Today is a very sad and shameful day in the history of America. In one of Liberty Counsel’s email Alerts they summed up very nicely the significance of this day saying, “For the last 34 years, we have been killing of our future generations – 50 million children and counting. Today is the anniversary o the 1973 Supreme Court decisions in Roe v. Wad and Doe v. Bolton, the cases that together legalized abortion in this nation throughout all nine months of pregnancy. . .”
There are all kinds of rights being claimed and bantered about these days by various groups and every Tom, Dick and Hillary, such as:
· Minority Rights
· Women’s Rights
· Immigrant Rights
· Prisoner’s Conjugal Rights
· Property Rights
· Muslim Religious Rights
· Civil Rights
· Miranda Rights for pre-criminals perpetrations
· Voter Rights
· Homosexual, Lesbian, & “Transgender” Rights
· Even Death Row Murderers have endless Appeal rights
· Even the ludicrous Animal “Rights”
Can you imagine the many misguided people who have dedicated their lives and resources to saving dolphins and whales? Then there are extremist environmentalists conducting endless protests to save some “rare” snail, or tree huggers putting their own lives on the line to save a tree.
Today marks is a day of infamy worse than even Pearl Harbor, it is the 34th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s tragic decision to legalize abortion-on-demand. What a horrific injustice wrought by seven Kowardly Kourt Klansmen dressed in black robes, the United States Supreme Court.
The baby is a unique and separate INDIVIDUAL unique and different from the mother. Killing that baby and thereby denying his or her right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is wrong and is a PUBLIC matter not a private one. It is unethical it is unconstitutional. How easy it is to deny life to the defenseless. This is the epitome of bully-hood. Shame on America for 'TOLERATING' such evil for soon long!!!
As the liberal left “celebrate” the anniversary of this most evil USSC decision ever, let’s put life and death in prospective shall we? While giving little regard for the innocent pre-born the liberal left defies Pres. Bush’s war on terror in Iraq at every turn and incessantly “defends” the most vicious, vile and undeserving of protection in society – those tried, convicted and sentenced death row inmates *** . . . . Look at these numbers:
Abortion - Millions of murders every year since 1973 infamous USSC decision. Planned Parenthood is practicing eugenics and genocide on the black population. 25% of the black babies are being summarily killed by the exterminators, right under the watchful eye of the liberal overseers “advocates” and “protectors” Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy. Yeah, they really CARE about the blacks of the America. Year, right.
Iraq - Thousands of deaths since '03
Death Penalty - Hundreds of deaths. if that. over the last ten years
Morality and ethics tell me that one aborted baby's life is more deserving of a chance to be born than the convicted guilty death row inmates. The Death Row Inmates at least had a chance at life, whereas the baby did not and the baby is innocent and denied LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS . . . Shameful, Indecent, Inhumane, Insane and Murderous, if you ask me.
*** God still absolutely loves even the vilest, most wicked person and offers repentance and salvation to everyone up to the point of death.
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