My opinion of the United Nations is very low; it has only slightly, oh so slightly improved with the resignation of that good friend of America, Kofi Annan. Annan plans to take a few parting shots at America and President Bush in particular in his hasta la vista speech. Among his expected comments as reported by USAToday “list principles for international relations, among them "respect for human rights and the rule of law.” These ideas can be advanced only "if America remains true to its principles, including in the struggle against terrorism," the speech says. "When it appears to abandon its own ideals and objectives, its friends abroad are naturally troubled and confused."
Michelle Makin writes on her blog commenting on Annan’s expected resignation speech, “Like Kofi Annan knows anything about remaining true to principles? He leaves behind a feckless, corrupted,global bureaucracy incapable of policing the predators in its ranks, unwilling to stand up to evil, and useless in the struggle against terrorism--or any other global threat. And it's all President Bush's and America's fault.”
I think Annan symbolizes everything that is wrong with the United Nations. It is corrupt, arrogant and anti-American. Why do we continue to fund this worthless organization? Why do we allow it to remain on U.S. soil? All it is soapbox for despots like President: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran or Hugo Chavez of Peru.
The United Nations is a overweight, toothless rabid pussy cat with a mean purr. It is time to put this poor sick creature down, for good.
When I think of the good man like John Bolton, who Republican Senator Voinovich and a flock of Democratic Senate vultures killed his nomination and kept him out or a longer period of time, and a corrupt and unprincipled individual like Annan was allowed to continue after significant corruption surfaced is sheer lunacy. John Bolton did more in his short tenure than Kofi Annan did in his decade of disservice.
What’s your next job Secretary General? Teaching at Harvard so you can continue to spew your hatred of America?
How about John Bolton for next Secretary General?
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