Thursday, August 30, 2007

NAU Merge Fest

Maybe its too late to do anything about this, but I got this from the Constitution Party several days ago:
Conservative Coalition Assembles To Warn Americans About Agenda For 'Hush-Hush' North American 'Merge-Fest' In Quebec .
Lancaster , PA / August 17, 2007 - The Constitution Party , joins conservative groups and a growing number in Congress urging Americans to speak out against the formation of a North American Union (NAU).
A meeting, planned for Aug-20-21 in Quebec, will advance the well-developed plan despite a near blackout by U.S. media.
The summit, sponsored by The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America , a vehicle by which the NAU is being advanced, will be led by President George Bush of the United States, Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada, and President Felipe Calderon of Mexico to plan an EU-type merger joining all three countries .
Former Director of the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity, Howard Phillips said: "This summit is being held away from the scrutiny of the American people. It was declared off limits to those who oppose it, and that speaks volumes. The SPP is part of a treacherous scheme to incrementally merge Canada , the United States , and Mexico in a manner similar to that, which brought the European Union into being over a span of 50 years. Lost liberties and a lower standard of living would be the inevitable result if our borders with Mexico and Canada were to be erased. Americans won't want to be part of that global nightmare." Phillips, founder of the fast-growing Constitution Party, one-time presidential candidate and the leader of the Conservative Caucus ( ) will be joined by a coalition of American and Canadian leaders assembled in Quebec to speak out against the proposed merger of the three countries at a press conference.
The press conference is scheduled for August 20th , 2007 at 10 am at the Ottawa Marriott Hotel, Ottawa, Canada.
"The NAU and the SPP are a virtual toxic alphabet soup being cooked up behind closed doors so Americans won't have a clue they're about to lose their rights and freedoms until it's too late," warned Constitution Party National Committee Chairman Jim Clymer. "Just ask the people in Europe who are now dealing with the disastrous effects of the E.U.", Clymer further noted.
Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., New York Times best-selling author of the new book The Late, Great U.S.A.-The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada will be covering the SPP summit from Quebec. Corsi is an internationally known expert on the clandestine effort to force Americans into an unconstitutional fusion with other countries.
The Constitution Party joins opponents of the SPP/NAU and supports proposed legislation (HCR40) introduced by Congressman Virgil Goode (R-VA) which calls for an end to the merger that would result in a North American Union (NAU). In addition, the Constitution Party expresses appreciation to the 18 states introducing resolutions calling for a halt to work on the NAU.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Conspiracy Theory (1997)

It seems like I have seen a lot of Mel Gibson movies here lately. Well, this 10-year old movie, Conspiracy Theory, was very interesting. Mel Gibson's character, Jerry Fletcher acts a little peculiar on the order of TV detective Adrian) Monk. One reviewer writes, “Mel Gibson's character isn't exactly like Monk - more like a super hyperactive and politically paranoid "Monk." He fits right in with Oliver Stone and the rest of the "conspiracy" freaks. Stone, in fact, would like this film since it gives credence to these paranoid fantasies and gives several cheap shots to conservatives along the way.”
In this movie Gibson's character is also a little bit of the Fugitive. He might be also a little like the TV Pretender, that guy who escapes the Center as an adult where was raised and developed by the Center using his prodigious skills in various simulations. All of this occurred after he was taken from his parents as a young prodigy.

In this movie apparently the CIA psychiatrist, Dr. Jonah, who had been performing experiments on Jerry Fletcher (Mel Gibson's character) and who wants to apprehend Jerry to find out what he knows apparently about having been programmed to be an assassin.

At the beginning of the movie we find Mel Gibson's character incessantly talking to his cab riders. He recites one conspiracy theory after another. He writes a quarterly newsletter, which he calls Conspiracy Theory, for a whopping five subscribers. Interwoven throughout the movie is his interaction and interrelationship with a U.S. Justice Department attorney played by Julia Roberts.

The movie is a little complicated, but has a lot of intrigue, adventure, suspense and even a little romance. Overall it is a story of good versus evil and the irony that Jerry Fletcher is himself caught up in a conspiracy. A conspiracy to capture him is a main plot of the movie.

I think that there are some rogue CIA, FBI, Justice Department, court and police shenanigans going on today. This movie gives us a glimpse into some of that evil underworld. It is the story of corruption in government.


gregjaye rates the movie **** of *****. The movie is worthwhile watching. Overall as the reviewer quoted above comments, “Political propaganda-aside, this is a fun movie to watch . . .”

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Lynching is for Amateurs

Life Dynamics, Inc. (LDI), a pro-life advocacy group, has created somewhat of a stir with their campaign to bring awareness to the black community. LDI is exposing the decades long deliberate genocide being carried out by Planned Parenthood on the babies of the black community. The following are some facts that LDI uses to support its well-founded charges.

*** In America today, almost as many black babies are aborted as are born.

*** Since 1973 abortion has wiped out over 25% of America’s black population.

*** 13% of American woman are black … but they have 35% of all abortions.

*** Every three days more black people are murdered by abortion than the Ku Klux Klan killed in its entire history.

***` The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) operates America’s largest chain of abortion clinics … and almost 80% of those death mills are located in minority neighborhoods.

*** For killing black babies the U.S. abortion industry rakes in more than $16,000 an hour … 24 hours a day … seven days a week.


As part of their campaign to expose the underlying black American genocide, which rivals the genocide being committed in Islamic countries such as the Sudan, LDI has developed a new website. The website is I wish I had thought of it. How appropriate. The best I could come up with was Planned (really preventing) Parenthood.

LDI's campaign has begun to make an impact, especially within the abortionist industry. Apparently someone within that industry hired a hacker to kill LDI's new website, The hired gun was successful in getting the site shut down for 3 days.


Black activists and leaders are waking up to what the abortionists such as PPFA is doing to their children. The are becoming aware that eugenicist and Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger had this evil genocide planned from the start. Now such people as Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. are beginning to advocate for the babies and becoming pro-life leaders themselves.


When it comes to killing Planned (Klanned) Parenthood is the real professional. According to the numbers, their specialty is black babies. You could say that the PPFA is the new KKK! Please make yourself familiar with the outrageous genocide being perpetuated on America’s children, especially its black children. Visit the website, Tell your friends about it. If you are able financially, support groups such as Life Dynamics, Inc.

Monday, August 27, 2007

The tie that binds the Left

I wrote an article on Saturday about the AARP, mentioning the NEA and the AFL-CIO. I stated that the majority of (the membership) in these groups have values much different than the leadership of those groups who purport to represent them. I further added that all three groups smack of leftist leanings, if not outright lobbying for left-wing causes. When I put my opinion out on a public forum I was asked to prove it. This article is includes the essence of my post on the forum proving my assertion.

