A gastoon is a cartoon about the skyrocketing price of a gallon of gas these days. I received this new currency from Lee in an email today.
The way the price of oil is escalating and the on-going anti-energy-development elements in the Democratic Party and in the extreme environmentalist movement both putting one roadblock upon another to any attempt to develop our own oil reserves in Alaska and elsewhere, we may soon be paying $5/gallon for gas. They won't even permit new nuclear plants to be built. They are the first to blame President Bush and "Big Oil" for something I lay a significant portion of the blame for high gas prices squarely at their feet. Since Speaker Nancy "I am the most powerful woman in the world" Pelosi has led Congress, the price of gas has gone up with absolutely no viable solution presented by either Pelosi or her fellow Democrats comrades.
The price of gas has gone up due to government overspending. The government borrows all it can. For whatever else it wants to do (like spend a trillion or two on fighting a needless war) but can't afford, it prints more money to pay for it, and this raises prices by devaluation of the dollar. I blame both parties for this.
ReplyDeleteI am not in favor of over-regulating or using tax-breaks as a incentive for doing "green" things, but all government subsidies should stop, especially oil subsidies. The government should stop letting oil companies get away with not paying royalties for drilling on government-owned land or offshore drilling waters. The Federal government should also stop putting limits on what environmental regulations the states can adopt.
i don't understand why recent events don't lead more people to consider smaller government as an option? We hire the government, we write their checks. If they aren't doing their jobs I say we ditch them.. Save your money, help your communities and personal causes.. sounds like freedom