Friday, June 15, 2007

McConnell Must Stop Mad March To Amnesty

Here is the text of the email message I sent to Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) this morning. He is the leader of the Republican Party in the United States Senate and is apparently listening to President Bush and appears to be leading GOP senators astray to approving amnesty.


As the leader of the Republicans in the Senate I ask you to end your support for the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill. Please do not cave into the Bush Administration's and lobbyists pressure for passage of this unnecessary and flawed bill. This bill is bad for America.

Where is the fence voted on prior to last year's General Election? President Bush promised to do something about the southern border security. The Senate promised to do something about our southern border security. NOTHING has been done. President Bush lied. The Senate lied. This bill is terrible. It is amnesty for illegal aliens.

Please change your mind and reject this bill and do all you call to stop its passage.

What most Americans want is SECURE OUR BORDERS, first and foremost, then ENFORCEMENT of CURRENT IMMIGRATION LAWS, and then DEPORTATION OF ILLEGAL ALIENS who have committed crimes, one at a time. FINE and/orJAIL all law-breaking business-owners/managers that hire and aid and abet illegal aliens. Only then should any consideration be given to guest worker or any additional immigration reform. However, we should never again even consider amnesty.

The government bureaucracy is not doing an effective job handling the current immigration problem, procedures and laws, how in the world can it be trusted to handle a vast expansion of immigration laws? This is wrong.

This bill is amnesty without proof that ANYTHING will be done about our border security, enforcement or effectively dealing with criminal illegal aliens here and now. NO AMNESTY.

Please, I urge you to stop this foolish march toward amnesty and instead, permanently stop the unrestrained, continued illegal alien invasion.

For God and America,


Really, the only closed doors should not be those behind which our politicians are making secret back room deals against the will of the people, but those (doors) currently wide open to illegal aliens at America's borders.

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