Tune-In Tonight at 8:30 pm ET for a Special Webcast on the Moral, Ethical and Financial Dangers of the President's Health Care Reform Plan
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July 28, 2009
A special webcast concerning President (Soetoro alias) Obama's health care plan. Obama and the Democratic leadership have ignored the moral, ethical, and financial threats of a government takeover of health care. Just this week, President (Soetoro a/k/a) Obama told CBS News he didn't want to "wade into" the debate over whether taxpayers should be forced to pay for abortions within his health care takeover.
The President has already "waded in" - in fact, he's up to his neck in a plan that would compel Americans to pay for abortion-on-demand. Opposition is building in Congress and across the country against the Obama proposal, which would flood the coffers of the abortion industry.
To learn the story the networks won't tell you, to get the depth of perspective the networks can't give you, and to point the way forward on such a critical issue as health care, join Tony Perkins, along with FRCAction's respected experts as they are joined by key Congressional leaders for an exclusive Webcast beginning at 8:30 pm. EDT tonight.
During the Webcast, you will be given a behind-the-scenes look at the fight to:
- stop taxpayer funding of abortion,- protect the conscience rights of health care workers, and - prevent a government takeover that will impose a massive tax and debt burden on you and your family.
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