Sunday, September 20, 2020

What Democrats Want, Day 44, Countdown to Oblivion? HEALTHCARE.

As of today, there are 45 days until the most consequential election in American history. This is what they say about many past elections, but this is really it. For if the Democrats seize power – control of the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate and the Presidency – and doing it by hook or by crook (the justifies the means, you know) America as we know it will be forever changed. America envisioned and created by the Founding Fathers will disappear into the shadows of history.


The ungodly secular-humanists/Marxists slow march through America’s institutions over the last 100 years or so will have reached a crescendo – fulfilling Mr. Obama’s fundamental transformation of America. Never again will the demonic Democratic Party relinquish its grip on political power and control of the masses.


Envision with me what a Socialist Democratic Party, takeover, a bloodless coup, a regime change, would look like. This is one in a series of daily articles leading up to the 2020 General Election


THE Democrats want government run healthcare, call it ObamaCare, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicare-for-all or whatever. The Republicans want more choices than one managed by a Bureau of Motor Vehicles like bureaucracy. Death panels are the inevitable end of government-controlled healthcare system. We will look at some of the basic tenets of both the Democrats and the Republican health care policies.


Democratic Party Platform – Health Care commented in an article when the Democrats announced their 2020 Party platform, “While it’s described as the most progressive platform in the Democratic Party’s history and pushes the party to left on many issues including health care reform.” discussed in an August article some of the specific items in the Democratic Party Platform related to health care, these included:


Ø  “Giving everyone the option of choosing a public health insurance option like Medicare.”

Ø  “Proposes lowering the Medicare age from 65 to 60, for those who want to enroll earlier than they can today. That would benefit early retirees, whether they were laid off or voluntarily left employment, perhaps to start their own businesses.”

Ø  “The lowest-income Americans would be automatically enrolled in the public option without health care premiums; they could opt out at any time.”

Ø  “For people losing health insurance coverage due to lost jobs resulting from the pandemic, the federal government would pick up 100% of the cost of COBRA (the federal law extending employers’ health insurance for workers who lose it).”

Ø  “And there are several ideas to lower prescription drug costs that Democrats have pushed for years — including some Trump has supported.”

Ø  “Medicare would be free to negotiate prices with drug companies; makers of Medicare-covered prescriptions wouldn’t be allowed to raise prices by more than inflation and consumers could legally buy prescription drugs from other countries.”

Ø  “Cap out-of-pocket drug costs for seniors…”

Ø  “Create a Public Health Jobs Corps to mobilize at least 100,000 people and help identify those at risk of contracting or spreading infectious diseases.”


President Trump and the Republican Party


Ø  “Oppose universal healthcare coverage but is expected to continue to try to drive down healthcare costs by pressuring insurance companies into interstate competition, international drug makers to stop price gouging in America, and hospitals to make their prices transparent…” (1)


Ø  Getting rid of Obamacare -- “Rolling back the 2010 health care law, an effort he supported in his first year in office when Republicans pushed it in Congress. His administration is currently asking the Supreme Court to overturn the entire law, and he has repeatedly called for repeal of its provisions in his annual budgets. (2)


Ø  Provide consumers with a wide variety of options based on affordability --  “Trump administration issued regulations that allow health insurers to avoid consumer protection mandates in the health care law that require health plans to cover a basic set of benefits. That move has led to the proliferation of short-term plans that are sometimes cheaper for people who qualify — mostly those who are young and healthy — but which offer skimpier coverage.” (2)


Ø  Tighten requirements for Medicaid  -- “The president has also consistently backed major cuts to federal health care programs, including Medicaid. His administration has proposed hundreds of billions of dollars in reductions in Medicaid and tighter restrictions on who can get coverage, saying that the benefits currently offered cost taxpayers too much and discourage people from seeking work.


Ø  Continue to try to reduce cost of medicines  --  With many of his initiatives on drug prices still unfulfilled, the president recently directed his administration to make it easier to import cheaper drugs from other countries and to limit the rebates that middlemen, known as pharmacy benefit managers, can receive when they negotiate prices with drug makers on behalf of health insurers. Those new efforts would not take effect until well after the election, if then.” (20


Ø  Abortion is not health care and pull any health care funding for it.  --  The Trump administration has strongly backed initiatives to restrict access to abortion, to block funding for Planned Parenthood and overseas aid groups that counsel women about abortion and to lift the rules that require health plans to cover contraceptives for women.” (2)





Medicare and Medicaid Fraud

The Republican Party would be more likely to deal with Medicare and Medicaid fraud than the Democratic Party. As is true for almost all aspects of government there is a great deal of waste built in it.  Waste and programs that no longer work must be identified and eliminated.

Insurance Industry

The Democrats want government-run healthcare and see no need for insurance companies. The Republicans would like to see competition and choice expanded and offer customers more options. The Republicans prefer to see more private sector involvement and less direct government control.


The Democrats want to see medicines under the ultimate manufacture and control of government. That would stifle innovation. That would eliminate competition. That would regard new therapies. The Republicans are more supportive of a competitive pharmaceutical industry allowing the free market to pick winners and losers and not the government.

Veterans’ Healthcare

President Trump inherited a mess from the Obama Administration and has worked to improve it. He has introduced some private providers to serve some of the veterans.

Rationed Healthcare

Ultimately under any government-run health care system, which is supported by the Democratic Party. The results will include death panels, rationed care and like in Canada and other countries with socialized health care there are extensive wait times for some services. Not far behind will be more calls for increased abortion and euthanasia of the elderly and disabled.

The Decision

Do you want government bureaucrats determining your treatment plan and options? Do you want to wait in line or be denied services because of age or disability? Then vote for Harris-Biden.


Do you want a choice of health care providers and insurers? Do you want to see competition, innovation continued and expanded by the health care industry?  Then vote for Trump-Pen

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