Thursday, November 03, 2016

"Get a Life!"

"Get a Life!"

Participating in the local pro-life 40 Days for Life campaign are a group of pro-life citizens from Richland and surrounding counties. We stand outside of the Mansfield’s abortion-referring facility on Park Avenue. This peaceful vigil has been underway since September 28 and continues through the first Sunday in November. Daily, many hours between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. are filled by pro-life advocates of various affiliations.

The majority of vehicles passing by, who observe our signs, honk, wave or offer a thumbs-up in support. However, there are a few drive-by angry looks, middle fingers and some discernible verbal assaults. One such verbal tirade, “Get a life,” was shouted by a drive-by motorcyclist.

Actually, “Get a Life” is what the 40 Days for Life - North Central Ohio/Mansfield campaign, as well as the other 270 nationwide 40 Days for Life campaigns are all about. We are attempting through prayer and fasting, community outreach and peaceful vigils to save lives. Abortion, after all, is not healthcare. Abortion done at any stage – from conception through moments before birth – ends the life of a unique human being made in the image of his/her Creator.

On average between 2010 and 2014, using Ohio Department of Health statistics, over 100 induced abortions are performed on females listing Mansfield area zip codes as their residence. Where exactly these abortions were performed is unknown, but I suspect they are committed at medical/surgical abortion centers in Columbus or Cleveland. Imagine, every week two or more defenseless Mansfield area babies are being exterminated. Potentially another Ben Carson or Mother Teresa may be among those murdered. What an atrocity we have allowed in our beloved country since 1973!

Yes, Sir, we are attempting to “Get a Life” and More saved… One of our sign reads, “A person is a person no matter how small.” “Small” is any human life originating at conception.

Every pro-life supporter must carefully consider which national party platform and which of the two flawed candidates is most likely to champion pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-family issues. Hint: It most definitely is not the Democrat candidate!

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