Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Statesman, Politician or Polutician? Part 3

Political Jokes: No Laughing Matter

Q: How can you tell a politician is not lying to you?
A: He is riding in the back of a hearse.

Source: http://www.jokeratingmachine.com/


Q: What's wrong with political jokes?
A: They get elected.


Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Ultimate Polutician?


There is the Statesman. There is the Politician. Then there is the Polutician. The third category of our elected officials is analogous to a pristine nature preserve that gets bombed by napalm. In their not so subtle defacement of the American cultural landscape, they collectively are a cut below Politicians. They are the bottom-feeders, the carp, of the elected officialdom. In fact, Poluticians are the people who really give Politicians much of their debased reputation. These are the most dangerous among our elected officials. These are those who actively work promoting ideas and ideologies that are antithetical to American values and principles. These people are so slick and stealth, saying with straight faces one thing, while fully intending to do another.

Like our Islamic enemies, they use deceit and lies as a basic tactic or strategy in gaining, using and retaining power. Chief among the Poluticians today are those who seek to do all they can to wittingly and willingly corrupt or destroy American history, traditions and values in the name of anything other than the Christian and Biblical moorings of our Forefathers. These people use and abuse their power promoting causes that undermine the core principles on which this country was built. Poluticians exist on both sides of the political aisle. However, most tend to be concentrated in the leadership of the Democrat Party and fringe parties like the American Communist Party, etc. Two active and representative examples of Poluticians today are:

· Senator Edward Kennedy, D-MA
· Senator Hillary Rodham-Clinton, D-NY

These two people will stop at nothing to remake America into a socialist totalitarian state, of which Stalin or Mao would be proud. Take any issue, education, health care, welfare, homosexual “rights” and promotion of its perversity, and the war on terror, or immigration and you will find them on the wrong side of what our Forefathers fought, bled and died. Senators Kennedy and Rodham-Clinton want widespread government expansion and control at any and all costs. Instead of protecting rights they take away freedoms. What truly puzzles me is how these two and others like them with their perverse and destructive platforms keep getting elected. Enough of the public obviously has bought and swallowed their sweet, yet poisonous elixir.

They are almost universally on the wrong side of what is right morally and ethically, if not legally. In conjunction with the biased mainstream media hey literally force feed our children and our citizens with a daily pabulum of lies. They contend that women have a “right to kill their babies”, they claim homosexuals have a “right to not only live their unhealthy, unnatural and immoral lifestyles, but are entitled to special protected classification such as do the aged or the black person,”

Furthermore, Rodham-Clinton speaking this Spring at the annual radical homosexual activist Human Rights Campaign annual board meeting said to this group that the White House will be wide open to them when she is elected President. While Senator Ted Kennedy has relentlessly pursued passage of various “hate crimes” bills all of which are ultimately directed at silencing all speech deemed critical or condemning of the anti-biblical, godless immoral, unnatural, unhealthy destructive behavior. More, both Senators insist homosexuals have a right to indoctrinate and subvert the children going to government schools in their perverse behavior.

Both Poluticians have sought rigorously to establish and support Secular Humanism as the state religion, while all the time restricting, ridiculing and ruing anyone who dares to live and to share his or her Christian faith in public. Rodham-Clinton even dares to align herself while speaking in a black church in Alabama recently calling herself a “sister in the Lord” which is pure blasphemy! It’s a case of playing to the crowd . . . when with the Christians be a “Christian” when with the secular humanists, perverse, atheists, be the same . . . Not only is she a carpetbagger, she is a chameleon, too.

Poluticians (or maybe a better term would P-U-ticians) stink to high heaven. These putrid Poluticians actively seek to undermine, to wreck the America of our Founders. They literally shake their fist in the face of God and “evil” Christians and say to God, Jesus Christ and Christians “You have no right to exist” and “You interfere with our grand plan to install a universal secular-humanistic socialist utopia here in America and on earth.”

To summarize this three-part series then, there are three types or classes of elected officials:

· The great Statesman, who puts principle and the public good before politics
· The mediocre Politician, who puts himself or herself before all else
· The vile Polutician, who actively seeks to transform our democratic-republic form of government into a socialist state ultimately leading to loss of our sovereignty as a nation and bowing to some "greater" global utopia.

2008 will be a time when we need to begin to purge the Poluticians and even the Politicians from American government and political scene and to elect true Statesman-leaders regardless of party affiliation. Otherwise we have a Bill Clinton or an Ayatollah Ali Khamenei lead one-world government to look forward to, which would be nothing short of hell on earth.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Your three-part series is truly an eye-opener for anyone who is brave enough to accept the realities of the socialist agenda among many of today's elected officials.

    It is time for Americans to take a stand or forever be silenced by the socialists who will stop at nothing to bring about their New World Order. They are ruthless and have no care or concern for what is moral or upright.

    Should all of this suprise us though. After all, we would all do well to take into careful consideration what the psalmist has said: "The wicked walk on every side when the vilest of men are exalted" (Psalm 12:8). In other words they supress the godly of the land and preserve the way of the wicked.

    As we well know, laws are being passed to supress that which is good and upright, and laws are being passed to allow the evils of the land to abound.

    We are at the eleventh hour--the time is now. We must take every step necessary to alert others to the the spreading menace that will devour every freedom we have.

    We must demand change in the right direction for this country--and do so relentlessly.