I picked one major social issue, abortion, to use as my proof that the AARP and the two other organizations are predominately leftist in their leanings and their actions.

1. AARP - 'Charles W. Jarvis, president and CEO of
USA Next, alleged that the AARP literally is able to give tens of millions of dollars away every single year -- to Planned Parenthood, to MALDEF, which is the Mexican American Legal Defense [and Educational] Fund, which wants to take the Southwest of the United States and redistribute it to Mexico -- that's how radical that group is. And AARP is involved in giving to all sorts of groups like those groups in every single state. In essence, they are a financier for the left." (1)

2. AFL-CIO - "Last year, (Barack Hussein) Obama got 100 percent scores from the AFL-CIO, League of Conservation Voters and Planned Parenthood and an “A” rating from the National Education Association on their most recent scorecards . . . On abortion, Obama voted against a measure designed to protect what supporters termed live babies born during abortion procedures." (2)

3. NEA - "Regarding NEA support of abortion and pro-abortion candidates, Charles W. Baird, Professor of Economics at California State University, says that "as I understand [Pope John Paul II], unions leave their legitimate spheres of influence when they…become involved in these public policy issues instead of securing the legitimate rights of workers."" (3)

4. Average Americans - "While abortion advocates marched in Washington on Sunday, pro-life groups were touting the results of a new poll showing that a majority of Americans, including African Americans and students, are pro-life on abortion. In a poll released Friday by Zogby International, a respected polling firm, a total of 56 percent agreed with one of the following pro-life views: abortion should never be legal (18 percent), legal only when the life of the mother is in danger (15 percent) or legal only when the life of the mother is in danger or in cases of rape or incest (23 percent).
Since abortions in cases of rape or incest or those necessary to save the life of the mother are extremely rare, that means a majority of Americans oppose approximately 96 percent of all abortions . . ." (4)

An examination of where the leadership of these three groups stand on other issues such as the wholesale acceptance of homosexuality and even same-sex marriage or civil unions will show similar radical leftist positions. These three organizations join the mainstream media, the Democrat Party and others in a unified attempt at knowingly or inadvertently subverting our culture.






Sunday, August 26, 2007

The World

There is a song in which the people sing, “We are the world” and later in the song they sing “God is watching us from a distance.” Obviously this sounds good to those singing and to others, but not to me. The world is the enemy of God. (1) and the god of this world is Satan.(2) Jesus said, “Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”(3) It is through faith in Jesus that the believer also conquers the world.(4) Those of the world are against God and are conquered. They just don’t realize it yet.

The saying, “God is watching us from a distance,” is correct because King David in the Old Testament writes, “…the proud he knoweth afar off.”(5) They acknowledge not being right with God for God resists the proud. (6) This is not a distance of space, but of an attitude of the heart. Consider the following example, in a room a team of company representatives and team of union representative are locked in a debate over a union contract. It can be said that they are distant, in terms of their positions on the contract, even though they are in the same room. If you ignore someone that approaches you physically, it could be said that you are distant to that person. You cannot say God is in heaven and we are on the earth so what can God know. Actually “ The eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good.”(7) God fills the heaven and earth,(8) there is no place where one can go but what God is not already there.(9) He even knows our hearts. (10)

The apostle John writes, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.”(11)

How about you, my friend? Do you prefer to be of the world or would you like to abide with God forever? It is God’s will that you believe on Jesus, repent of your sins, and invite Jesus into your heart.(12) A simple prayer which you can pray today is, “Lord Jesus Christ, forgive me of my sins and come into my heart.” At that point, and only then, can you become a “child of God.”

1 – James 4:4
2 – 2 Corinthians 4:4
3 – 1 John 5:4
4 – 1 John 5:5
5 – Psalm 138:6
6 – James 4:6
7 – Proverbs 15:3
8 – Jeremiah 23:24, 1 Kings 5:27
9 – Psalm 139:7=12
10 – Proverbs 15:11
11 – 1 John 2:15=17
12 - Acts 17:30

Saturday, August 25, 2007

AARP, A Senior Scam Artist?

AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) is to American senior citizens what the NEA (National Education Association) is to American teachers or the AFL/CIO is to American workers. All three groups represent a significant group of people. The majority of the people in these groups have values much different than the leadership of the groups who purport to represent them. All three groups are national in their scope and representation. All three groups smack of leftist leanings, if not outright lobbying for left-wing causes.

AARP has 36 million members. Many assume that the AARP represents the views of most senior citizens. AARP as a nonprofit group has an operating budget of $800-900 million, without parallel in Washington. AARP also makes millions from royalties, investments and sales of insurance policies and prescription drugs.


Jerry Barton, President of the upstart American Seniors Association, in a recent solicitation letter wrote, “But our research and polling shows that most Americans who reach the age of 50 join AARP for two reasons. 1) . . . thy think they should when they turn 50. 2) People want the travel discounts and other benefits offered by AARP.” Barton further explains that “most of AARP’s members do not know is that their membership dues are used by AARP to promote a radical far-left political agenda that is out of step with 90% of Americans . . . (it) spends much of it (revenue) lobbying Congress for higher taxes, more big government and more socialism.”


Jerry Barton notes that as an example of AARP’s left-wing political agenda, its online magazine cover story featured the promotion of (homosexual or same-sex) marriage and adoption of children by (homosexual or lesbian) couples. Furthermore, in 2004 AARP joined forces with the radical homosexual lobby in an unsuccessful attempt to kill an Ohio referendum to define marriage as “a union between a man and a woman.”

ADVOCATING UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE (HILLARYCARE) reported on Wednesday that After being criticized for supporting a bill recently passed by the U.S. House of Representatives which proposed expanding the S-CHIP children's health coverage, raising taxes, and cutting Medicare programs, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) now has a new charge leveled against them by conservatives concerning that bill.

American Seniors Association (ASA), a conservative grassroots advocacy group, is claiming that the AARP was warned at least a week before the House vote that the bill would gut $150 to $200 million from Medicare Advantage and other Medicare programs -- but still chose to lobby legislators for its passage. ASA cites a letter from House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) to AARP's CEO William Novelli in which the congressman issued the warning . . .

“. . . Barton says the bill's earmarks -- and the fact that AARP leaders knew the harm it would bring to seniors -- indicate the group will support liberal agendas and any steps toward universal healthcare at the expense of their own clientele.”

This is part of the scam. AARP represents not the interests of the majority of American seniors from whom it gladly accepts membership dues, but from leftist elites and their radical purposes with which AARP allies itself.


