I recently received a letter from the Republican Party warning of the necessity of stopping the Democrat’s ultra liberal agenda. What about the Republican agenda, I ask myself? It is nearly as bad. Actually, I am furious with the GOP. The reasons for my serious displeasure are outlined below and in my previous articles: part 1, part 2.
The Islamic prisoners are not being preached to about Jesus and given the Word of God instead of the Quran. Our government actually should be telling Muslims that the Islamic terrorists will neither enter heaven by becoming martyrs, nor will they be having sex with virgins in heaven. President Bush appears to believe and acts as if there is no difference between Christianity and Islam.
The terrorists are not Islamic extremists. They are practicing basic Islam. Islam is a terrorist religion. Wherever the Quran is taught there is the potential for terrorism. Islam is spread by means of the sword, murder, rape, torture, pillage, intimidation and terror. I am angry with President Bush for saying Islam is a peaceful religion. BUSH really LIED but it wasn’t about the war on terror, it was about Islam! Those of us who know anything about history know that Islam is murderous and deceitful. Actually, the god of Islam is Satan. Also, the god of atheism, communism and secular humanism is Satan. Take Notice: They all work together AGAINST Christians and Jews.
The terrorists want to go to heaven. If they understood that what they are doing gets them to hell they might not do it. Remember, Saul of Tarsus (Paul) was out to get rid of Christians until he met Jesus on the road to Damascus. Then he preached Christ. It is possible that once terrorists meet Jesus they will preach Christ with the same fervor with which they once railed against Jesus Christ.
The terrorists are supported by the faddish popularity of Islamic teaching with which many non-terrorists agree. You see this in the Sheik’s offer of $10 million dollars to Mayor Rudy Giuliani to not support Israel. Additionally Islamic Turkey did not allow the American army to move through its land toward Iraq. I do not see the Bush Administration confronting this ideology effectively. It is in the minds of the people where the war is eventually won or lost. Christian Iraqis also have been persecuted and even martyred by Islamic Iraqis, those who supposedly are friendly to the United States. So in reality while they are fighting the terrorists, still they side with the terrorists as evidenced by persecuting Christian Iraqis. When anyone attacks a Christian in Iraq or anywhere else, for that matter, they are attacking all Christians including those in the United States. Many forget or do not comprehend that the world is embroiled in a religious war, instigated primarily by the tenets of Islam.
To be continued
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