Sunday, September 05, 2010

Our Lady of Fatima, Isn't it Idolatry?

September 5, 2010
Mr. Robert E. Ritchie
PO Box 341
Hanover, PA 17331-0341
Dear Mr. Ritchie:

While attending the Glenn Beck rally August 28, 2010, I was handed a brochure on Our Lady of Fatima, by one of two men wearing suits, as I was leaving the rally.

It is called a statue in the literature, yet I am asked to look deep into her eyes. You write that she has a message. Can this statue actually speak? I am told to turn to Our Blessed Mother for help. How can she help? Even when she was alive she asked Jesus for help. She said to Him, “They have no wine.” Then she told the servants to do whatever Jesus said to do. Should not we also be living our lives in obedience to Jesus? He is the one who is God not Mary and certainly not this statue.

Isn’t this actually a form of idolatry which God says we should not be engaged in? Are we not told to go directly to God and no one else? Isn’t God listening for our prayers? Why bother with someone who is not almighty and divine and not able to help anyway?
I suspect you are headed for hell, the Great White Throne Judgment, and the Lake of Fire. I suggest you repent, confess to God you are a sinner, and invite Jesus into your heart.


1 comment:

  1. Sergio

    Of course, I believe that children are a blessing from God. But, people continued to have children even as they were sacrificing them to idols. There have been lots of cases when an infertile couple later began to have children even though they have don't have the particular religious leanings you describe. The Bible teaches that God rains on the just and the unjust. Using one anecdotal story (which has a purely naturalistic explanation) to prove a religious doctrine is a dangerous line of thinking. The Bible itself contains far greater miracles which have no natural explanation like the resurrection of Jesus, walking on water, and the virgin birth.