Barton concludes in his solicitation letter that AARP uses the “river of cash” that it receives from selling commercial products to finance its ultra left socials agenda. He states that the AARP is “by far the most powerful force on the left.” I am not sure that I would agree that the AARP is “the most powerful force on the left.” Maybe billionaire and leftist cause financier George Soros, the Democrat Party or the NEA might be lay claim to that distinction. However, they definitely are a power to be recognized and exposed for what they are – a stealth supporter of socialism using capitalist enterprise to fund socialism’s on-going attempt to undermine America’s institutions and destroying its values.


When you turn 50, toss your AARP membership solicitation in the trash where it belongs. If you are an AARP member, do not renew your membership. Check out conservative alternatives such as Barton’s American Seniors Association (ASA – P.O. Box 47650, Atlanta, Georgia 30362) or USA Next, United Seniors Association.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Of Dog-Killers and Baby-Killers


What moral outrage at the senseless and brutal killing of a few canines. A superstar quarterback is exposed and relentlessly vilified by the media and animal “rights” advocates nationwide. Where is similar outrage at the innumerable senseless and brutal killing of innocent pre-born human beings even into the third trimester of their lives? Such infant murderers such as Drs. Martin Haskell (OH), Yogendra Shah (IL) and George Tiller practice their abortion baby-extermination trade day in and day out without a whimper from the media. A month ago I wrote another article on this subject.

This contrast shows the growing diminishment of morality in our society. According to a news story today they write that pro-life advocate Bryan Kemper, the president of Stand True Ministries, wrote a "sarcastic" commentary titled "Michael Vick should have invested his money into killing babies instead of dog fighting." Kemper would have liked to have seen opposition to daily abortion of 4,000 plus babies be as ardent as the current public outcry over the dog fighting scandal. Actually there is no comparison; any baby genocide is much more vile and loathsome as even a thousand dog fights.

The article quotes Mr. Kemper, “"Obviously most of us are outraged that he would put dogs through that and that they would be tortured, and torn apart, and it's a horrible thing." "But why aren't we showing the same outrage over the fact that [more than] 4,000 little children are being ripped limb from limb everyday through surgical abortion? It makes no sense to me that we are outraged over a dog when little babies are dying and nobody is crying out about that."

“(Kemper) points out that sports commentators have been talking about how their children are disappointed over the scandal because "kids love puppies" -- but notes little is said in the media about professional athletes and franchises and their support for abortion. Kemper believes that children love babies as much as puppies and "if they knew that their favorite players were involved in spending money to pay to have women kill their babies, they would be just as devastated."”

Let’s get our perspective on the value of life, especially human life, right before we go overboard on decrying and punishing the crime of man’s inhumanity toward animals, which Vick obviously committed. While real crimes, like man’s inhumanity toward man, which abortionists do inconsequentially over 4,000 times a day, go unpunished and unrecognized.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sex Businesses Deceptive Campaign and Why God's People Hate it

Some people don’t understand what the big deal about pornography is. They think that this is something that is completely harmless.

Sandra Theis, a lawyer for Dancers for Democracy was a guest on Lincoln Ware Live. The subject of discussion was the efforts of this group to block legislation in Ohio that would force strip clubs and adult bookstores to close by midnight and criminalize the touching of the strip club dancers by the patrons.

Ms. Theis was not the only scheduled guest for this segment of the program. Some of the actual strip club dancers were going to be on the show, but they had car trouble. (This was surely Divine intervention.) They were going to demonstrate what they thought was the ridiculous requirement of no touching. They said that if this legislation becomes law, you could get 30 days in jail for just accidentally bumping a dancer’s shoulder.

Mr. Ware and his guest argued that many of the dancers were single mothers struggling to make a living or women trying to get through college. This is an overused, short-sighted argument. Not everything that creates jobs is good, and not everything that takes away jobs is bad. In April of 2001 there was riot in downtown Cincinnati in which much property was destroyed. There were a lot of people who were employed to clean up and restore the damaged property. Was this a good thing? Whether or not something creates more net employment should be of no concern when considering legislation. The question of concern that a legislator or voter should ask is, “What is just and right?”

The organization that started this push to get this legislation passed is called Citizens for Community Values. Of course, all the players involved in this political battle know that CCV’s objective is to put out of business as many of these strip clubs as possible. The only reason why they don’t push for an outright ban on stripping and pornography is that they believe that such legislation would be more likely to be struck down by judges legislating from the bench. This type of pragmatic approach has worked well on other issues like abortion (the Alabama legislature has managed to regulate all but one Alabama abortion clinic out of business), even though outright bans are better.

The host, Mr. Ware, denied the seriousness of sexual lust, saying that pornography and strip clubs are an acceptable way for men to spice up their marriages. Not only did he deny that these things lead to worse sins, but he said he thinks there are fewer rapes when men have such a sexual outlet. He belittled Phil Barness (the CCV president) for his claims that he is an “ex-porn addict”. Mr. Barness had been a previous guest on Lincoln Ware Live, but Mr. Ware didn’t have the spine to ridicule Mr. Barness to his face on that day.

Ms. Theis argued that if someone doesn’t want to look at pornography or go to strip clubs, then they don’t have to. Why make a law? My first answer to this is that what they are advocating for is a very addictive sin. My second answer is that it is an abomination to God. How serious is this? Read the following passages:

Psalm 101:3 says, “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.”

Galatians 6:7-8 says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”

Matthew 5:27-29 says, “Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery; But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her in his heart. And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.”

Would anybody reading this dispute that if one believes in the Bible, that it would be reasonable for that person to take extreme measures to avoid such temptations?

The ACLU has in the past, forced public libraries to disable their child-safe internet filters and forced them keep filthy books on their shelves. Rather than fight this, they just pay the extra cost for the all the disinfectant they have to use clean up after all the masturbations.

When I was in school, I had to go to a public school where we forced to look at…well, let me just say photographs of just about everything—all in the name of sex education. They did not leave anything to our imaginations. They did not give us or our parents a choice about whether or not we wanted to look at it. On the deceptively named Citizens for Community Standards website it says, “It's time to restore common sense to Ohio, and it's time to tell our leaders to stop treating adults like children.” What a joke.

In light of all this, it is perfectly reasonable to expect Christians to have no qualms about forcing their morality on other people. The sickening, sexually perverted powers that be will never be satisfied with just feeding their own sexual addictions. They will force it on everyone to the bitter end.

