Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Put President Barack Hussien Obama in the drivers seat of a Chevy Volt in '13, not '17!

He's unsafe @ any speed!

Ohio Voters: Elect a Conservative NOT Willard Mitt Romney!

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Bad Choice: Saudi Oil Over American Oil

Driving home from work this afternoon, I needed gas. Today almost every gas station priced their regular unleaded at $3.799. When I came upon a Marathon station with a “bargain” price of $3.499, I decided I better stop and fill-up. Forty dollars later and a longer than normal wait at the pumps, reminding me of the gas crisis of the 1970s, I drove off with a tank full of petro and an empty wallet!

The man who is trying his hardest to out ‘Jimmy Carter’ President Carter bears the brunt of the blame for the ballooning gas prices. Not satisfied with further bankrupting the American economy, his war on fossil fuels is killing the middle class’ personal budget …

Hat tip goes to for the following video:

Like "The Artist (2012)" Movie, The U.S. has Gone Back In Time In a Number of Ways

Hat tip goes to Americans for Limited Government (ALG) and its ALGNewsNetwork for this video:

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Exercising Authority over Satan at Work and Elsewhere, Part 4

Many times situations happen in our lives which we do not know how or why they take place.  The main source of conflict is Satan.  He and those evil angels under his command can work through various situations. These evil entities also put ideas into people’s heads, which people think are their own ideas, to bring about Satan’s desires.  It is also for possible for people things to have demonic spirits in them.  Jesus has given those, who are in Christ, authority over all the power of the enemy.

Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases (Luke 9:1).
AT WORK – Running a Nursing Home

As a Nursing Home Administrator Samuel was feeling a great amount of pressure upon himself.  He noticed that the wind was not blowing, so it wasn’t air pressure on him.  He reasoned that spirits are called pneuma in the Greek so they are like the air.  The Holy Spirit was said to be like the wind by Jesus.  Therefore, this pressure, he reasoned, is like the air and must be caused by evil spirits.
Samuel asked his friend Greg to rebuke Satan and command Satan to stay off of him.  This Greg did and Samuel has never felt pressure on himself since.
Greg is a Christian, but not Pentecostal.  He does not speak in tongues.  He has not had the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.  The churches he attends are not charismatic.  He rarely associates with those who are Pentecostal and speak in tongues, except for myself, of course.  Exercising authority over Satan in the name of Jesus is the right of every child of God (Christian).  Even you, if you are born again.  There is no such thing as a Christian who is not born again.
You’re Response
The disciples came back to Jesus after ministering in the country side and said, “Even the devils are subject to us.”  Jesus said, “Don’t rejoice that the devils are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in the Book of Life.”  Reader, is your name written in the Book of Life?  If you are not sure that your name is already recorded in the Book of Life, or if you know your name is not in the Book of Life, then right now you can repent of your sins and invite Jesus into your life.  A sample prayer is, “Lord Jesus Christ, forgive me of my sin and come into my heart.”  

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Presidential Rebuke: An American Woman’s Own Apology Regarding Qur’an Burning in Afghanistan

Hat tip goes to John Wiseman's TeaPartyNation blog article. He includes the video below. The video was made in response to yet another of President Obama’s ridiculous, unnecessary, foolhardily appeasing apologies, this time to President Karzai and the Afghan people, for the unintentional burning of a few Qur’ans. This is one wise, young, and discerning American commentator, who sees his apology for what it is and offers her own to cogent counter to it… Following the video is a transcription of the letter to the President of Afghanistan.

Dear President Karzai:

I have seen on the news the anger and frustration the people are expressing after it was discovered that members of our military burned copies of the Qur’an outside an American detention facility. Your people were outraged. I was outraged, too, and I’d like to express my sincere apologies …
·         I am sorry your penchant for raising and harboring enemies of the United States have made it necessary for us to be in your crappy, corrupt, backward country for as long as we have been there!

·         I’m sorry that the politically correct, blame-America-first crowd has so infected our military operations that the rules of engagement make it impossible for us to just quickly level the bad guys there and get out!
·         I’m sorry that you run a nation of men who would kill and have killed over the printed words on a page, but have no problem whatsoever with sowing the 12 year old girl’s vagina shut so she can’t “sin” and beheading homosexuals.

·         I’m sorry that your home grown terrorist detainees use your own ‘holy’ texts, provided by our taxpayers here in the US to send coded covert messages back and forth. I’m sorry that soldiers must intercept these coded messages and destroy them in order to keep our own personnel safe!

