America is in the midst of a raging cultural and spiritual war. Forces of Good, Light, Conservatism and a Judeo-Christian Worldview daily battle the forces of Evil, Darkness, Socialism, False Religions and Philosophies. A Good Choice is on the frontlines exposing evil across America’s political and social spectrum.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
When is Life a Life?
When is Life a Life? Embryos are real life. Human life begins when the sperm unites with or fertilizes the egg. That is basic science, Biology 101 stuff. Each of us started our lives at that point. I just do not see what is so difficult or complex about this simple fact.Some people demand proof, but isn’t it obvious? If we were to rewind our life, we would follow ourselves to the point that our father’s sperm united with our mother’s egg. That was the point we came into being. If we look at our life as a continuum from this moment in time, back until that moment of our conception, where else would you have become the unique you?
If your life did not begin at the moment of conception when did you become you? Was it:
• When you reached the age of reason or accountability, say at age 7 or 8?
• When you spoke your first words? When you took your first step?
• At the point you took your first breath? Or was it when the doctor slapped your behind at birth?
• At the point you first felt pain in your mother’s womb?
• @ 30 weeks
• @ 24 weeks?
• @ 12 weeks?
• @ 6 weeks?
• @ conception?
• Before the beginning of time when God planned for you being in this world –He had you in mind - He designed you and fearfully and wonderfully made you?
Please tell me Mr. or Ms. Atheist or Pro-Death Proponent, when did your life began along this continuum, if not at the point of conception. It is very logical and scientific and rational, in my mind at least, to say that all life begins at conception, or even earlier!
That is why it is so insidious, so cruel and ruthless to kill a new human life at any point and with any means or method via “Plan B” [“emergency” contraception, or maybe contra-conception!], RU 486 [the “wonderful” abortion in a pill] or other chemical aborticide or through some hideous unusually cruel surgical slice ‘em or dice ‘em or even holocaust reminiscing suctioning-the babies –brains-out-of-its-skull partial birth abortion. An we worry and fret that some felon murderer “suffered” a few extra minutes because the lethal injection did not work immediately. INSANITY I say, just INSANITY. That is where we have come as a society. Fretting over Charles Manson, Willie the Whale and Flipper the Dolphin and carrying nothing about HUMAN baby X. Sad. It is inhumanity to man. Worthy of condemnation! We treat animals better than we do our babies.
We must pass the Life at Conception “Right to Life” Act in the U.S. Congress this year and stop this madness now! 34 years is 34 years too long! Contact your Representative and ask him or her to co-sponsor Duncan Hunter's (R-CA) Life at Conception Act.
I have a character who frequents my blog who blandly asserts that anybody who needs life support isn't even an organism, much less a human life. He's made it very plain that this includes preemies in the NICU, if they use a vent. I guess that would have included Christopher Reeve, too.
The answer, of course, is WHEN YOU WERE BORN.
ReplyDeleteAt 5-6 weeks "the embryo still has a tail and cannot be distinguished from pig, rabbit, elephant, or chick embryo."
Thanks abe for your comment.
ReplyDeleteSo you are saying life begins sometime AFTER the sixth week?
It may appear to look life a pig, a rabbit, an elephant, chick or even a duck, but it is still a human being . . . growing and developing . . .