Someone indicated that yesterday’s list of 12 reasons, which I gave for not voting for Sherrod Brown for U.S. Senator from Ohio drew some reaction from one of the members of a discussion forum on which I occasionally write.
His first comment was that my list of 12 reassons not to vote for Rep. Brown was ridiculous. I objected stating that it was, Rep. Brown’s voting record that was worthy of the label of ridiculous. Next, the member-commenter continued stating that people like me believed that America was a Christian nation. He further declared that the U.S. Constitution, in fact, held that America was a secular nation, but did have freedom of religion. I countered that he was wrong. The leftist extreme liberal factions have subverted America having commandeered the educational system grades K-Grad school and are even continuing to revise God and the great influence of Judeo-Christian principles that underlie our Declaration and our Constitution, out of our history and textbooks.
Furthermore, the commenter challenged my reasons for not voting for Rep. Brown for U.S. Senator. Each of my reasons were based on 12 pieces of legislation onwhich Congressman Brwon voted. Really all we have to go by is the actions of politicians, not their rhetoric. Brown’s TV and radio commercials are marvelous. But he hides his record. Let’s discuss . . .
#1...Faith based hiring. The commenter stated that Congressman Brown voted against discriminating based on religion for jobs. My response was that Brown and his radical liberal ilk seek to neuter and discriminate against the work and ministry of the church. One way they do this is that they is to water down or demand that hiring be “non-discriminatory”. However, it is not discriminatory to have standards and requirements in a faith-based organization that requires a personal commitment that corresponds, conforms and is compatible with the faith-based organization mission, principles and values.
This is why the Boy Scouts of America do not permit homosexuals to be leaders. It would be a violation of the purpose and mission of that organization.
It is the people and their deep beliefs that are the church or the faith-based organization. Churches and faith-based organizations should never be required to compromise principles and core beliefs and hire anyone who does not support the underlying mission or core principles. It violates the right to express religious conviction and faith. If anyone is discriminating it is the liberal judges, attorneys, ACLU who want to rid this nation of every Christian influence.
#2... Terri Schiavo..... This was a case where the activist court acted like God, Himself, ignoring the parents plea and the underlying evil motives of Terri’s adulterous husband and sided with him to kill Terri.
#3... Estate tax.... The state does not have the right to tax the work of those who have worked hard and who desire to pass on the fruit of their work to their beneficiaries.
#4 ... Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act... The reason the commenter gave or this act was because it was to protect daughters from their incestuous fathers. I responded asking, if the reason for the interstate transport of minors for abortions is to protect “incestuous fathers”, then why don’t the teachers or guidance counselors not be reporting this to the authorities? Brown’s purpose for voting for it is nothing more than pandering to the Abortion-without-limits industry, that remains a pillar of the Party of Death, which many of the leaders of the Democratic Party, including Sherrod Brown belong.
#5 ...National Endowment of the Arts To pay for perversion in the arts is a waste of money and is equally detrimental to society. It also seems that Rep. Brown doesn’t care that this expenditure is wasteful and destructive.
#6 ... Stem Cell Research....My commenter friend said that this was just a silly anti-science by a right wing Christian. My response rhetorically asked, since when is the killing, the cannibalization of human beings considered a silly matter. This shows that Brown is a dyed in the wool member of the Party of Death. Adult Stem Cells and Umbilical Cord Stem Cells have produced results. ESCR have not. It is foolish to fund an area where in which even private industry refuses to invest. More important, the exploitation of human life is wrong. Life begins at conception and ends at natural death.
#7 ... Abortions The commenter espoused that abortion are legal in America. I countered that abortions are technically legal but ethically and morally wrong.
#8 ... Separation of church and state The commenter erroneously argued that the separation of church and state is spelled out in the Bill of Rights. I asked the commenter, where in the bill of rights do you find this invention of the revisionist misinterpretation of correspondence of Thomas Jefferson? It is not part of the Declaration, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. It is a recent invention.
#9 ... Funding UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and Coercive Abortion The commenter said the real reason for this bill was to appease those in the White House who think the answer to normal sexual urges is always to “just say no”. My response was that the United Nations itself is corrupt to very core and undeserving of any U.S. funding. I question why are we even involved in this do nothing, anti-American organization.
#12 ... Federal Hate Crimes Amendment. The commenter suggested that the right wing desires only to bash homosexuals. I replied that homosexuals should not have any special classification or protection. They are citizens like all Americans. Sexual orientation is not a civil right. Sexual orientation is an invention of those who want to justify and rationalize their immoral behaviors. Homsexuality is primarily a choice of behavior. Why has homosexuality been rejected as “normal, natural” for 3,000 years? Why do the major faiths consider it perverse? Has man all of sudden become enlightened, or is it another invention of the radical left to corrupt and destroy fundamental Judeo-Christian principles and values on which this nation is bases?
The commenter tried to “explain away” the reasons, whichI gave for not to vote for Rep. Brown. To me, his arguments are the same old liberal-secular-humanistic mantra that we have been hearing for the last 100 years. It is time that we vote against the proponents of death, perversion, appeasement of our enemies, haters of America, haters of people who possess and practice Judeo-Christian principles.
Make A Good Choice on Tuesday and yote your conscience.. Vote for conservatives and start holding their feet to the fire to act on their conservative principles.
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