·         I’m sorry that while you live in the lap of luxury on own foreign aid dollars your own people are starving and dying in abject poverty!
·         I’m sorry that your religion has left you completely incapable of seeing the irony in your feigned outrage at the burning of four Qur’ans while you imprison and even execute anyone in your country that has the audacity to go and get themselves gang-raped or leave Islam for another faith!
·         I’m sorry that our President would make such a public spectacle of apologizing for the burning of books containing secret prisoner communication while giving you and your armed forces a pass on murdering our own military personnel in cold blood!

·         I’m sorry that your culture finds it acceptable for grown men to leave off caring for their families in order to stand around for days shooting guns, burning American flags, and calling our President a black dog and other names!

·         I’m sorry our President sees more value in apologizing to those men than in standing up for American interests and freedom!
Mostly, President Karzai, I’m sorry that we don’t have a leader with enough balls to tell you to kindly take your fake moral outrage and your terrorist sensibilities and shove them both where the sun don’t shine. And I’m not talking about those caves you house the Taliban in. I’m so so sorry!

Time for Tiberi Term Limit

Candidates in the Ohio 12th U.S. Congressional District will debate from 2 to 4 p.m. today in Newark, Ohio. The Newark (Ohio) Advocate newspaper is streaming the event live. You can view it here.

Watch live streaming video from newarkadvocate at

The debate will be shown live at The new district includes seven Central Ohio counties, including Licking, Morrow and parts of Muskingum, Richland and Marion.

With the redistricting I will no longer be represented by conservative champion, Rep. Jim Jordan. RINO and U.S. House Speaker John Boehner lackey Rep. Pat Tiberi now is running to become my representative. Tiberi is as conservative as Presidential candidate and faux conservative Willard Mitt Romney. These imitation or born-again 'conservatives' (are cons) at election time must be defeated. Six terms for this kowtower to the GOP establishment is more than enough.

I will be watching with interest as conservative GOP candidate for Ohio's 12th U.S. Congressional District Bill Yarbrough exposes Pat Tiberi. See also the !

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rick Santorum: A Hypothetical Scenario

Everybody thinks that Rick Santorum is so conservative on social issues.  Well, “everybody” is dead wrong, particularly on the issue of abortion is everyone wrong.  In this post, I will show what would happen if:

1. Rick Santorum were elected President this year
2. Every Congressman elected in 2012 was like Santorum on the issue of abortion
3. Santorum and the like-minded congressmen were reelected perpetually
4. They all vote the way Santorum voted on abortion during 16 year career in Congress

I contend that if all of that happened:

1. Abortion would remain legal and largely unrestricted forever.
2. Abortions would be federally funded forever.
3. The amount of money that Planned Parenthood receives from federal taxation would forever increase annually.

Abortion would remain legal and largely unrestricted forever

Myth: Rick Santorum supports pro-life judges who would overturn Roe v. Wade.

Fact:  Judge Samuel Alito, who Santorum voted to confirm, declared a New Jersey partial birth abortion law to be unconstitutional because it was “an undue burden on a woman’s right to chose”.  Such behavior does not deserve an affirmative vote on a question of confirmation, but rather impeachment as Ron Paul’s We the People Act calls for.  Yes, that’s right.  Santorum’s choice for Supreme Court justice is so pro-abortion, that Ron Paul would have him impeached.  If Alito believes that a woman has a right to choose, then Roe v. Wade will never be overturned.  So it is reasonable to assume that if elected President, none of Santorum’s choices for Supreme Court would overturn Roe v. Wade either.

Myth:  The only way to overturn Roe v. Wade is to appoint Supreme Court justices to overturn it.

Fact:  Congress has the authority to stop Roe v. Wade in number of ways.  As mentioned above, Congress could simply impeach any judge who chooses to uphold that precedent.  They could strip the judiciary of jurisdiction to hear such cases (which is what Ron Paul’s Sanctity of Life Act would do).  Finally, the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment could be invoked and enforced by Congress.  But Rick Santorum has never supported any of these approaches.  He did not support the Life at Conception Act.  He did not support the Right to Life Act.  He did not write his own bill.  He would have you believe that there is only one way; and even that one way is a way which he actually doesn’t support!  The President could singlehandedly stop Roe v. Wade by simply refusing to enforce it (by appointing an Attorney General who would refuse to support it).  But given Santorum’s record, don’t you think that that is highly unlikely?   Santorum has NEVER supported any bill declaring the personhood or equality of an unborn baby.