If you agree, and you live in Ohio, here is what you can do. Don’t sign the petition being circulated by Citizens for Community Standards. (They chose this name to deceive people into thinking that they are CCV.) Vote yes on this issue if gets on the ballot (yes means this legislation goes into law). You can email Lincoln Ware and Sandra Theis and tell them to read Matthew 18:3-14 and tell them that if they don't repent, they will burn in hell.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Patriot (2000)

The Patriot is a movie about an patriotic American. It is the story of a man who had family values and lived them out. He was satisfied being a loving and caring father of his large family of children aged 2 to 17. He was a recent widower. He was a farmer. He lived in the time of the American Revolution. He was typical of the average American in 1776 and I think typical of many patriotic Americans today.

He was a reluctant warrior patriot. He was a member of the legislature. He was not in favor of going to war with the. However, when he saw the abject cruelty of the British and when his own son who enlisted in the American army and was later wound and then captured by the British

If you like historic dramas and a lot of action this is the movie for you. Mel Gibson not only acts, but he also directs this film. I think that he does both well. It depicts wholesome, yet realistic family and human relationships.

website explains, “The Patriot tells the story of how the will to be free triumphs against impossible odds. In the movie, "The Patriot", Benjamin Martin and his son, Gabriel Martin, are really composite characters of real American patriots. In "The Patriot by," you will meet the real heroes behind Benjamin Martin, and Gabriel Martin: Francis Marion (the "Swamp Fox"), Daniel Morgan (the brilliant military strategist), and Andrew Pickens (the famous freedom fighter).”

The movie’s battle depictions are extremely graphic. I would not permit young children to view it. In one scene a cannonball is shown flying slow motion through the air decapitating a soldier. Because of the violence only older teens should be permitted to watch it.

The movie does a good job portraying the American spirit. The spirit remains in the soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan today. Even though Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi do their best to aid the new Redcoats, the Islamic terrorists, the soldiers typify the independence and freedom loving principles and values upon which this nation was built.

I highly recommend purchasing your own copy of this movie and at the very least renting it or watching it the next time it appears on TV. It will inspire you, it will educate you and it will entertain you at the same time. The principles and values portrayed are timeless.


I recently purchased this movie and Glory (1999) a movie which I recently
reviewed in a double feature DVD set for under $14 at Wal-Mart.


gregjaye rates this movie ****1/2 of *****. However, the movie is definitely not suitable for younger children.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

American Youth & the Pursuit of Happiness

I came across an interesting article, “Happiness For America's Young People Often Means Family Ties, Faith, Belonging.” The article was written by Jocelyn Noveck and Trevor Tompson, Associated Press writers who report on a recent poll conducted by The Associated Press and MTV. (What good could come out of MTV you ask?) You can read the entire article here. The following is a condensed version of the aforementioned article along with my overall conclusion and comments.

The poll asked the question of over a thousand young persons aged 13-24 “What makes you happy?”

They conjectured, “A worried, weary parent might imagine the answer to sound something like this: Sex, drugs, a little rock 'n' roll. Maybe some cash, or at least the car keys.”

They discovered that the true response to what makes young people happy is a lot different from that which we would expect to hear. The following is a list of what makes young persons happiest.


1. (20% said) spending time with family was the top answer.

2. spending time with friends

3. spending time with a significant other. Overall, romantic relationships are a source of happiness - but being in one doesn't necessarily lead to greater happiness with life in general.… Eventually, though, marriage is a goal for most young people, with 92 percent saying they either definitely or probably want to get married.

4. Nearly 75% of young people say their relationship with their parents makes them happy … "They're my foundation," says Kristiana St. John, 17, a high-school student from Queens in New York. "My mom tells me that even if I do something stupid, she's still going to love me no matter what. Just knowing that makes me feel very happy and blessed."


Stresses & Fears: Young people in this survey had a 10 percent higher stress rate than adults did in a 2006 AP-Ipsos poll … Only 29 percent feel very safe traveling, and 25 percent very safe from terror attacks…

Money: Money may make the world go around, but when asked what one thing makes them happiest, almost nobody in the poll mentioned money or anything material. Still, money does play a role in happiness. Those who can't afford to buy many of the things they want are less happy with life in general. Just under half of young people think they'd be happier if they had more money, while the same percentage (49 percent) say they'd be just as happy.

Drugs & Alcohol: Alcohol users are slightly less happy than those who don't drink. The differences are more remarkable among 13-17 year olds; just 40 percent of those who drank in the last seven days reported being happy with life, versus 68 percent of those who didn't. And 49 percent of illegal drug users reported being happy with life, compared with 66 percent of those who didn't use drugs.Racial Divide: While 72 percent of whites say they're happy with life in general, just 56 percent of blacks and 51 percent of Hispanics say that…

Soul Food: …More than half - 55 percent - say (religion and spirituality) is either a very important part of life or the single most important thing in their lives.

Heroes: . . . nearly half mentioned one of their parents, with mothers ranking higher (29 percent) than fathers (21 percent.) . . . Also mentioned: God (more than 10 percent), teachers (nearly 5 percent); and members of the military, policemen and firefighters.The Future: Will young people grow up to be happy adults? Overall they're optimistic: Sixty-two percent think they'll be happier in the future than they are now. (Those over 18 are more optimistic.) But many anticipate a more difficult life than their parents had.


I was heartened by the results shown in this poll. It is encouraging to see that despite the constant assault on our culture, on its basic values and principles by the leftist including the academic, media and entertainment elite and many so-called religious and political leaders, many young people still have their heads on somewhat straight. Relationship with family, others and God surfaced as more important than money, drugs, alcohol or sex. Most young people look forward to marriage (hopefully with partners of the opposite sex!) and the future. Young folk get it despite the overbearing influence of many immature or corrupt adults.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Gotta Get Out and Vote

Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Terrorist, Killer, Revolutionary, Stalinist

The Culture Changers

I heard a troubling, but believable, statistic on the radio today. What I heard was that the minuscule moneyed minority made up of homosexual and lesbian activists and their supporters or "visible voters" voted as a block in 2006 at a rate of 90%, while evangelical conservatives or "values voters" participation dropped by 30% from what it was in the 2004 election. That is one reason the Democrats won many of the close elections last year. That is one of the reasons why Eureka Springs, Arkansas (which some claim is the most homosexual-friendly location in the South) and San Diego, California (where heterosexual firefighters recently were forced to participate in a homosexual perversity parade riding in their fire engines while on duty) have homosexual-friendly, homosexual-accommodating political leaders. The values voters went to sleep. The values voters were apathetic.

It is important that Christians begin to become active culture-changers like the radical homosexual activists. We can use the homosexuals as a model in this regard. They are willing to commit their lives and their resources to their cause, as ignoble as theirs may be.

The causes advocated by most Christian conservatives, such as the sanctity of life and marriage are usually diametrically opposed to the homosexual-lesbian culture change movement. Actually they are opposed in every way, like black and white or good versus evil. But you must say homosexuals do not take “no” for an answer, they are exceedingly loud, they are highly influential beyond their limited numbers, they are extremely unrelenting and they are absolutely committed to their objectives and agenda albeit terribly wrong.

