Monday, June 18, 2012

2013: A Conservative Congress v. A Liberal President?

Conservative Leader US Senator Jim DeMint

Being absolutely disgusted with the choices that the two major political parties offer me by way of Presidential candidates, Romney and Obama who are both liberals at their core, I will expend my energy and resources in trying to insure that at least the Congress gains more conservative voices in this fall’s election. I wholeheartedly recommend to fellow conservatives, fellow Christians, and former Republicans that they support Senator Jim DeMint’s Senate Conservative Fund (SCF). I quote from a recent email I received from SCF

I don’t agree with the following statement about the presidential election made by Senator DeMint:
Conservatives are rightly focused on the presidential race this year, but winning the White House — as critical as it is — won’t be enough to save the country we love

But, I do agree with the second part of Senator DeMint’s contention:
(We can’t save the country) without a strong, conservative majority in the United States Senate.
                        Without a conservative Senate, we won't repeal Obamacare
                        Without a conservative Senate, we won't balance the budget.
                        Without a conservative Senate, we won't secure our borders.

                        Without a conservative Senate, we won't stop the bailouts.
                        And without a conservative Senate, we won't enact the pro-growth policies needed to get America back to work.
We need to focus on the Senate and House, Congress. Ideally we need to get rid of House Speaker Boehner and Senate Minority Leader McConnell. A conservative majority Congress will have to offset whichever liberal Presidential candidate occupies the White House.
Here are SCF current endorsements:

·     Josh Mandel (Ohio)

·     Ted Cruz (Texas)

·     Mark Neumann (Wisconsin)

·     Jeff Flake (Arizona)

·     Richard Mourdock (Indiana)
These candidates believe in the principles that make America great and understand the critical role the U.S. Constitution plays in preserving our freedoms
These leaders also have records that prove they're the real deal. And each of them has shown the courage to stand up to their own party when it was necessary.
So if you agree that winning a conservative majority in the U.S. Senate is vital to our nation's future and if you're willing to engage in these races even when the media ignores them, then please do two things today.
Make a contribution to SCF’s endorsed candidates. Without financial support, these candidates won't be able to win…

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