Abortions would be federally funded forever and the amount of money that Planned Parenthood receives from federal taxation would annually increase forever

Santorum voted for Title X funding of Planned Parenthood three times, including one instance in which the Republicans had majorities in both houses and George W. Bush was President.  These bills fund abortions both directly and indirectly.  The bills specifically say that abortions can be funded in certain cases and there is no restriction on abortion providers having access to the ill-gotten cash at taxpayer’s expense.  The excuse that the bill had to pass in order to avoid cutting people off of Medicare is unacceptable.  With a Republican controlled Congress, Planned Parenthood funding could have been taken out.  But Santorum supported adding Medicare part D to the toxic mix of DHHS funding, making people even MORE dependent on federal government and making it even HARDER to get Congress to reject these bills because it would now be even more painful to cut people off of this socialist program.  But Ron Paul, on the other hand, has NEVER voted for any of this garbage!

Fool Me Once…

They say insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Look at what happened after 2000.  Bush was elected--in part by pro-lifers who thought that he would overturn Roe v. Wade.  Already 7 out of the 9 sitting Supreme Court justices had been appointed by Republican Presidents.  Bush appointed two more.  But Roe v. Wade was not overturned.  Given the record of his two appointments, especially Alito, THIS IS CERTAINLY NOT A SURPRISE AT ALL. 

Funding for Planned Parenthood kept going up during the six years that Republicans controlled the Congress.  Direct funding of abortions did not stop.  The Republicans only started pushing for cutting off funding for abortion providers after the Democrats had taken control of both houses.  (Which was also after Rick was no longer in office, so he had nothing to do with it.)  So they could get on record as having voted against Planned Parenthood, without actually accomplishing anything!


Please don’t fooled.  Don’t vote for a fake like Rick Santorum.  Vote for a real pro-life candidate like Ron Paul or Randall Terry.

Who Will You Really Be Voting For in This Primary Election?

pictured at left: Pope Benedict XVI   pictured at right: LDS President Thomas Monson

Now that you know where Newt, Ron, Mitt, and Rick stand on the issues, what about their religion?

Here it is:

Newt Gingrich
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum

The Framers of the Constitution included a Natural Born Citizen clause (NBCC) in the Constitution.  The purpose of the post is not to suggest that any of the candidates are constitutionally ineligible and it is not to discuss its exact meaning.  The four major candidates for the GOP nomination are all unquestionably eligible according to letter of the Constitution.  But don’t forget what the purpose of the NBCC was.  It was to prevent someone from becoming President who has divided loyalties between America and some other country.  It was to prevent a Presidency that would show favoritism to another country. 

So what does this have to do with the religion of the candidates?  Catholics do have a loyalty to the Pope who is a foreign sovereign.  Catholicism is not just a religion.  Vatican City is an actual sovereign nation, and the Pope is the head of its government.  The Roman Empire never completely ceased to exist--the Vatican is the remnant of it.  We are not to look for a fifth empire after the four that Daniel spoke of.  We are to look for a resurgence of the fourth. 

There are also other concerns about Catholics. The Catholic Church can blackmail them with their dirty laundry that they have obtained from the confessionals.  The Pope himself has expressed a belief that worldwide governing structures need to be even more consolidated and strengthened, eroding what is left of national sovereignty.

As for Romney, he is a Mormon which is a cult.  The leadership (The Prophet and President) of the Church of Joseph Smith, Jr. of Latter Day Aints, though an American, has even more control of the actions of his flock, than the Pope has over the Catholics.  The Mormons believe that there are many gods and that they can become gods.  The Mormon Church teaches that abortion is acceptable in cases of rape, incest, and with the baby has some certain birth defects.  Don’t listen to Glenn Beck when he says that Romney is a reasonable alternative to Obama.  Beck is also a Mormon. 

Now, may the reader understand, I don’t actually think that Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum or Mitt Romney have an ounce of sincerity when comes to their religion.  (Their real religion is Socialism.)  But I say these things for the benefit of those who do. 

Ron Paul is not a perfect Christian.  No one but Christ is perfect.  But Ron Paul is a very charitable individual, has been married to his wife for over 50 years, and believes in Biblical principles of government such as personal responsibility, tolerance, Biblical monetary policy, and Christian Just War Theory.  His sincerity is unquestionable.  The church he attends is Bible-based and not overly authoritative like the Catholic Church or the Mormon Church.

In conclusion, Ron Paul is a “safe” candidate from the point of view that his religion would not interfere with the execution of his office and his strong grounding in certain Biblical principles is a definite plus.  The rest of the GOP candidates have a very undesirable conflict of interest.

Randall Terry's Super Bowl Ads, part 3

Please listen Randall's message to pro-choice voters.

