Sunday, March 07, 2021




Stop your propaganda and science/biology denial, Rep. Cortez.

Gender dysphoric children are mentally ill, confused, deluded, disoriented, misguided, uninformed, troubled, in denial of who they are, in need of serious counseling and direction to bring them back to reality.  Any adult - parent, teacher, doctor, politician, or counselor - who reinforces this nonsense is guilty of child abuse.


gender dysphoria

  1. the condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one's biological sex.


You do these troubled children and this nation a disservice by perpetuating this "transgender" myth (lie). 

Refusing to deal with their mental/emotional sickness does not bode well for their future. Suicide is not driven by bullying or rejection of them as persons but by their inability to cope with something that they are not (pretending, fantasizing that they are the opposite sex/gender from which they were born.) 

Let me remind you, Rep. Cortez and your "trans" allies, that there are only two sexes (man and woman) and two genders (male and female.)  This is basic science,  basic biology, and confirmed biblical.  God does not make mistakes.  He designed human beings to be heterosexual.  To think or  to act (behave) otherwise is to  reject God's perfect plan. 

You are not God, stop shaping mankind into an "improved" image.

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