Homosexual activists and their supporters are just as much revolutionaries and harmful to our culture as were Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Mao Tse Tung or any of a number of other freedom and culture destroyers were in their countries and to their cultures. Conservative Christians must become equally involved in the culture by making increasing forays onto the battlefield of the cultural war. We must engage the enemy on all fronts. We must not only stem the progress of the homosexual cultural terrorists, but we must recapture ground lost in past decades if we ever hope to restore the principles and values of our Founding Fathers We have allowed these principles and values to be trampled upon by the radical left characterized by the decadent movements of the pro-abortionists and pro-homosexuals.

Wholesale, unequivocal acceptance of homosexuality including “civil unions” and same-sex “marriage” is not a civil rights issue at all, it is strictly an issue of morality. There is a clear set of absolute principles and precepts which govern mankind and which were established and provided by the God who created the universe. The left has intense disdain for any moral absolutes. They accept only moral relativism or situational ethics. This to them is freedom. However, our founders recognized and adhered to laws, principles and values to insure true freedom. We must also recognize these laws, principles and values once again and hold them in the same esteem as our forefathers did.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mother Earth, News You Can Use

Wake Up Lady!

Listening to the Coast to Coast Radio Show with George Noory, I heard him say that he believed the earth was alive. Ancient mythology taught that earth was a goddess which was alive. Another thought is that the earth is made up of interdependent organisms and environmental systems functioning as a single self- governing entity. (1) My thought is that the interaction of inanimate objects does not constitute life. The earth having the eruption of a volcano, geysers shooting water into the air, running water in a stream, the wind blowing in your face, or an earthquake is not life. Take seeds and place them in the soil. The seeds take on moisture and some grow while others rot. To a person's eye they both look alike yet one seed was alive while the other was not.

Living organisms take materials from the environment and use it to form the structure of the organism and to reproduce. Biological information is copied and passed onto its offspring. R. Totten states that, “life is a biological system.” (2) Yet life is more than biological. There are angels, fallen angels, and God. The word of God is living.

Many, like Carl Sagan, say that earth is just a tiny speck floating in the immenseness of space. There are billions of galaxies with billions of stars and many planets. We are insignificant. This of course is looking at life from a purely atheistic point of view. When you look up into the sky at night and see the stars: what do you think? Does it make you feel small and insignificant? Or do you think, wow, that is beautiful! On a clear night with no light pollution, the stars look like clouds in the sky declaring the glory of God.
Do you want something that is stable, unchanging, everlasting and that won’t pass away? Jesus said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away.” (3) The heavens with the earth will be rolled up as a scroll and melt with a fervent heat. So what should you do? (4) Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and repent of your sins. Pray, Lord Jesus Christ forgive me of my sin and come into my heart.
(1) P.579 Webster’s New World College dictionary.
(2) R. Totten.
(3) Luke 21:33 & Matthew 24:35.
(4) Isaiah 34:4; Psalm 102:25. 26 and 2 Peter 3:10

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Al Qaeda: Common Criminals or Lawless Combatants?

Merely misbehaving miscreants and malcontents?

Jonah Goldberg, Tribune Media Service, opened his August 11, 2007 op ed article last week declaring, “Bank robbers rarely use suicide bombers. Forgers don’t declare war on capitalism, democracy and modernity. Kidnappers rarely behead their victims without asking for a ransom. And when they ado ask for ransoms, only rarely do they demand infidels submit to the will of Allah instead of asking for unmarked bills.

“These incandescently obvious observations illuminate, in a small way, the resplendent stupidity of the notion that we should treat members of al Qaeda like run-of-the-mill criminals . . . ”
That is what retired General Wesley Clark and Professor Kal Raustiaia called al Qaeda in their New York Times op ed article on August 8. It is representative of the foolish leftist version of the war on terror, that there is not one and Bush’s incursion cannot be won.

The members of al Qaeda are criminals to be sure, but they are more than mere criminals as Clark and Raustiaia and some other leftists claim. Al Qaeda and Islamic terrorists everywhere are on a worldwide mission to bring the world to its knees, submitting to Islam’s Allah, who is the false god of this world. President Bush is very wrong in calling Islam “the religion of peace.” However, President Bush has rightly declared al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists to be “unlawful combatants.”

The Islamic jihadists and their foreign and domestic supporters are one of many enemies of the United States. Included in the list of enemies are the American leftists themselves. See my recent article on that subject. Leftists are domestic terrorists, who are subversive, virtual terrorists or combatants who do as much damage pushing their socialist-humanist agenda as does Al Qaeda in its cowardly guerrilla warfare tactics. In a sense they are bound together with Chinese and Russian communists in their vehement hatred of America and on the principles for which she stands and for her eventual destruction as a sovereign free democratic republic.

My final answer to the question posed in the title of this article is that al Qaeda and their ilk are both criminals and lawless combatants, terrorists who like illegal aliens, who are primarily criminals, deserve none of the privileges and rights of American citizenship.

Goldberg concludes his commentary in the above referenced piece, “We obviously need rules for dealing with people we capture, which is precisely what the Bush administration has been trying to establish. but saying that we should treat terrorists like criminals is to argue for doing less than nothing.” I concur wholeheartedly with Mr. Goldberg.

Friday, August 17, 2007

The “Stranger” and His “Wife”

A Real Culture Killer

A friend, T.D., of this blog recently sent us an email containing the following story essay. This article may have been circulating about and around in cyberspace, Thankfully it has made a safe landing here on A Good Choice. I did not try to find the origin of this article.

"A few years after I was born, my dad met a stranger who was new to our small town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around from then on.

"As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my family. In my young mind, he had a special niche. My parents were complementary instructors: Mom taught me good from evil, and Dad taught me to obey. But the stranger... he was our storyteller. He would keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures, mysteries, and comedies.

"If I wanted to know anything about politics, history or science, he always knew the answers about the past, understood the present and even seemed able to predict the future! He took my family to the first major league ball game. He made me laugh, and he made me cry. The stranger never stopped talking, but Dad didn't seem to mind.

"Sometimes, Mom would get up quietly while the rest of us were shushing each other to listen to what he had to say, and she would go to the kitchen for peace and quiet. (I wonder now if she ever prayed for the stranger to leave.)

"Dad ruled our household with certain moral convictions, but the stranger never felt obligated to honor them. Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our home... not from us, our friends or any visitors. Our longtime visitor, however, got away with four-letter words that burned my ears and made my dad squirm and my mother blush.