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

This is one of those examples where a politician apologizes for something that he said, by saying something even worse than he said in the first place.  Rick Santorum called Barack Obama’s world-view a “phony theology”.  But then he back-peddled.

“I accept the fact that the President is a Christian,” said Rick Santorum.

Notice that Santorum seems to imply that you can be a Christian without having Christian worldview. 

Now I’m not one to believe that Obama is a Muslim.  I have disproved this before on this blog.  I don’t even think the Muslims deserve such an insult.  But Obama is certainly not a Christian.  Anyone who says that Obama is a Christian is either lying, does not know what it means to be a Christian, or does not know anything about what kind of life Barack Obama has leading.  Obama is a murderer because he supports killing children both in womb and in the Middle East.  Obama is a thief because he steals money from the taxpayer to support socialist programs, and to pay off his cronies and the corporations who donated to his campaign.  The Bible clearly teaches that all murderers, thieves and liars will have their part in the lake of fire.

But its not surprising that Santorum would confuse Obama for a Christian.  Santorum has done all of the same things, without showing any sign of remorse and yet claims to be a Christian himself.  The fact that Santorum may have done these things to a lesser degree than Obama doesn't matter.  He just doesn’t get it.  Full repentance is necessary for salvation.

 The Bible says,

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Matt 7:21-23 (KJV)

Notice that this passage says, “…he that doeth the will of my Father…” is the one who will “enter into the kingdom of heaven”.  Any Christian should know this and anyone who knows anything about Obama should know that he does not do the will of the Father.  You can know who is a Christian and who isn’t.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Exercising Authority over Satan at Work and Elsewhere, Part 3

Many times situations happen in our lives which we do not know how or why they take place.  The main source of conflict is Satan.  He and those evil angels under his command can work through various situations. These evil entities also put ideas into people’s heads, which people think are their own ideas, to bring about Satan’s desires.  It is also for possible for people things to have demonic spirits in them.  Jesus has given those, who are in Christ, authority over all the power of the enemy.

Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases (Luke 9:1).

AT WORK - Delivering Pizza
As a Pizza Driver, Samuel was sometimes sent to areas of the city considered to be risky for delivery drivers. In approaching such places with his car, Samuel would say, “Satan, I bind you in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and command you to get out of here.” Then Samuel then would arrive at the assigned address, conduct business, and leave without incident.

You’re Response

The disciples came back to Jesus after ministering in the country side and said, “Even the devils are subject to us.”  Jesus said, “Don’t rejoice that the devils are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in the Book of Life.”  Reader, is your name written in the Book of Life?  If you are not sure that your name is already recorded in the Book of Life, or if you know your name is not in the Book of Life, then right now you can repent of your sins and invite Jesus into your life.  A sample prayer is, “Lord Jesus Christ, forgive me of my sin and come into my heart.” 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Indiana’s Richard Lugar: The Unconstitutional Senator

The article below was written by Tea Party Nation’s Judson Phillips and is reprinted with permission:

Liberals tend to think of the Constitution as just some old document that should be ignored early and often. It is at best an inconvenience and occasionally something they can use against real Americans.

One Senator in particular is ignoring the Constitution. His actions fly in the face of the mandates of the Constitution and he makes a farce of it by his actions.

Who is the liberal and what is he doing?

It is liberal Republican Richard Lugar of Indiana. He is the unconstitutional Senator.

Why is he the Unconstitutional Senator?

Lugar was a resident of Indiana in 1976 when he was first elected to the Senate. He left for Washington in 1977 and now lives in Washington. His address in Indiana is a hotel. He does have partial ownership of a farm but the farm has no residence on it. According to published sources, he stays either in hotels or with friends when he comes back to Indiana.

Article One, Section Three, Clause three of the Constitution states:

No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.

There is no argument that in 1977, Richard Lugar was an inhabitant of Indiana. Now he is not. Lugar has not owned a home in Indiana since 1977. Lugar has no physical residence in Indiana. He still lists the home he sold in 1977 as his voting residence.

Lugar’s conduct is so outrageous that Tea Party members in Indiana have filed complaints alleging that Lugar is engaging in voter fraud when he returns to Indiana to vote.

Lugar has tried to analogize his tenure in Washington to military service. A member of the military gets to claim their last state of residence for all purposes until they leave military service.

For a liberal Republican to compare his self-enrichment at the taxpayers’ expense to those who wear the uniform of America’s armed services is to put it mildly, extremely offensive.

The Indiana Senate primary is May 8th. This primary will be the one of the first tests of the Tea Party this year. Various Tea Party groups have endorsed Richard Mourdock, Lugar’s opponent in the primary.

