America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
For the Record: 12 Reasons Not to Vote for Sherrod Brown
Citizens for Community Values Action put out a Vote Scorecared recently. CCV Action has taken the votes that most clearly affected Judeo-Christian family values and recorded how each Ohio legislator voted on those issues. Their scorecard breaks down key votes that both Ohio state and federal representatives. In this article I will focus on how Rep. Sherrod Brown voted on each of the following:
1 – Sherrod Brown voted YES on H.AMDT. 14, the Repeal of Faith-Based Provisions in Job Training Improvement Act, which sought to strike the provisions protecting the rights of faith-based organizations who participate in Workforce Investment Act programs to take religion into account in their hiring practices
2 - Brown did not vote on the Terri Schiavo Protection bill. [Had he voted more than likely it would have been a NO]
3 – Brown voted AGAINST the Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act (HR 8), which repeal of the estate tax permanent.
4 – Brown voted NO on the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (HR 748), which prohibits transporting a minor across a state line to obtain an abortion without parental knowledge in a state that requires parental involvement in a minor’s abortion decision.
5 – Brown voted NO to Reduce Funding for the National Endowment of the Arts (H.AMDT. 171), which sought to reduce funding for the National Endowment for the Arts . . .
6 – Brown voted YES on the Stem Cell Research Act (HR 810), which sought to overturn President Bush’s policy on funding human embryonic stem cell research by authorizing the NIH to fund stem cell research that requires the destruction of human embryos.
7 – Brown voted YES on H.AMDT. 209 to Require Military Hospitals to Perform Abortions.
8 - Brown voted NO ON H.AMDT.278, the Protection of Display of 10 Commandments.
9 - Brown voted YES on Funding UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and Coercive Abortion (H.AMDT.293)
10 – Brown voted NO on the Henry J. Hyde UN Reform Act of 2005 (HR 2745), which would reform budgetary process of 18 programs and making the budget process accountable.
11 – Brown voted NO on H.AMDT.427, Prevents Enforcement of Kelo Eminent Domain Ruling, which prohibits the use of funds to enforce the judgment of the US Supreme Court in the case of Kelo v. New London.
12 – Brown voted YES on the Federal Hate Crimes Amendment (H.AMDT. 544), which would establish federal “hate crimes” for certain violent acts based on the actual or perceived race, religion, disability, GENDER IDENTITY, or SEXUAL ORIENTATION of any person.. [my emphasis. This would establish a special class for the immoral homosexual behavior.]
Ohio voters if you want to be represented by a hard-core radical liberal, then vote for Rep. Brown, but know what you are voting for and the things he will support.
· Rep. Sherrod Brown is against faith-based social initiatives, which have been a mainstay of this country since its inception . . . He possesses, supports and practices an anti-Judeo-Christian bias
· He is against tax reform
· He is pro-death
· He is against parental involvement in matters of minor’s health
· He supports the funding of perversion in the of the so-called arts
· He is against requiring UN accountability
· He opposes the sanctity of individual property rights
· He supports and is biased in favor of the immoral homosexual agenda
Rep. Brown, get to know him, before you vote for him. You will arrive at the same conclusion that I did – he is too liberal for Ohio.
One last comment before the election about the issues. I agree with your analysis of the statewide issues except about issue 5. I'm voting "no" on all the statewide issues. I agree that 4 is worse than 5, but...
ReplyDeleteTwo reasons to vote no on 5:
1. There should be nothing about smoking in our state constitution. This is too trivial of an issue to put into the constitution. This issue should be left up to local governments to decide how they want to handle it.
2. This issue would "create in the state treasury the 'smoke free indoor air fund'". Another way for politicians to waste our tax dollars.