"My dad didn't permit the liberal use of alcohol. But the stranger encouraged us to try it on a regular basis. He made cigarettes look cool, cigars manly, and pipes distinguished. He talked freely (much too freely) about sex. His comments were sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and generally embarrassing.

"I now know that my early concepts about relationships were influenced strongly by the stranger. Time after time, he opposed the values of my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked...And NEVER was asked to leave.

"More than fifty years have passed since the stranger moved in with our family. He has blended right in and is not nearly as fascinating as he was at first. If you could walk into my parents' den today, you would still find him sitting over in his corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk and watch him draw his pictures. His name?

"We just called him "TV."

"Note: This should be required reading for every household in America!

"He has a wife now...We call her "Computer"."

There is a lot of truth to this little story. TV was a mind-numbing drug-like escapism opiate for me for many years. The last 2 or 3 years I have lived without any TV hookup. I have not missed it. I have spent the last year and a half blogging on A Good Choice. This has been a far better use of my time than the inane and glowingly and growingly profane offerings on the hedonistic, humanistic networks.
I firmly believe that television overall has done more harm than good. It has negatively impacted our culture. It has nearly no redeeming value. This is especially true during the so-called “prime-time” evening programing, which might be better referred to nowadays as "slime time."

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Recent Advance in Stem-Cell Research

Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, a Japanese scientist has come up with a way to make ordinary skin cells behave like embryonic stem cells. He was able to find four genes that could be inserted into the DNA of mice skin cells which caused them to revert to an embryonic-like state. He says that this research could lead to a way grow tissues or even whole organs from one’s own cells, reducing the need for organ transplants. Dr. Yamanaka says that it would more likely be used a research tool in the development of drugs by the pharmaceutical industry. If Dr. Yamanaka’s techniques are extended to human beings, then the cells could be used to make a less costly to way screen drugs for side effects. He thinks that someone will do this in within a year.

All this could be done without any funding of embryonic stem-cell research. All this could be done even if embryonic stem-cell research were banned. We don’t even need government funding of any medical research at all. The pharmaceutical industry should pay for it since they are the ones benefiting from it. "I don't know how they can spend $3 billion in 10 years on stem cells," Yamanaka says, referring to the recent Schwartzeneger initiative to fund stem-cell research.

Yamanaka has made this advance which would help the cause of defunding and criminalizing the cannibalizing of human beings and he thinks that embryos shouldn’t be regarded as just cells. However, he is still willing to take an innocent life to save another. He stops short of being 100% pro-life because he says that the embryos should be used if they are going to be thrown away anyway. But they don’t have to be thrown away or cannibalized. They could be protected by law just as all other human beings should be.

Dr. Yamanaka’s work is published in the journal Nature.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Who is America's Enemy?

A. China

B. Islamic terrorists

C. Russia

D. American leftists

E. None of the above

F. All of the above


If you answered F., all of the above, you got the correct answer.

A combination of China’s long-range planning and strategic perspective and outlook, its massive virtual slave population, its extensive and effective industrial and military espionage organization and America’s short-term bottom-line, instant gratification mentality and plain naivete has makes China a formidable enemy.

Al Qaeda and a benign and fearful population of Islamic lemmings, who for the most part cannot or will not stand up against the terrorists and their own radical imams, are also our enemies. At time President Bush must feel as if he is the only one who gets it. It must be lonely on top.

Russia is beginning to buzz American and other nations' foreign military bases with its warplanes. Heartened by big oil money of its own Putin is again flexing his renewed commie muscles. With a cold war mentality and a move toward communist total control Russia again assume’s its role as our enemy.

To make matters worse Russia is teaming up with China to conduct some military joint exercises.

An equally fearsome enemy of the United States is the growing leftist movement, a veritable cancer within our nation. The radical Dean-Pelosi-Reid Democrat leadership has assumed power in the Congress and they are on the verge of capturing even the Presidency albeit with a grossly inferior flock of candidates. The leftists are even influencing the GOP to a large extent - the top three GOP candidates could be mistook for Democrats. The leftist media is continuing to try to sway the public to believe leftist lies. The educators are brainwashing our children with socialist, secular humanist, moral relativistic dribble. Activist judges are misinterpreting, ignoring or reinventing the Constitution. The leftist led entertainment industry is corrupting our society.

The leftist mantra can be summarized by one word: lies. “Abortion is not wrong.” “Homosexuality is normal, natural, healthy and moral.” “Condom-based sex education is the only effective means of teaching our children the facts of life.” “Evolution is a scientific fact.” “Terrorists and terrorism does not exist, they/it are/is a figment of President Bush’s vivid imagination.” Lies. Lies. Lies. Lies.

So if you answered anything other than “F” you failed the first A Good Choice quiz. Begin visiting this blog regularly to experience the true rest (or other side) of the story.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

NYC Madrassa to Open this Fall, Say What?

Yes, a publicly-funded Islamic-Arabic oriented school is scheduled to open this fall in New York City, home of the 9/11 attack on America. This is one of the most outrageous, insulting, political correctness foolishness that has ever been foisted on America. Giving acknowledgement, aid and comfort to the sworn enemy of America and in the city where Islamic barbarians let loose the biggest attack on America to date is beyond stupidity. It is P-C gone M-A-D-! reported today that Dhabah Almontaser has stepped down as principal of the Khalil Gibran International Academy, saying negative press was "endangering the viability" of the school. Almontaser came under fire last week for defending "Intifada NYC" T-shirts. She later apologized, claiming she does not support or condone terrorism.

Today it is okay to teach Arab culture and Islam in government schools at a time when American history and our historic Christian heritage and foundation are downplayed and even revised. Islam is recognized and even embraced, while Christianity is continuously marginalized and ridiculed by radical socialist professors and so-called educators. Accommodations are even being made for ritual foot washing for Muslim students at the University of Michigan in Dearborn, while the ACLU and academic elitists do not permit a Christian testimony or conservative speakers on campuses or any alternative theory of origins of man and life to be taught but the secular humanist evolution creed. To desecrate the Koran is vehemently condemned, but destroying or denying the distribution of the real Word of God is commonplace.

What was the New York Board of Nonsense be thinking when they approved this atrocious idea? What venom the academic elite insulters of the true God of America pour out. It is not enough to purge Him and His Son Jesus Christ from their rightful place in our schools, government and Public Square. No, they pour insult upon insult and allow and dare even to use my TAX MONEY to fund their silly social experiments on all forms of government sanctioned religion such as the anti-Christian Godless idolatrous amoral Secular Humanistic man-is-god faith or religion and now warlike, hateful and intolerant false Islamic religion on the youth of America.