If we can defeat liberal Richard Lugar, we can send a message. Much as 2010 became the year of the Tea Party election, we the Tea Party can get 2012 off to a strong start by defeating Lugar.

Here is what you need to do…

Ask your local Tea Party group to get together and have a money bomb for Richard Mourdock. Even if it is not a great deal of money, remember this. Richard Lugar is the crown prince of the RINOs. There are many in the Washington establishment who want to see him reelected because if he is reelected he will continue to be Barack Obama’s favorite Republican. Those in the Washington establishment will continue to fund him as long as they believe he can win.

The Primary is still two and a half months away, but consider how you can volunteer. If you are in Indiana or close to Indiana, consider joining the campaign for a weekend or a week. They will need boots on the ground, especially as the election draws closer.

Even if you cannot make it to Indiana, there are still opportunities. With modern technology, you can phone bank for a candidate from anywhere in the United States.

This is our first big fight of 2012. We need to win.

Join me in this fight and on May 8th, we will ask Lugar and the GOP establishment, “Can you hear us now?”

Voting out of office such constitution violators as RINO Senator Dick Lugar will be a big step in turning around the nation and the GOP. Replacing Lugar with real conservatives such as Richard Mourdock is a key objective in 2012 for the TEA Party Movement. Let the cleansing of Congress begin with the Primary Elections.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Rick Santorum has Gay Friends

Rick Santorum:

“I’ve had gay people work for me…Rick Santorum had a gay Republican work for him for ten years.”

Tisk, tisk.  I wonder, if Santorum gets elected, would he break George W. Bush’s record for most gay appointees?  Watching this video gives you an idea how Santorum tries to pander to both sides of an issue.  But who is the real Rick Santorum?  Better look at his voting record instead of listening to his speeches.

Randall Terry's Super Bowl Ads, part 2

This is the second in a series of video ads put out by Presidential candidate Randall Terry.  I don't necessarily endorse Terry for President, but nevertheless his message is right on target and if you can't vote for any of the Republicans (either for conscience sake or because of your party registration), Terry could be an acceptable alternative choice for you.  Yes, Randall, we need to show more graphic pictures of murdered babies until the killing stops.

FRC Action CORRECTED Voter Guide

I begin this post by quoting a parable from our Lord Jesus Christ:

28 But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard. 29 He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went. 30 And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not. 31 Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. 32 For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him.  Matt 21:28-32 (KJV)

Last week I received a voter guide from “the legislative affiliate of the Family Research Council” (FRC Action).  I think they made quite a few mistakes.  I decided to help them out and correct some of the errors.  The reason for many of their “mistakes” was that they listened to what the candidates said, rather than reporting how they voted.  Here is the CORRECTED FRC Action Voter Guide, followed by the references to back it up:

Newt Gingrich
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
Abortion Funding
Planned Parenthood Funding
Federal Funding of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Federal Ban on Human Cloning
Repeal of the Federal Estate Tax
Federal Marriage Amendment
Federal Employment Non-Discrimination (of homosexuals) Act
Strict Constructionist Judges
Educational Choice
Legalize Open Homosexuality in the Military

Support = the candidate voted (or sponsored legislation) to support this issue
Oppose = the candidate voted (or sponsored legislation) to oppose this issue
Mixed = the candidate voted both for and against this issue at various times
Unknown = the candidate was never in a situation to able to vote on this issue and was either unable or unwilling to sponsor legislation to affect it
DNV = the candidate abstained from voting on this issue whenever it came up as a single issue
? = I have not done enough research to make a determination in these cases

Newt Gingrich (Title V., section 509--click on “Operating Expenses” and scroll down to section 509.) Similarly find the same in the other two bills under the same title and section.
2          ibid
9 (Gingrich supports most funding of federal educational programs, which makes educational choice harder for parents.)

Ron Paul

2          Ibid
7  I believe that the reason why Ron Paul missed this vote was that he was invited to a Presidential debate/interview at that time.  

Mitt Romney

2          Ibid
3-7, 10 Mitt Romney has never held a federal office.

Rick Santorum (Title V., section 509--click on “Operating Expenses” and scroll down to section 509.) Similarly find the same in the other two bills under the same title and section.
2          Ibid
8          Santorum voted to confirm Samuel Alito the Supreme Court (, but contrary to popular opinion, Alito is not a strict constructionist.  For example, he ruled that a New Jersey law against partial birth abortion was unconstitutional because it was an “undue burden on a woman’s constitutional right to choose” and that he would “approach the issue with an open mind”.  He echoed this sentiment in the Senate confirmation hearings.