In Part 1 we differentiated between the two forms of “Christianity”. One form advocates striving to eliminate social and economic injustices in the world. This form practices a “social gospel”. The other form of “Christianity” advocates a personal relationship with Jesus Christ first and foremost. Concern for the poor naturally flows out of a personal relationship with God. This form practices the true Gospel.
We said that we would examine Brown’s voting record to determine if he and/or his agenda are actually anti-God.
· What he says in his PD article: “. . . for many of us, MORAL VALUES are grounded in our RELIGIOUS FAITH . . .” What he does: Voted NO on banning partial-birth abortions as well as for any law that would limit or restrict any type of abortion including cloning and embryonic stem cell research; Opposed requiring or allowing school prayer; Voted NO on the constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage.
WWJD. What would Jesus Do? Would the biblical, historical Jesus advocate and support any abortion, any marriage relationship other than one-man, one-woman as divinely established, or would He support the removal of God and prayer out of our schools? No, no and no.
· He goes on to say in the PD article: “My Lutheran upbringing instructs me, and my fellow Christians, in the teachings of Jesus to read and follow as best we can the words of the Beatitudes, to try to live our lives and practice our politics as Jesus would have wanted us to.” His voting record indicates that he: voted NO on reducing Marriage Tax by $399 Billion over 10 years [the bill would reduce taxes for married people by $399.2 billion over 10 years by doubling the couples' deduction and the child tax credit. Among other provisions, the bill would allow married couples filing jointly to claim a standard deduction equal to the deduction they would receive filing singly].; voted NO on promoting work and marriage among TANF recipients; and voted NO on ending preferential treatment by race in college admissions.
It is impossible, without God’s grace, to keep the BEATITUDES as much as it to keep every law of God. We can never “earn” our way to heaven. We are not “saved” by our good works. True Christianity recognizes that salvation is a free gift.
Actually love at times must be “tough”. Tough love requires us to demand and expect RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY for our behavior and actions. This applies to those we try to help. What Brown and many other radical liberals are guilty of is enabling or fostering a deep dependence on the government or the “welfare” state. People become so dependent on the state to provide for their every need they forget that they have any responsibility.
Why would Brown be against a work requirement as part of a welfare program? Why is Brown against doing away with preferential treatment based on race? Should we, instead, not be trying to encourage all people to obtain positions and achieve on their own merits and base college entrance or hiring on the best qualified?
· He further states in his Plain Dealer article: “. . . our fight for seniors who are forced to choose between medicine and food. . .” His record shows that he voted NO on banning physician-assisted suicide.
How can you purport to be “for seniors” on one hand and on the other be an advocate for hurrying their demise - euthanasia,?
Brown, as part of the radical liberal left in America today favors, on many issues: death over life, sinful versus virtuous practices; taxpayer financed handouts without any attached responsibility over rewarding hard work; and secular-humanistic religion and atheism philosophy over Judeo-Christian principles. Ohio has a choice this November, make A Good Choice.
To be continued
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