What is wrong with this picture? Blind and bigoted hatred on the part of the leftists of this country in the founding principles and values of America is what has caused the picture to become so cloudy and full of static. They pervert and twist the constitution for their own purposes. Nowhere is the blindness more pronounced than the leftist havens on both American coasts. San Francisco pushing and promoting homosexuality and protecting illegal aliens as if they both had more rights than average legal American citizens and even suing loud mouthed obnoxious patriots like Michael Savage when he rebukes the stupidity of a San Francisco leftist’s defense of illegal aliens. Savage is made out to be the bad, evil guy, not the lawbreaking criminal invader who are considered the “good” guys!

In New York where it okay to blaspheme Jesus as free speech, but political correctness prohibits nary a demeaning word against the false prophet or his religion of hate. It is okay to treat true Christians as pariahs, but where it is chic to embrace religious Pharisees, practitioners and purveyors of homosexuality, and now even panderers and supporters Islam in government funded schools. When our education system can’t even teach the basics we gum up the works with encouraging the learning the errant Koran and "tolerating" the inciting of terrorism being taught in the mosques.

Among leftists the Bible, the actual revealed word of God, is disparaged. On the other hand, the errant Koran, words of a mere man are revered by not only believers of the religion of hate, but by the leftists whose hatred for truth also causes them to put their arms and hearts around error.

We must end this foolish hypocrisy of embracing false religions like Islam and Hinduism and return to the acknowledgement of the one true God in America. Otherwise this nation will bear the consequence that comes to all idol worshippers. For starters, how about closing all government schools and letting parents choose how their children are to be taught. What a novel idea that would be. What A Good Choice that would be, indeed.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Strawman Romney Iowa Straw Poll Winner

Huckabee Does Well in Iowa Straw Poll

CycloneConservatives.blogspot showed how the top three finished on Saturday’s Republican straw poll:

1. Mitt Romney, 4516 votes (31.5%)

2. Mike Huckabee, 2587 votes (18.1%)

3. Sam Brownback, 2192 votes (15.3%)

Mitt Romney spent a lot of time and a lot of money in Iowa. He felt he had to have a strong showing to propel him into the lead in his quest for his party’s presidential nomination.

However, Romney is a strawman. One definition of “strawman” is “a. . . person (who) . . . temporarily stands in for and is intended to be “knocked down” by something (someone) more substantial. . ." That says it all, doesn’t it? Romney is a typical East Coast liberal politician. I see him trying to wear conservative clothes that do not fit.

I look forward to a true substantial conservative emerging from the GOP candidates who could be a real alternative to all of the current Democrat candidates and to the Romney-Giuliani-McCain front runners. Former Governor Huckabee may be the
Reuters reporting on the Iowa Straw poll outcome observed, "Huckabee, who spent much less than Romney in getting out his supporters, called Saturday "a great day" that puts his campaign in the first tier of candidates. "It wasn't just that we surprised people with a second showing," Huckabee said on CBS' "Face the Nation." "It's that we did it with so few resources. I mean, this really was feeding the 5,000 with two fish and five loaves.""
Republican presidential candidate John McCain on Monday shrugged off his 10th-place finish in the Iowa straw poll this past weekend, calling such contests meaningless reports in actuality your candidacy, Senator McCain is just as meaningless.
If the GOP primary election was being held tomorrow I would be voting for Governor Huckabee for President. However, he has a lot of work to do to overcome Romney's vast cash resources.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Glory (1989)

Here is an excellent movie. I had never seen it. I heard an interview with Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr., who is a black pastor, church planter, author and professor, on the Public Square Radio Show. He recommended this movie. Providentially, Wal-Mart had a double feature DVD for sale, which I purchased. The DVD included the Patriot, which I had seen previously.

Glory is a Civil War movie. It stars Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman and Matthew Broderick. Except for Denzel Washington’s a bit overdone angry ghetto black character in one or two scenes, the movie was completely believable and well acted by all the actors. It was violent, but war movies are supposed to be. There was one major battle scene at the end of the movie.


The basic story was about the 54th battalion of all black soldiers who finally get a chance to participate in battle. Up to that point blacks were just used to bury the dead and dig latrines etc. There were only white officers. Morgan Freeman was promoted to Master Sergeant and as always did a masterful job of acting.

This is a story of prejudice, of discrimination, of friendship, of redemption, of simple faith in God, of courage, of patience of a desire to be free.

If you like authentic historical dramas this is a must-see movie. There are elements of good and evil in the movie. It tries hard to depict reality of the 1860s. It was realistic.

Of the interesting subplots to follow is the pre-war friendship of one free black man and the two white officers. All three were from Boston, Massachusetts.

Glory makes you think and makes you sympathize with the plight of the black population in the pre-emancipation era. It helps one to understand from a historical perspective the situation of the black man today and the need to continue the reconciliation of the races.

I highly recommend this movie.


I could not help but think that this movie dealt with real discrimination, not the made up discrimination being claimed by a few radical homosexuals today. Calling the desire to accept the homosexual behavior and lifestyle as a civil rights issue is an insult to all the real discrimination suffered by blacks then and now.


gregjaye rates this movie ***** of *****

Saturday, August 11, 2007

New Yorkers Poluting Politics

T.D. forwarded this photo of former mayor Rudy Giuliani and former first lady and current Senator Hillary Rodham-Clinton. Hopefully we can refer to both of them as former failed presidential candidates after the November '08 election.

Rudy's Last Chance to Save the Nation?

Neither of these two formidable politicians [or maybe even poluticians] has what it takes to be the President of the United States. Both are politicians first and statesman or stateswoman second. They care more about their own selfish ambitions than what is best for the country. Both excel in pandering to special interests and playing on their celeb status.

Neither are principled leaders who take the right stand on the key social issues of the day: abortion, homosexuality or education. Mayor Giuliani does somewhat get it right that our enemy is Islam and the terrorists it breeds. Other than that he and her highness are virtually indistinguishable as New York liberals. In good conscience I could not vote for either of these two candidates.

Speaking of Mayor Giuliani, there is a story today that quoted him as saying yesterday (Friday) that he misspoke when he said he spent as much time, if not more, at ground zero exposed to the same health risks as workers combing the site after the Sept. 11 attacks. When the famous mayor tried to explain his remarks he just further upset some of his critics. One of his critics, deputy fire Chief Jimmy Riches, who spent months digging for his firefighter son. is quoted as saying, “He is such a liar, because the only time he was down there was for photo ops with celebrities, with politicians, with diplomats."

