Sunday, February 09, 2020

Abortion is Murder, Fact or Fiction (Opinion)?

Recently I had an online conversation on Facebook with a person who differed with me about the injustice of abortion.

They declared, “Actually, to say abortion is murder is AN OPINION.  Whether to obtain an abortion or not is a difficult decision. Is it better to trade off then? Do you know how many women died in back alley abortions before it was legal and then died from complications? Are those women any less worthy of life? Why can't you let these decisions be between these people and their maker? 
My response:  First, abortion is NOT health care by any stretch of the imagination. Abortion in fact and in 99.9% of the cases abortion is unnecessary and is, in fact, murder. It is not an opinion, but fact and the truth. What else do you can the termination of human life at any point in a human’s lifecycle be considered? Choice, I don’t think so.

The abortion industry lied about the number of “back alley” abortions in the ‘60s and ‘70s. The figure is exaggerated. Would you legalize theft because some innocent people get beaten to death in a robbery? A crime (evil, injustice) is and will always be a crime (evil, injustice) whether the courts or legislatures declare it be or not.

Everyone is worthy of life. It is extremely rare that a woman’s actual physical life is ever in jeopardy necessitating an abortion. That is another lie perpetrated by the wicked, greedy, abortion industry and its advocates.

Abortionists and supporters of abortion most often to not recognize the Creator of life. Therefore in many cases their “maker” is actually themselves or the god of convenience or the. god of pleasure.

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