Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Imaginigration Bill, A Shamnesty

T.D. again forwarded a very informative email to us. The information below presents data from the usually liberally-biased L.A. Times newspaper, which would tend to downplay the crisis or understate the illegal alien problem, if anything. This same information holds true for other states as well. If the following information does not smack you between the eyes and shed some badly needed light on the current immigration dilemma, nothing will.

Unfortunately, nearly nothing in the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill (S. 2611) (AMNESTY) now being ramrodded through the Senate, despite the peoples outcry to the contrary, would change the picture significantly. No matter how much Bush, Kennedy, Kyl, Lott and Graham propagandize and pimp this bill otherwise, they deliberately deceive and lie about the affects of this bill. They made promises in the past to secure the border and are not to be trusted at all that they will comply with any new provisions or promises. Until our borders are secured and our current laws are enforced, creating new laws and new bureaucracies will compound and not correct the immigration problem. Congress continues to insult the general public in claiming this bill will solve anything.

Let's get a snapshot at what the illegal alien immigration has done in the state of California. For as California goes, so goes the nation, so some say.

>>> 40% of all workers in L. A. County ( L. A. County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.

>>> 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

>>> 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

>>> Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal , whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

>>> Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

>>> Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

>>> The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

>>> Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

>>> 21 radio stations in L. A. are Spanish speaking. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish. (There are 10.2 million people in L. A. County. )

(All 10 of the above are from the Los Angeles Times)

Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.

Over 70% of the United States' annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration.

29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

We are a bunch of fools for letting this continue and even expand under the amnesty bill.


Contact your U.S. Senators via phone, fax or email and urge them to vote against the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill (S2611) (AMNESTY). You know you could almost call this bill IMAGINIGRATION - because Bush and his hombres keep saying that "this is not amnesty." Good imagination guys, but I don't by your fantasy . . .

Email this blog article to at least two other people.


  1. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Don't believe a word of it. Why not link the article rather than re-write it and present it as you wish? What are you trying to hide?

  2. Hey Ko -

    I copied and included the "10 facts about immigration" that has been circulating on the internet. I did not check out each fact. However I did look up an article about crime and the illegal alien see:

    If I did research the "facts" I think I could find significant support from either the LA Times or other "reputable" sources. The illegal alien invansion is a major problem.

    I have read in several diferent sources that a large percentage of our prison population consist of illegal aliens.

    I do not believe that the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill will do anything to curb the immigration problem, it will just make it bigger . . . After all, it is a Shamnesty . . .

    What we need to do is to secure our borders, enforce the current immigration laws and to begin to deport the illegals one at a time.

  3. Anonymous1:07 PM

    It is my firm belief that this whole thing is a sham.

    When all is said and done--the U.S. government will have squandered billions of dollars of taxpayer money on this whole issue of amnesty and securing the border.

    Although millions have been earmarked for securing the border--we shouldn't hold our breath on it. There's more to all of this than meets the eye.

    By now most informed persons like us are well aware of the proposed North American Union (U.S., Canada, Mexico). And it's going to happen whether we want it too or not.

    Our "political mafia" in Washington will continue to syphon off as much of the American taxpayer's dollar as they can for the cause of amnesty and securing the border. But this is a smokescreen to deceive the American public as to what is really taking place. When all is said and done though, there will be an open border between the U.S. and Mexico. This has been in the works for a long time now.

    The American people are being deceived on every corner by its elected officials in federal government--except for a very small percentage who are sincere about turning this government around in the right direction.

    There has been in place quite sometime now a proposed global grouping of 10 nations. And when the North American Union is achieved it will constitute Region One of that global plan. The Europen Union is also a part of the BIG TEN. It now consists of 28 nations.

    Under the plan every nation on Earth will be united globally.

    All of this sounds like prophecy being fulfilled. We must not forget the ten-horned beast of the Book of Revelation with the ten crowns upon each horn. A crown is always symbolic of a reign of power.

    The Antichrist system of world government is at our doorsteps.

    America needs to wake up!!!
