America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
A Canary in a Cage, Part 1 of 3
The following is my response to a fellow-poster’s criticism of me on the Ohio Politics Open Forum, see post #2454. An allegation was made that I was incorrect in accusing Congressman Sherrod Brown o being anti-God, among other things. Sherrod Brown is the very liberal Democratic candidate, who is running against moderate Republican and incumbent, Mike DeWine for an Ohio U.S. Senate seat. The following is basically what I wrote in response to the poster’s charge.
Frankly, I am getting annoyed by your unabashed defense of Congressman Brown (who is himself a) Kucinch-Kennedy-Pelosi-Schumerite extreme liberal, who along with the ACLU and their ilk want only to destroy America as we know it hoping to make it into some kind of socialist utopia.
. . . I am not a liar . . . I see no need to apologize for stating the truth.
I carefully read the article you linked in your post. In his Cleveland Plain Dealer article entitled: “Faith, Holy Writ, and Social Justice”, Congressman Brown uses the term “faith” 7 times and he uses the term “moral values” 6 times. The one key phrase that he uses, however, both in the title of the article, “Faith, Holy Writ and Social Justice and also found twice in article itself, reveals his core belief: the term “social and economic justice.”
My conclusion is that Brown is espousing a form of socialism or liberal Marxist theology or liberation theology [Wikipedia says that “Liberation theology focuses on Jesus Christ as not only Savior but also as Liberator of the oppressed. Emphasis is placed on those parts of the Bible where Jesus' mission is described in terms of liberation and as a bringer of justice”.] This philosophy is rampant in many mainline denominations today. See my archived June 10th article on this blog. I do agree in part with Wikipedia’s definition, however, there is not much emphasis on the “Savior” part – the concept or principle that Jesus said about Himself “I am the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Me." Therefore, liberation theology advocates more for a “social” gospel and not the true gospel, which outlines the steps to salvation. Putting it bluntly, liberation theology or liberal Marxist theology is a failed lifeless belief system when contrasted with vital, true biblical Christianity.
Brown’s Christianity, indeed, is not my brand of Christianity. Furthermore I wonder if we serve the same God.
Brown, if he himself is not anti-God, then surely his voting record portrays a different fact or maybe it reveals a different “god” whom he acknowledges and serves. Let’s compare some of Brown’s verbose rhetoric, which espouses faith and belief in God, with the reality o his voting record. The two seem to be incompatible to me. That is, real faith in the true God and the real Jesus Christ and is in stark opposition to the way Brown voted on several key issues.
To be continued.
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