Kelley responded to yesterday's article writing, “God told Adam, “You may freely eat of every tree in the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you may not eat, for you shall surely die in the day you eat of it.” And they did not die in the day they ate of it...their eyes were opened, just as the serpent said. So who lied?”If you study ancient pre-Christian mythology you will learn that the serpent is a symbol of healing knowledge present in many traditions. In the stories a hero seeks the goddess to find healing for his people. If he is worthy, he finds it at the Tree of Life.”The Bible and the Quran have corrupted this story to demote the status of women.”
Thank you for your comment, Kelley.
When questioned by God, the woman, Eve, said, “The serpent deceived me.” The first thing that died was their (Adam & Eve’s) innocence. They saw or realized that they were naked and made fig leaves to hide their shame. Secondly, they were separated from God. Death does not mean cease to exist, but it means separation (from God). This is spiritual death. They were afraid to face God after eating the fruit unlike as before. This was not a problem. All their children were then born separated from God. God told Adam and Eve “from dust you were taken and to dust you shall return.” Adam and Eve became mortal once they ate the fruit where as before they were immortal. It took 950 years for Adam to die physically but the death process began when they ate the forbidden fruit.
“Pre-Christian mythology” is all bogus. There is no goddess. All such things are conjured up from demonic spirits.
God set a flaming sword to prevent the eating of the fruit of the tree of life. Adam and Eve were also exiled from the Garden of Eden. Only those who overcome the world by their faith will eat of the tree of life.
How can you equate the Bible and the Quran? They are not the same. Scripture is given by God, the Quran is not. I will leave the source of the Quran to you to figure out. Eve demoted HERSELF by falling forthe serpent’s deceit; nonetheless God promised her that one of her descendents (Jesus Christ) would crush the head of the serpent. Thus, God was going to rescue the woman from her dilemma.
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