America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Friday, November 13, 2009
14th Victim of the Muslim Mass Murderer Major Hasan
One week after the Islamic inspired massacre at Fort Hood in Texas by Major Nabil Malik Hasan, little or nothing has been mentioned about the 14th victim of the Islamic terror incident at Fort Hood. That victim was an unborn baby. Michelle Malkin reported on her blog, “But seldom mentioned is the most hidden victim — soldier Francheska Velez’s unborn baby. Velez was on maternity leave when she stopped at Ft. Hood, where she and the child she carried in her womb fell victim to Hasan’s bullet.” With the current abortion-minded, abortion-condoning, abortion-supporting administration, is there any chance this terrorist will be accused of this fourteenth murder? I would venture that he would not. Most of the mass media, in bed with the president and sold out to the pro-death agenda, will not even acknowledge that there was a 14th victim . . .
Bryan Fisher, who has a radio talk show on the American Family Association radio network, called Focal Point, had some poignant comments concerning the military base massacre by the Muslim Major. The following is an excerpt from his radio program, which first aired on Friday, November 6th.
“The politically correct attitude toward Islam is turning a blind eye to the radical nature of Islam itself. It is NOT a religion of peace. It IS a religion of WAR and VIOLENCE. But by turning a blind eye to that, we have placed the innocent at risk . . .
“Proverbs 18:5 say, “It is not good to be partial to the wicked, nor to deprive the innocent of justice.” When we act out of political correctness and allow Islam a place in our culture and in our military that it does not deserve, out of a misguided sense of MULTICULTURALISM, we are being partial to the wicked. The Judeo-Christian tradition says that is not good. At the same time deprive the innocent of justice, these 13 soldiers [ and one innocent baby ] that were shot down in cold blood yesterday. They were deprived innocence, of justice because we have been partial to the wicked.
Here are some of Bryan’s additional comments on the following YouTube video of President Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Obama’s first remarks about the Fort Hood terrorist shootings.
“(The video below) . . . highlights the INSENSITIVITY of our president. Others have observed that he is COOL, to the point of being COLD. I believe that this assessment is correct. There is COLDNESS about our president. There is CALLOUSNESS about him. There is an INDIFFERENCE to true human suffering in him. He is DETACHED. That he is DISCONNECTED from genuine compassion for actual people . . . Yesterday, I thought illustrated this.”
What Bryan Fisher said above reinforces the following description found with the above YouTube video of Soetoro/Obama’s 11/5/09 speech, “In his initial televised remarks following the devastating American tragedy, Barack Obama first addresses White House conference attendees -- even giving one a chummy "shout-out" -- before finally turning his attention towards the horrific mass killing at the Ft. Hood Army base in Texas.”
INSENSITIVITY, COLDNESS, IMMATURITY, INEXPERIENCE, INDIFFERENCE, DISCONNECTED all describe our President at this defining moment of his presidency.
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