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Saturday, December 09, 2006
Winning, Not Whining
The Iraq Surrender Commission joins most Democratic Congress people who have been whining about President Bush’s War on Terror in Iraq for years. They are ably supported by the liberally bent media, as it so ingloriously contributed to the shameful end of the Vietnam War in a less than victorious manner.
Well, I concur with Mr. Wilson, who last month wrote in his November 16th Daily Jot article titled, “Iraq War About Containing Terror Not Building Democracy”, about the dangers of pulling out of Iraq prematurely as the Surrender Commission and most Democrats would have us do.
Wilson says, “Pulling out of Iraq will accomplish three things:
“1. Bring the war on terror to within the borders of America;
“2. Collapse Iraq into anarchy, and
“3. Help establish Iran as a Middle East superpower.”
He concludes his article saying, “The Democratic leadership is intent on its belief that if America pulls out of Iraq, the jihadist movement will end. It will only be the beginning of a yet another phase of terrorism unimpeded from Tehran to the shores of the United States. . . “
Wilson is so very right. I do not like war anymore than anyone else; however, at some point you have to draw the line in the sand and fight for what is right. President Bush felt that Iraq was the line, being one of the three axis of evil rouge nations - Iraq, Iran and North Korea – each hell-bent and determined to wreak havoc on a peaceful and freedom loving people in their own dictatorships and in the world as a whole.
President Bush, keep fighting Islamic Terrorists there and the traitorous promoters of outright surrender here.
I guess I am a "traitorous promoter of outright surrender". I think that we should pull out. Before the war in Iraq, Iran and Iraq were at war with each other. They were keeping each other in check. Now we have two problems.