Monday, June 18, 2007

Statesman, Politician or Polutician? Part 2

Too Many Politicians Like Jimmy Carter

Saturday, in my blog article I asked the question “Is every Politician an unprincipled liar?” I added that, unfortunately, the common perception of most people, I think, is that most lawyers and car salesmen, Politicians are corrupt. Does’t it just come with the territory?

“Are there any true Statesmen on the political scene today in America?” There are some, but to be like a William Wilberforce it takes real guts to stand against the tide. “What is the difference between a true Statesman and a Politician? A Statesman is a respected, principle political leader. Today we will look at the second category of elected officials, the Politician.


The majority of our elected representatives fall into the Politician classification. These are basically unprincipled or wrong-principled people, who will say and do anything to get and remain elected. They are driven their own selfish interests or agendas or by polls not longstanding American principles or values. You really cannot count on them to be consistent in their positions. Sometimes they operate on their own selfish interest or hidden agenda. President Jimmy Carter, pictured above, is a typical political hack, a typical Politician. One definition of political hack is, "a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private rather than public ends . . ."
· President George W. Bush
· Senator John McCain

I voted for President Bush because I thought that he was a strong conservative and a true man of faith. However, especially since his second election and with his stealth foray making secret agreements to undermine American sovereignty with his move toward the North American Union and his deliberate deceit in regard to securing our southern borders, he has earned, in my mind at least, the designation of Politician. He is not a true Statesman. He has remained somewhat consistent on his pro-life, pro-faith and pro-family positions. However, he has not championed these positions to the extent that he did the Medicare Drug giveaway, "No Child Left Behind" or Amnesty for illegal aliens. He was courageous in taking action against Islamic-terrorism at least early on in his presidency. But he has not been consistent in neither social issues, fiscal issues nor in dealing with the immigration problem.

None of the seven Democrat Presidential candidates and none of the top three GOP candidates could be considered Statesman. The top three tier GOP presidential candidates are no better than Politicians. In fact, nearly all the Democrat Party candidates for President and Republicans Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney may even qualify to be a Poluticians based on their unclear and past voting records on the meaningful social issues – abortion and traditional marriage protection. We will define and discuss Poluticians, the third classification of elected representatives, more tomorrow, God willing. My feeling is that Romney and Giuliani, like George W. Bush say what they think most of the potential voters want to hear, not what they truly believe. It is awfully suspicious that Romney now is pro-life and pro-traditional marriage. Elections sometime cause “religious” and political conversions.

Senator McCain defines politician. He is a moderate on most issues trying to keep a foot on both sides of the fence. He is not someone I ever trusted. He cannot be trusted. His antics with the gang of fourteen personified what Politicians do best – compromising principles for political gain or expediency or publicity or one-up-man-ship.
We have discussed the first two categories into which elected officials fall, Statesman and Politician. Next we will discuss, Poluticians, the final classification of our elected officials.
To be continued

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Yes, there is a distinct difference between a true statesman and a politician. And proof abounds to support this.

    Your article brings to light just how the American political process has lost ground through the years.

    It's a time of "double-speak". Saying one thing and meaning another. I sometimes think that politicians somehow must reason within themselves that we Americans in general are not capable of knowing the difference between reality and deception.

    However, all of this brings me back to the wonderful wisdom of the Almighty. In that great Book of the Ages we are reminded that "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8). These wonderful words of wisdom help us to greater understand the thought processes and actions of those who pridefully call themselves politicians.

    Deception is rampant in our modern society, and we must always be on guard against it--lest we, too, become a helpless victim caught in its net.

    Great article!!!
