Questions to ask our [Doctors,] Senators, and Representative about ObamaCare
This is the tenth and final article in a series of questions about ObamaCare (i.e., Socialized Medicine, Universal Healthcare, Single-Payer Healthcare, Government-Run Healthcare, or Nationalized Healthcare) that we conservative and Christian patriots should strongly consider asking our U.S. Representatives and U. S. Senators over the next month, while the Congress is taking its summer recess. If their unnecessary and freedom-robbing healthcare reform, which is being forged and forced on America by the current administration and the current Democrat-controlled Congress is to be stopped, it is through the voices of many Americans – We the People. It’s a priority TEA Party action item.
The questions were developed by Gary Bauer (American Values) and are intended to be used in interactions in our Senators and Representatives during the next 30 days. President Obama has already conceded that there probably won't be a vote on healthcare reform until "the end of September or the middle of October." That means we have August to attend town hall meetings with our representatives and senators, stop by their congressional offices, write letters to the editor and educate our friends and family members about the dangers of socialized medicine. Don Wildmon of the American Family Association (AFA) encourages his supporters to form groups as part of the process of engaging members of Congress.
10. PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS. President (Soetoro a/k/a) Obama has repeatedly said that "no insurance company will be allowed to deny you coverage because of a pre-existing medical condition." That sounds wonderful until you apply common sense, which is in short supply in Washington. What if we made a law that allowed you to buy car insurance after you got into an accident and that required the insurance company to pay for the damage? Wouldn’t many people just wait for an accident before buying insurance? Why wouldn’t many Americans wait until they were sick to buy health insurance?
Question for your Congressmen: Isn't it clear that this provision would drive up the cost of health insurance for everyone?
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