Yo, Barack, yo Hillary, what’s up with your scathing attacks on Imus? According to a recent OneNewsNow.com news story, “An African-American ministry (Network of Politically Active Christians (NPAC), a ministry of Wellington Boone Ministries) is drawing attention to what it sees as the selective moral outrage of two Democratic presidential candidates, Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Barack Obama (D-IL), who were outspoken critics of former MSNBC host Don Imus following his denigrating comments about the Rutgers University women's basketball team.”
Vulgarity vileness, violence, and vice are all relative, right? It is, if your philosophy is “as long as it puts money in my campaign coffers and gets me to where I want to be, anything goes.” Oh, the great outrage by the Obamas, Clintons, Sharptons and Jacksons over the geriatric sleaze ball Don Imus crass comments about the Rutgers women basketball team. See an earlier artlcle which this writter wrote about the Imus saga.
The OneNewsNow.com report goes on to say, “Clinton reportedly raked in $800,000 at a fundraiser hosted by rapper Timbaland [photo shown above], whose obscene and demeaning lyrics about women, critics say, make Don Imus's remarks pale in comparison. And Obama, who was quick to call for the firing of Imus, collected more than a million dollars at a fundraiser hosted by Hollywood mogul David Geffen, whose record company produces the albums of profane rappers like Snoop Dogg.”
The stinking garbage Snoop Dogg dumps every time he opens his mouth to sing his foul toxic laden lyrics, which are unfit even for a landfill? Senator Clinton may have had an additional motive beyond her apparent hypocritical disdain for what Imus said. Imus has consistently painted or pronounced Hillary to be a devil. This was vengeful Hillary’s revenge, maybe?
To sum then, if it benefits Barack’s or Hillary’s campaign, no one should question their means to the end – beat the Republicans - whatever it takes. That is more than a bit hypocritical, aye? They are putting down Imus for his comments on one hand. While at the same time they are gladly accepting money from those who make money off of unceasingly assailing much worse diabolical diatribes toward our young people. I’d say it is more than a little hypocritical! This in itself would disqualify them for any additional leadership role.
The leftist liberals hold that moral outrage and tolerance are relative. If it promulgates their leftist liberal agenda or cause it is perfectly fine. It is similar to the act of lying practiced by Muslims, especially the Islamic terrorist type. If it achieves allah’s glory and furthers their purpose to conquer the world lies are ok, anything goes. The leftist liberals and the Islamic terrorists seem to have a lot in common these days. Both it seems are hell-bent on the destruction of traditional, God-acknowledging, God-fearing America of our forefathers. One wants to establish a godless global utopia, the other wants universal worship of a false god and will kill in his name to accomplish their evil end. Both, too, appear to want to see the United States lose the war on terror in Iraq.
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