You often hear pro-death proponents claim that pro-life people do not step up to the plate and take responsibility for the baby, after it is “saved” or born. They say, further, that pro-lifers are content in doing nothing for the mother or child after the birth.
Pardon me, but where are the irresponsible “parents” in this picture? Where is their responsibility in dealing with the resulting baby, which the creation of the consequence of their momentary pleasure? Unfortunately the “parents” are the product of our secular humanistic and hedonistic schools and Planned Promiscuity (so-called Parenthood) philosophy.
Let’s end abortion. Anyone creating a child will be held accountable for the baby’s care through age 18-21 . . . Garnishment of wages, castration, sterilization, and/or imprisonment should be the possible penalties. Actually, while in prison the “parent” or “parents” would be made to work 6 days a week in productive work to pay for the care and education of the child.
That is where accountability must begin – assigning and expecting personal responsibility from every perpetrating “parent”. This might deter some of the free, uncommitted sex taking place so rampantly today. Put the onus were it belongs. I will do my part in support homes for unwed mothers, etc. But really, let’s get to the root of the problem why don’t we!
All life is precious. Scores of men and women have risen above their circumstances and grabbed a hold of the American Dream. I still believe in the American Dream and in the America in which Dreams can happen. INSTANT GRATIFICATION: the pro-death crowd is the one who seems to be living for the momentary pleasure sex brings and for the “convenience” and “freedom” from responsibility that abortion supposedly affords.
The pro-death crowd also vehemently claims that it is the woman’s body, the choice to abort or not to abort is not mine, but the woman’s sole right. This premise is outrageous. What about the baby rights? What about his or her well being or mere being, even? The baby is a unique human being with unique DNA they are not an appendage of the woman. This is where the pro-death crowd along with their willing accomplices in the main stream media and Hollywood has deceived the public. The pro-abortion mantra that the baby is not a baby is believed by many.
The pro-death crowd often asks about why pro-lifers are often in favor of the death penalty for criminals. It seems to be hypocritical. Carrying out justice by gassing or injecting a GUILTY death row inmate, who has had an opportunity to live in society, who has chosen to commit an egregious crime, whose crime has been investigated, and who subsequently has been sentenced to death, is not, let me repeat IS NOT equivalent to killing an INNOCENT baby. The baby never has had a chance, like the convicted criminal has had with their endless appeals, which are probably also paid for by the taxpayer . . . The comparison is ludicrous and insulting.
Once abortion becomes illegal once again, we can continue to create a culture of life and morality. We can start with the educational system. Let’s kick the secular humanist and hedonistic priests and priestesses out of the schools this time instead of God. Let’s also get rid of their religion that for the past 100 years has been brainwashing our children and our society with moral relativism, with situation ethics, with fuzzy math, with acceptance of “diversity” which really should be called “perverse” alternative life styles. We must work toward an environment where freedom means personal responsibility and accountability and we must reform the justice system and the courts.
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