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Sunday, December 10, 2006
Science in the Dark
Monday I listened to a late night radio talk show, Coast to Coast with Art Bell, which had as its guest a cosmologist. The cosmologist stated that the universe came from a singularity (from a single point); thus refraining from saying that it (the universe) came from nothing. He also stated that there is not enough mass observable in the stars to cause them to follow the course in the sky that they were currently in. Therefore, it is believed there is dark matter which cannot be seen acting on what is seen. Any notion of God is rejected.
Scripture says that the heavens declare the glory of God. While the scientists study the sky, stars and cosmos, it is declaring to them the glory of God. It says God created us (the sky, stars and cosmos) and set us in synchronous orbits. The evidence shows something came from nothing yet those in cosmology are loath (resistant and unwilling) to reveal it. Therefore, they lie to themselves and the public.
Scripture says that all things are upheld by the power of the word of Jesus Christ. It is very possible that there is no dark matter. What is being observed is the power of God’s word holding everything in place.
Daniel, the Old Testament prophet, writes that knowledge will increase in the last days, but men will not discern the truth. The psalmist writes “that the fool has said in his heart that there is no God.” It is sad to say, but this is the state of official science today. Many scientists are fools.
In the New Testament book of Hebrews we read that it is impossible to understand creation without faith. Many scientists lack faith making them incapable of correctly understanding creation. It was the correct understanding of theology that led man out of the Dark Ages. Today lack of theology is leading science back into the darkness of bygone Dark Ages.
There are different schools of thought among young universe creationists about cosmology. One theory suggests that the speed of light changed sometime in the past. One theory is that God created the light in transit. There is a disagreement among geocentrists that the universe isn't nearly as large as scientists think it is.
I don't think that the universe is as small as they say, but geocentricity is definately a biblical concept (the earth is in the center of the universe and does not really move). Though it is hard to wrap my head around exactly what that means.
Another theory is contained in a book by a Dr. Humphreys, called Starlight and Time. The theory is that the universe was created inside of a white hole (which spews out matter instead of sucking it in) and we see the light from distant stars because of the resulting time dialation (the earth is in center of the universe and was the one of the last objects to come out of the white hole). I think he agrees that there is dark matter and the space is being stretched (Isaiah 40:22) just as in Big Bang (the evidence for this is red-shifting), but on a short time scale relative to earth clocks. Humphreys says the red-shift is quantized, which indicates that the stretching rate is not constant with time, something not taken into account by Big Bang Theorists.
The geocentrists tend to reject the idea of the stretching of the universe, but I can't see why geocentrism and the white hole theory can't both be correct. I think that is the most satisfying answer to question of why we can see light from stars that are billions of light years away.