Not to be outdone by the Mayor, Thursday evening at the homosexual-oriented "Visible Vote '08" debate or what i refer to as the debauchery debate Senator Rodham-Clinton glowingly spewed forth all her homosexuality supporting rhetoric accusing Karl Rove of using the issue of marriage merely as a political issue in the last Presidential election and that she stands with all her friends in the homosexual movement. She arrogantly reminded the audience that she helped to defeat the federal marriage amendment calling it hateful. She and all of her fellow Democrat political candidates are showing extreme amounts of “love” or pander to the purveyors of perversity last Thursday night.

Friday, August 10, 2007

The Debauched Debate Debacle

Dennis Kucinich, Representative of Democrat Leftist Lunacy

“Visible Vote '08” Devoid of Morality
Matt, yesterday, offered a nice commentary on the most recent GOP debate. In the spirit of fairness I feel I must give equal time to the Democrat debate held last night.

I watched a part of the aptly named, "Visible Vote '08 Debate," a pitiful display of pandering to the perverted that was shamelessly broadcast across America and on the Internet last night by something called Logo, a homosexual oriented Viacom-owned cable channel. A better choice branding this major foible, Logo, would have been ’la Loco” I was late tuning in, half of the candidates that already strutted their stuff before the homosexual and lesbian panel of questioners.
Appropriately enough, the first candidate I happened to see was the loony, essentially irrelevant and totally illogical “Congressman” Dennis “He makes me ashamed to be from Ohio”. Kucinich. He is pictured above. Essentially he kept chanting “I love homosexuality”, “Marijuana is good and all drugs should be legal” and “Peace, man.” Bottom line he is the stereotypical sixties’ hippie, who just put on a suit and tie for this love-in, man.

Governor Richardson was asked if homosexuality was a choice or whether people are born that way. He started to answer “Choice” and Melissa Etheridge seeing that that was the “wrong” answer popped up and quickly interrupted “maybe you don’t understand the question, governor” One of the “CBS News on Logo” commentators after the debauched debate ended, mentioned that he thought Gov. Richardson hurt himself by the answer he gave.

Today, on ABC-TV’s Good Morning America senior (news) correspondent Jake Tapper highlighted last night’s great Debauched Debate Debacle saying, “. . . supporters of [homosexual] rights had to be pleased the politicians treated the group as with any other interest group they came, they saw, they pandered.” Six of the eight Democrat candidates for the presidency one after another fawned all over the quartet of homosexuals and lesbians, the pernicious panel of perverts lead by self-proclaimed and acknowledged rock singer lesbian Melissa “I am glad I never bought any of your music” Etheridge. By the sound of the applause and reactions and occasional panning of the camera over the audience, the crowd was overwhelming homosexual supporting. What was accomplished was another slap in the proverbial face of the majority of right thinking, values-driven Americans.

This incessantly noisy and themselves a totally intolerant grossly immoral moneyed minority, who are incrementally ruining this nation, were treated as royalty by the six pitifully-profane poorly-principled politicians. It made you want to take a shower and clean out your ears after watching and listening to the ear and eye polluting prideful pap. One by one these pandering politicians confessed their admiration and support for the whole homosexual agenda lock stock and rainbow colored barrel full of foolishness.

Former Senator John "the Ambulance Chaser" Edwards even took a shot at conservative icon, renowned leftist critic and revealer of liberal lies, Ann Coulter.
To me the election of '08 is shaping up to be a clear choice of right and wrong. At least from what I saw and read about the debauched debate held on the left coast last night, the Democrat Party stand on moral and social issues is clear and clearly wrong at that.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Will the Real Conservative Please Step Forward? part 2

I taped the Sunday GOP debate and watched it when I got home from church.

Brownback was questioned about an anti-Romney ad which accused him of signing a bill into law which increased taxpayer-funding of abortion and other accusations. Brownback said this ad was true, but Romney denied the accusations. The fact that Romney and McCain believe that abortion should legal in cases of rape and incest was not brought out in this debate. Giuliani maintained his pro-abortion position.

Tom Tancredo and Mike Huckabee spoke in favor of the Fair Tax plan. Brownback said he favored the Flat Tax plan.

Ron Paul was the only one who spoke out against the war in Iraq. Mitt Romney responded to this by saying, “He’s forgetting about 911.” But Paul had already said that Iraq had nothing to do with the September 11th attacks. None of the other candidates denied this statement, nor did they give any real justification for the war. Paul also said that the war was unconstitutional and illegal (because the U.S. never officially declared war on Iraq). None of the other candidates could make any argument against this statement either. Paul said that he supported the war in Afghanistan, but was against nation-building it.

The candidates were asked about what they thought about Barak “Oh, bomb ‘er” Obama’s plan to attack Pakistan if they do not take on the terrorists along the Afghanistan border. Duncan Hunter argued that the Pakistanis have started to make progress, but it is difficult because of the terrain. Mitt Romney responded by criticizing Osama (err… Obama), saying that he was willing to sit down and talk with our enemies, but yet would bomb our “ally”. I actually agree with Obama’s recent statements, but I don’t know if he is serious or just saying it to get votes. I would never endorse him because there is little or nothing else (besides Iraq) that I agree with him about.

The candidates were questioned about when it is too soon to start having elections when the U.S. is nation-building a democracy. Some of their answers were so foolish. They think they should wait until the populace will vote the way “we” would have them vote. I wrote an article recently which exposed the U.S. funding of terrorism and the hypocrisy of nation-building. (I failed to mention in that post that the U.S. is giving billions of dollars in weapons to the nation in which the Wahabbi (Osama Bin Laden’s) sect was founded—Saudi Arabia.)

Brownback said he supported a “three-state” solution in Iraq. This means he favors that the U.S. should try to divide Iraq into Kurdistan, a Sunni state, and a Shiite state. I believe that the Kurds are descendents of the Assyrians, and the Bible says that the nation of Assyria will be reestablished. There will be a highway from Assyria to Egypt (Isaiah 11:16) and the Egyptians will serve the Assyrians (Isaiah 19:23). In the day that the great trumpet will sound, those who are perishing in Assyria and Egypt will come and worship the Lord in Jerusalem (Isaiah 27:13). I don’t think, however, that the U.S. should try to fulfill this prophecy. God can bring it to pass without our help. (As Christians we should try to help fulfill the last part of the prophecy by evangelizing the Assyrians and Egyptians as well as all ethinic groups.)

Tommy Thompson snubbed Brownback’s remark by saying that we have already divided Iraq into 18 states and we can’t even get Iraqi leaders to agree on little things much less how to divide up oil reserves, etc.

The most poignant moment of the debate for me was when the candidates were asked what their greatest mistake was. I was moved by Tom Tancredo’s answer. “I have no doubt… It took me thirty years before I realized that Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and Savior,” he said.
Click here for my coverage of previous debate.