I have written several articles about this double tragedy the last few days. The invitation and the award was the first tragedy. The second was that there were not thousands upon thousands more protesters on and near the campus. Have we been hypnotized by this smooth talking teleprompted charlatan? Have succumbed to the steady stream of propaganda emitted by the opposition media (ABC, the AP, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, PBS etc.)? Have we stopped caring about our fellow man, no matter how small he or she may be?

It is time to wake up and take back the country that is now in the hands of our enemies – those that embrace a culture of death, dependency, and destruction of the hopes, dreams, and values our founders and our ancestors. These principles, rights and values are too precious to surrender without a struggle.

Notre Dame Chooses Prestige over Principle

Hear Their Cry

I found two extremely insightful comments about the 2009 Notre Dame Commencement Speech given by the current occupier of the White House who was invited by Notre Dame to provide the keynote address. That comment captured the irony of the moment. A radical Pro-Death advocate asked to speak at a supposedly Pro-Life Catholic institution of higher learning.

Here is the first comment (posted on Sunday, May 17, 2009 at


“The best part of the (commencement) speech (at Notre Dame on Sunday) was when (Soetoro a/k/a Obama) began to talk about abortion and a baby in the audience began to cry.

“It was a loud and very distinctive cry.

“I suspect it made more than one person weep.

“I know I did”.
Here is the second comment (posted a few minutes after the post above on Sunday, May 17, 2009 at

“For about 15 seconds, Obama appeared visibly shaken. I thought it was from something he was seeing in the crowd that the camera was not showing us, or another heckler we could not hear. Maybe it was the baby... MAYBE IT WAS GOD?”

Earlier in a live interview Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue and one of the leaders of the protest at Notre Dame, made the following assessment. He asked, rhetorically, “Would the wicked Planned Parenthood organization ask Pope Benedict to speak at one of its annual conventions? If not, then why in the world would a Catholic religious organization invite a Pro-Death proponent and one instrumental in advancing that cause AND bestow on him an honorary doctorate of law degree?

One reason is that Notre Dame’s Board of Trustees and its President, Father John "Judas" Jenkins, are sympathetic to and endorse the evil policies of this abominable God-dishonoring man, Mr. Soetoro alias Obama.